UK Power Networks will be undertaking essential maintenance works on Saturday 29 July 2023 from 10:00-15:00.
The areas affected by the power outage will be Beverley Farm, Keynes College, Tanglewood, Careers, Oaks Study Hub, Turing College (all blocks) and Hut 8.
All other buildings should be unaffected by the power outage.
Are you in need of a massage to help you relax and enjoy the summer?
Why not take us up on a 30-minute qualified massage for just £23 between 1-31 August 2023. We’re also extending the offer to members of the public too, so everyone can benefit from this reduced rate.
To book a massage during this time, you will need a minimum of Kent Sport Pay to Play membership (free, when you create an online booking account). Appointments can be booked online in advance, but must be attended between 1-31 August 2023. Alternatively, call us on 01227 823623 or email
How do I book?
You can choose between qualified and student-led appointments for many of our services. To find out more about our individual services, visit the Kent Sports Clinic webpage.
Qualified massages are bookable as 30-minute appointments as standard. Please contact if you would like to book a 60-minute appointment.
If you’re an existing customer, you can book and pay for services through your online booking account. New customers will first need to create a free account with Kent Sport. This is quick, easy and free to do. See our guidance for more information.
If you are resitting exams or taking an exam for the first time this summer, your exams timetable is ready to view in KentVision. If you have any questions about your exams timetable, please get in touch with your Division.
If you’re not resitting any exams but resubmitting coursework, you can find events and support from the Student Learning Advisory Service on our website. Best of luck!
The University of Kent is delighted to celebrate South Asian Heritage Month this year, between the dates of the 18th of July and the 17th of August.
British South Asians form a large percentage of the UK population, and naturally encompass a significant number of the staff and students represented within the vast community here at the University of Kent. The contributions of these Brits to entertainment, politics, science, sports, and many other areas central to British culture cannot be understated, rather, it is important that we take the time to recognise and celebrate such achievements.
Indeed, one of the core messages behind South Asian Heritage Month is seeking to understand, commemorate,, and celebrate the diverse cultures, communities and history that tie the UK and South Asia together.
According to the South Asian Heritage Trust (, South Asian Heritage Month encompasses several independence days connected to South Asian countries. The beginning and end dates of SAHM particularly call back to two significant events in 1947; the 18th of July marks the date that the Indian Independence Act gained royal assent from King George VI, whilst the 17th of August marks the date of publication of the Radcliffe Line, which established where the borders between India, West Pakistan, and East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) would be.
In 2023, the theme of South Asian Heritage Month is ‘Stories to Tell’. We have therefore chosen to focus our efforts on gathering articles which shed a light on the perspective of South Asian Brits in the 21st Century, as well as the past that has shaped us all. This will include written interviews with the authors of last year’s South Asian Heritage Week’s stories, that along with a plethora of resources, will be released over the coming weeks. We also invite you to check out the developments on our new South Asian Heritage page, available here:
We hope you all enjoy the rest of your summer – and, of course, South Asian Heritage Month!
Calling all coffee enthusiasts, students, and staff! The University of Kent catering team are thrilled to invite you to a very special coffee tasting event at the Gulbenkian Arts Centre Café on Tuesday 1 August, 10.00 – 12.00.
During this free event, you will have the pleasure of sampling four distinct filter coffees from four different suppliers. Each coffee will tell a unique story of its journey from bean to cup.
This coffee tasting event is not only about enjoying great coffee; it’s also an integral part of our coffee tender process. Your valued feedback during this tasting session will play a vital role in determining which coffee we serve on campus. As a university that values the preferences of its community, your voice matters in this decision-making process.
To complement the coffee tasting experience, an assortment of pastries will be available for you to enjoy as you sip and savour each coffee.
As an attendee, we kindly request you complete a short feedback survey after sampling the various coffees. By sharing your thoughts, you not only assist us in selecting the best coffee for campus but also stand a chance to win a fabulous prize –£50 credit on your KentOne card (staff/student ID)!
You have the freedom to drop in at any time during the event hours, allowing you to tailor your tasting experience to your schedule.
To book your place, please register online. Spaces are limited, so be sure to secure your spot early.
Remember, it’s not just a coffee tasting; it’s a chance to influence the future coffee culture on campus!
It’s been great to see our postgraduate community come together at events during the first month of PG Summer, including the Annual Postgraduate Conference, PG Summer Coffee Morning and PG Careers Week events. July brings lots more PG Summer events and activities, including:
Thu 6 July -Reflective writing is a powerful learning tool which can help you to understand your own thinking processes, challenge your assumptions and explore logical approaches to arguments. Try it for yourself with this 2 hour Reflecting Writing Workshop at the Drill Hall Library.
Wed 12 July – PG Summer Chill Zone: kick back with free refreshments, Nintendo Switch, board games, table football and more in Keynes.
Fri 14 July – Get outside for the PG Summer Lawn Games Afternoonfor lots of fun with interdivisional games and refreshments.
Tues 18 July – Join the PG Picnic hosted by Kent Union on the Registry Lawn – we’re ready for all weathers with picnic blankets, and covered spaces under the stretch tents.
Wed 19 July – What constitutes good mental health? Explore improving wellbeing at thispositive mental health workshop run by a counsellor from Student Support and Wellbeing, starting at the Labyrinth at Canterbury campus.
Wed 19 July – Find out the essentials for CVs and cover letters, including trends, hints and tips. This practical CV session is taking place in Medway building.
Mon 24 July – Kent Union are organising a day out to the beautiful seaside town of Margate. You can spend time at the Dreamland amusement park, explore the Old Town and visit the many independent shops and cafes. Spaces are limited so make sure you book your place as soon as possible.
Wed 26 July – Writing well academically can make a significant difference to the grades you can achieve. Join this two hour Writing Well Workshop at the Drill Hall Library to help develop your academic writing skills.
Thu 27 July – Take part in fun, interactive activities and enjoy refreshments in a relaxed atmosphere at the Summer Global Hangout in Nexus.
The 5-week Mindfulness course, organised by the School of Economics, but open to all students in the University showed that there is an increasing appetite for these kinds of tools to support learning.
The course, facilitated by Mindfulness practitioner Lorrainne Millard, had over 50 registrations.
‘The dimensions of the course that seem to have helped students most were dealing with feelings of anxiety, the ability to focus and feelings of happiness and joy.’ convener Dr Adelina Gschwandtner told us. ‘Most participants were women, 50% from a BAME background. 45% percent were studying at a postgraduate level and most of them came from the School of Psychology (48.5%) followed by the School of Economics (24.2%) and the School of Politics (9%). The overwhelming majority preferred that the course was run online offering more flexibility.’
Tiffany Akurut an MSc Economics student had not taken part in anything regarding mindfulness or mental health before but was persuaded by the virtual nature of the course.
‘No one could see you during the exercises, so you could just let go and just be yourself.’ Tiffany told us ‘Going into a room with other people, I don’t like being in such situations, just cause I’m shy. But if you wanted to speak up, you could and if you didn’t want to, you could just be quiet in the background and just listen.’
The course came at an ideal time for her.
‘Around the time when we were approaching exam season, we had multiple deadlines and I experienced a lot of anxiety that meant I was unable to focus. Then I would feel I didn’t deserve to sleep because of how little I have accomplished during the day. So then I am more tired, which makes me more stressed. So I end up in this cycle that I’m really unable to get out of.’
The course was the first time Tiffany Akurut had tried any Mindfulness techniques.
Portia Chere expressed that travelling to the UK from Botswana to study a financial economics MSc was overwhelming at times.
‘Yeah, it has been a culture shock, but it was also an exciting opportunity for me to travel from Africa because it is my first time travelling Internationally.’ Portia left her son and husband at home for the year while she studies. ‘I think maybe because being an international student, having to come here alone without my family, was a bit of a challenge to settle in so I really needed something that could keep me motivated throughout the my journey in learning.‘
Portia Chere travelled from Botswana to study a financial MSc at Kent.
Gladness Sebifelo has been studying an MSc in development economics after studying for her undergraduate at the University of Botswana ten years ago.
‘When I arrived in the UK.I had to start teaching myself to learn again, andbecause I arrived two weeks late, I couldn’t catch up easily, you know? So that alone gave me a lot of stress. Like, will I make it? Justbeing in a different environment was stressful. So I was always asking myself what can I do? Where can I get help?’
Before this Gladness’ only experience of mindfulness came from social media ‘-just the memes that you always read that encourage people.’
‘I think I had a stubborn mind. I was like, ohhh will it work?’
‘But I was like, 5 weeks. One hour a week. It wont hurt.‘
The structure of the course was varied.
‘It was a mixture of everything. So you do a practical exercise with everyone, like breathing techniques or like a physical exercise and then, Lorraine, would you usually go into the theory behind it,’ Tiffany explained ‘Then you would go into breakout rooms and discuss the weeks homework, what you did, if you’re able to do anything, what you’re accomplished, how it made you feel.’
Participating alongside others who are also struggling with stress and anxiety turned out to be helpful in and of itself Tiffany found.
‘I think sometimes you think that you’re the only person feeling this thing, going through this, but when you talk to other people, you understand you are experiencing the same thing. It’s great feeling that you’re not alone in this.’
‘However we respond to situations, we hold that power ourselves.’ Gladness Sebifelo
Gladness Sebifelo came away from the course with a sense of empowerment.
‘I know now it’s me who is in control. Nobody else. So if I don’t control the situationI’m in, nobody else will come out and and and do it for me. Soit’s all about me and how to tackle my situations.’
Portia suggested that the course would be suitable for anyone ‘I don’t think it’sthere’s somebody who is tailor made for it, because I think it it cuts across so many things, whether it’s to improve on your relationship with your family, your communication, your wellbeing. So I think everybody can use this course.’
Due to the tremendous positive feedback and the large number of registrations this year we are planning to organise the course again in 2023-2024.
Nexus staff can help with any query, signposting you in the right direction. You can ask Nexus for help with accommodation, course queries and admin, KentOne card issues, support and much more.
Between 17-21 July, Nexus will operate online only while the Nexus staff help out at the graduation ceremonies.
From Monday 24 July, Nexus will reopen in Templeman Library. The summer opening times are Monday – Friday, 9:00-17:00.
Before starting his part-time Master’s at Kent, Jonathan had worked at the Government’s Money and Pensions Service, which runs the Moneyhelper website. It was there that he learned all about the problems people have understanding pensions and planning for future, inspiring him to write this book with co-author Robin Powell.
Jonathan says “’How to Fund the Life You Want’ is designed to explain the pensions and investment puzzle for UK readers. There are lots of US-based books about money and investing, but my co-author Robin Powell and I wanted to write one that exactly fitted the laws and circumstances in Britain. We also included a downloadable workbook; we wanted to make it a highly practical book, which people could apply to their own lives (so not just a theoretical exercise).”
The judges commented on the book “How to Fund the Life You Want takes a subject which is often viewed as dry and brings it to life with good, punchy writing, great book design and clear diagrams and images. The end result is an accessible and practical guide to personal finance that dispels myths, busts jargon and clarifies the best options for the reader to build their wealth through savings, pensions and investments. Robin and Jonathan show solid expertise on the topic and place important focus on evidence-based strategies rather than simply whatever is currently in fashion, making this a refreshingly honest look at personal finance.”
If you’re still on campus over the summer, why not turn your event idea into a reality as a part of PG Summer?
Co-funded by Global and Lifelong Learning and Student Services, the Fund offers University of Kent students the chance to apply for a financial award of up to £250 to help run a multicultural event.
Chinese New Year event
Previous events supported by the fund include Diwali, Chinese New Year, Thanksgiving, Kent African Summit, Newroz, Holi, an African Evening Gala, a Discover Islam event, a Japanese Cultural Festival and a Thai Festival.
Your event can be anything you like, as long as it aims to benefit as wide a part of the University community as possible.
Samba parade
To apply, simply visit theWorldFest Bitesize Fund website to download and complete the application form. You’ll need to explain in the form how the event or activity will foster multicultural learning and community building within the University, as well as how you plan to measure the success of the event.
Then, simply email your completed application to, including as the subject line ‘WorldFest Bitesize Fund Application’.
Kent Africa Summit
All students enrolled at the University are eligible, but applications must be submitted in advance of the event; the fund cannot reimburse events that have already taken place.
Why not apply to the Fund and turn your event idea into a reality? Visit theWorldFest Bitesize Fund page for further details.