Category Archives: Uncategorized

Vicky Annis at the Kent Sport Physiotherapy Clinic

Free online consultations with Kent Sport Physiotherapy Clinic!

UPDATE: Our free initial online consultations have been extended throughout June 2020!

The Kent Sport Physiotherapy Clinic is pleased to now offer free 20 minute online or telephone consultations with Vicky Annis, lead physiotherapist. Consultations are open to all, whether you have used the clinic previously or whether you have never experienced physiotherapy; and whether you are a student or staff member at the University of Kent or whether you are from the wider community.

The clinic, situated at the University of Kent sports centre on the Canterbury campus, remains physically closed while following government coronavirus guidance. However, Vicky has a wealth of physiotherapy experience and expertise and is keen to continue to assist and support people during these challenging times.

“I am extremely excited to offer free online physiotherapy consultations. This will enable me to keep in touch with clients and is currently the closest opportunity to fulfil what I enjoy doing the most. Whether this time is used to simply touch base, update on where you are at or ask questions, I am more than happy to help.”

She recognises that the unusual circumstances that we find ourselves enduring may for some lead to increased stress, anxiety, discomfort or pain. Many people may be tolerating issues without knowing where to turn for help and advice during this time of social distancing and isolation. The clinic wants to continue to support your freedom, ease of movement and quality of life during this pandemic. You can hear more from Vicky about this announcement in this video.

“The online physio appointments with Vicky have been so helpful and beneficial. She was able to apply her skills and knowledge about physiotherapy via a Zoom meeting during our consultation, and she provided me with a variety of exercises to work on during a two-week period after which we had a follow up appointment. Vicky is genuinely nice and caring and really helped me improve my running performance–I would not hesitate to contact her again!” Suzy Mejia-Buenano

To find out more about Kent Sport Physiotherapy Clinic please visit our website and to stay up to date Like us on Facebook.


Lockdown Lunchtime Music Scholars’ Concert

Join the Music Department for a unique event on Tuesday 2 June, as we present a online Lockdown Lunchtime Concert as part of an online Summer Music Week!

From Scottish piping and Baroque woodwind to nimble electric guitar and a song from ‘The Prince of Egypt,’ we’re delighted to present a special Lockdown Lunchtime Concert!

Taking place between 13.15 – 13.40, this virtual concert will be featuring several University Music Performance Scholars and Award Holders recorded performing in isolation in their homes (and gardens!).

Click on this YouTube link and you can watch from wherever you are as we bring a selection of musical morsels for your lunchtime viewing pleasure.


Staff at Kent

Important changes to Pay and Reward at Kent

The Reward Strategy proposals for changes to pay and additional reward are available to view on the HR staff webpages. All University staff are affected by these proposals and you are invited to give feedback before 5 June 2020.

The proposals are the result of a project that has been underway since 2018 to revise the University’s Reward Strategy, with the aim of:

  • Providing a competitive offering across all roles and pay scales
  • Futureproofing our pay arrangements
  • Supporting our work to close gender pay gaps and increase transparency
  • Addressing anomalies from the last Equal Pay Audit
  • Accommodating growth in the National Living Wage

The proposals are also aimed at minimising redundancies as part of ongoing collective consultation, with a forecast that the proposed changes will save the equivalent of 23 posts, providing an important contribution to improving the University’s finances.

Proposed changes include:

  • Changes to the Grades 1-10 pay framework
  • Redesigned pay scales for senior Professional Services staff and Professors
  • A new reward framework
  • Additional reward mechanisms

Full details are included on a dedicated staff web page, together with background and transition information to enable you to understand what is being put forward.

Senior Professional Services staff and Professors should send their feedback directly to the Reward Team at before 5 June 2020.

Staff in grades 1-10 should send feedback to their Staff or Trade Union Representative before 5 June 2020. Names of Trade Union and Staff Representatives are included on the web page to guide you to the appropriate person.

The proposals for staff in Grades 1-10 and the reward framework/additional reward will be discussed at the next JSNCC meeting on 5 June 2020 with a view to reaching a collective agreement. The proposals for the senior staff pay scales will be considered at the Remuneration Committee meeting on 12 June.

Your feedback is therefore important – thank you.

Alison Ross-Green | Director of HR and Organisational Development

Dr. Laura Bailey

Dr. Laura Bailey appears on the ‘Voice of Islam’ radio show

Dr Laura Bailey, Lecturer in the Department of English Language and Linguistics, recently appeared on the Voice of Islam radio show to discuss the evolution of language.

Laura considered the recent statement by Elon Musk that language may well disappear in the next five years as an effect of technology.

“This is not something that we have the technology to achieve based on what we have now,” Laura stressed, “However, it is a thought experiment worth thinking about. Technology could help those who have disadvantages. However, we don’t want to reach the point where we’re reading each other’s thoughts.”

When asked on how technology could affect the way we communicate and talk, Laura responded: “I dare say it would, but whether it would be for better or worse, I don’t know. As linguists, we wouldn’t say any form of communication is better or worse.”

Listen to the full episode on Soundcloud (Laura’s segment begins at 37:57).

Staff in Registry

JSNCC – nominations for non-union representative

The Joint Staff Negotiating and Consultation Committee (JSNCC) is the main forum for consultation between the University and its staff on matters of mutual interest.

Staff membership of the JSNCC comprises representatives of each of the trade unions and four representatives of non-union staff: two from the professional services and research support staff in grades 1 to 6; and two from the academic, research and professional services staff in grades 7 and above.

One of the current representatives, Denise Twomey, will be leaving the University, and so nominations are now invited for one position to represent staff grade 7 and above. Staff members working within grade 7 and above are encouraged to apply.

Nominations can be made by responding to the nomination email which was sent to eligible staff on Tuesday 26 May 2020.  All nominations must be proposed and seconded by two other staff members and nominees must confirm that they agree to be nominated. The deadline for completed nomination forms is 17.00 on Tuesday 9 June 2020.

Why join the JSNCC?
Acting as a staff representative is interesting and rewarding. It provides the opportunity to discuss and comment on University plans and policies, to meet a wide range of new people and to gain valuable personal development. Training and support will be provided to the successful candidates.

Find out more about the JSNCC and the nomination and election processes on the JSNCC website or by contacting HR via


Logo for University of Kent Graduate School Prizes 2020

Winners of the 2020 Graduate School Prizes

We are delighted to announce the winners of this year’s Graduate School Prizes. Visit the Graduate School for what the winners and nominators had to say.

Postgraduate Researchers

Laura Thomas-Walters, School of Anthropology and Conservation, with particular recognition for their contribution towards public engagement

Boniface Otieno Oyugi, School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research, with particular recognition for their contribution to publications and grants

Simon Cooksey, School of Computing, with particular recognition for their contribution towards impact

Gianna Maria Eick, School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research, with particular recognition for their contribution towards external collaboration

Alice Helliwell, School of Arts, with particular recognition for their contribution towards cohort building.


Postgraduate Administrator

Emily Rae, Paris Centre Administrator


Postgraduate Supervisor

Professor Murray Smith, Professor of Film Studies, School of Arts

Dr Tamar Jeffers McDonald, Head of School of Arts


Postgraduate Teacher

Eva Sigurdardottir, School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research

The Graduate School was delighted to receive a high number of exceptional nominations for this year’s Graduate School Prizes competition. The Graduate School recognises the significant contribution made to the University of Kent by Postgraduate Researchers, Postgraduate Teachers and academic and professional services staff across the University. We would like to thank everyone for their excellent work in support of postgraduate education and research at Kent.

A laptop, with a notebook, glasses and cup of tea.

More Care First webinars for you to attend!

As we’re all very much still dealing with the impacts of Covid-19, Care First have still got some webinars for you for next week.

Please find the schedule below.

 Employees can register their interest in attending a webinar and receive reminders of when it is due. If they miss a webinar, a recorded version will be available using the same link 1+ hour after the webinar has finished.

Tuesday 26 May 2020 – ‘Woebot: Your friendly AI emotional assistant’

Guest Speakers: James Murray & Sarah Pajarito from Woebot introduce
Time: 16.00 – 16.45 . To register please click on this Go to webinar link.

Wednesday 27 May 2020 – ‘New Routines after Lockdown’

Time: 12.00 – 12.30. To register please click on this Go to webinar link.

Thursday 28 May 2020 – ‘Resilience, what is it? How do we build it?’

Time: 11.00 – 11.30. To register please click on this Go to webinar link.

Friday 29 May 2020 – ‘Coping with the pressure to be productive during Lockdown’

Time: 11.00 -11.30. To register please click on this Go to webinar link.

Lecturer in the Department of Classical and Archaeological Studies

Patty Baker awarded grant for work on Ancient Roman gardens

Patty Baker, Lecturer in the Department of Classical and Archaeological Studies, has been awarded a Public Engagement Grant from the Institute of Classical Studies, her second this year, to work with the Trust for Thanet Archaeology to recreate an Ancient Roman garden.

The project involves University of Kent students and members of the Trust. Once the garden is created it will be used as a resource to teach the general public about ancient gardening techniques, plants, and sustainable gardening practices. The project is directly related to Patty’s research that explores Roman gardens as healthful spaces, for which she is completing a monograph.

For more details on the Trust for Thanet Archaeology and the work they do please visit their website.

Kent Logo

Financial Sustainability: Credit cards and travel

We are currently introducing a number of changes to how we procure goods and services as part of wider work to reduce our non-staff costs. This is being coordinated by a task force led by Procurement with members from JSNCC and both central and divisional finance, building on the good work already underway in a number of areas to reduce budget spend.

To support this, the Cash & Capital Approvals Committee has approved plans to place restrictions on both credit card and travel use with immediate effect. This will be an essential part of improving our finances, ensuring as much resource as possible can be put towards core University work.

Credit cards 

Credit card use will be restricted to a small number of nominated areas, with all other cards given a £0 limit. Cards with active subscriptions to services such as Facebook, Twitter or Mailchimp will remain open so that these payments can continue, but with all other categories apart from subscriptions blocked. Any other payment card spend will have to be requested via the Procurement Team, who will be in touch with cardholders directly to confirm local arrangements.


From today, the Travel Booking Portal will be switched off to prevent any travel booking until the Covid-19 travel restrictions are lifted. Log-ins to Key Travel will be suspended until further notice, with any requests for travel made directly via the Procurement Team until further notice.

Expenditure that would ordinarily be incurred using payment cards or through the Key Travel system should not be made using personal payment methods and reclaimed through staff expenses. Please refer to the Staff Expenses and Benefits Policy for full details of eligible expenditure that can be reclaimed in this way.

Please contact the Procurement Team if you have any questions.

Professor Karen Cox

Vice-Chancellor’s update – 20 May 2020

As I mentioned in my last update, we now have a programme of work underway to support a phased return of our activities over the coming months.

Our aim is to ensure that student recruitment and progression, teaching, research and knowledge exchange can be delivered from the start of the next academic year. We are looking at a mix of online delivery alongside socially distanced approaches to any face-to-face delivery.

Colleagues across the University are being drawn on for this work and we will continue to extend this engagement as we develop this plan. We will also continue to work closely with the trade unions and staff representatives, as well as drawing on health and safety and national guidance, as we move through this transition period.

The wellbeing of our staff and students will be at the forefront of all our planning and we will need to make sure we have appropriate support mechanisms in place for those who will need it. As we move forward with this work, we will need to balance the needs of all staff. There is no doubt that, while I am conscious there are many of you who are keen get back on to campus, there are as many who are understandably highly concerned about the next steps.

How we return from lockdown will be a key area of focus at next week’s Senior Leadership Forum and I will update you on those discussions in the next newsletter.

I know many of you are continuing to have to work in difficult circumstances. Please do keep in touch with line managers at this time and seek support and advice. We are keen to help. Please be assured that everyone’s efforts right across the whole University, from Medway and Canterbury to our European centres, are appreciated at this difficult and unprecedented time.

My very best wishes to you and your families,


Professor Karen Cox | Vice-Chancellor and President