Category Archives: Student Support and Wellbeing

Social running for ADHD

Neurodiversity Celebration Week: Student Clubs and Activities

This Neurodiversity Celebration Week (17 -23 March) check out some of the social clubs, activities and support for neurodivergent students.

  • Social Running for ADHD: A supportive running group held every Wednesday during term time, from 12:00-12:45. It’s open to students diagnosed with or waiting for an ADHD assessment, aiming to boost focus and wellbeing through a friendly jog across our Canterbury campus.
  • Sow Grow and Eat!: A social gardening activity at the Kent Community Oasis Garden that offers students with autism or social anxiety a chance to enjoy nature, socialise, and develop new skills.
  • Autism Model Making Club: For students interested in creating models, this club fosters creativity and social interaction in a relaxed environment.
  • Board Games Social Club: Perfect for those who love to meet new people and enjoy games in a friendly setting.
  • University of Kent Autistics Social Group: A space for students on the autism spectrum to connect with others and share experiences.
  • ADHD Peer Support Group: A peer-led group designed to provide support and a sense of community for those managing ADHD.
  • Counselling Team Mindfulness Colouring: A calming activity that encourages mindfulness and relaxation through creative expression.

Check out more events and follow @UniKentSSW on Instagram.

Hear what the students say:

‘The Board Games Social Club is a very friendly and social activity’

‘The social run is an amazing way to connect with people along with keeping ourselves fit while running.  Sam and Josh are superb instructors who keep motivating us’

‘As someone who had never run in her life (even after the bus or the train), I was apprehensive to join the run at first. But I thought I would give it a try to meet other students with ADHD, get some exercise in, and essentially get out of my room early in the morning. It was a great decision because I did all of that and also started building my stamina. Running also helped me with my anxiety along with ADHD. Social running is a great way to build a habit. Sam and Josh are wonderful and very supportive. I never thought I would join a running group, let alone enjoy it. I look forward to the run every week. Aiming for 5k in the near future!’ Neha – Masters student

staff and student talking

Updating how our teams work together

At Kent, we’re committed to ensuring you have the best possible experience while you study with us. Universities across the UK are facing significant financial challenges, and we’re taking steps to address these at Kent in a way that prioritises your education and wellbeing.  

As we updated previously, we recently ran a Voluntary Severance Scheme to make savings by supporting staff who are looking to leave the University. Alongside this, we are making some higher-level changes to how support and administration teams work together. There is no change to the support teams you currently work with at this stage – we’ll let you know if anything student-facing does change if and when this is confirmed. 

The proposed changes don’t affect our new Academic Schools and are intended to improve alignment with the new structure. The changes will enable back-office functions to be more student-focused, helping us meet students’ needs now and in the future. 

Under the proposal being discussed with staff now, we would bring existing teams together into nine new directorates: 

  1. Finance
  2. Information Technology Services
  3. Marketing, Recruitment and External Engagement 
  4. Research, Innovation and Business Development
  5. Student Life 
  6. Campus Services
  7. Planning, Insights and Improvement
  8. Human Resources and Organisational Development 
  9. Governance, Assurance and Legal Services  

Several of the current student-facing teams would come together within Student Life, ensuring better cohesion between key teams who support you throughout your time with us. This includes postgraduate support, with dedicated PG activity delivered through the Student Life directorate along with your academic support via your School. 

Your Support at Kent  

We understand how important it is to have consistent and reliable support throughout your time here. Our teams remain focused on ensuring continuity of support in all areas of university life, from your academic studies to wellbeing, accommodation, and campus services. No matter what changes happen behind the scenes, you can rely on dedicated teams to provide a consistent experience through the changes. This includes:  

From September 2025 we are also making broader changes to support your studies, following the changes to our course portfolio last year. This includes new modules with more industry and employability links, along with a revised academic year structure which means your assessments will happen much closer to when you study your course content. Keep an eye out for further updates on this throughout the term. 

Get Exams Ready

If you are sitting exams at Kent this summer, our Exams 2025 guidance is now out!

Guidance includes technical support with online exams, what to expect from in-person exams and support available to you. Your exam timetable will be available on KentVision around two weeks before the end of the Spring term, so week commencing 24 March.

Apply for Exam Adjustments by Friday 7 March

If you need, or think you need, adjusted exam arrangements because of a disability, medical condition, or mental health condition and haven’t yet arranged your ILP, the deadline is this Friday 7 March.

Pride inclusive flag

What is LGBT+ History Month?

LGBT+ History Month takes place every February in the UK and is a month-long celebration of LGBTQIA+ identity and observance of the injustices and discrimination faced by the community in the past and faced by many still to this day. LGBTQIA+ people have the right to live their lives as their true, authentic selves free of fear, discrimination or harassment and one of the goals of LGBT+ History Month is to move us as a culture towards a society that is kinder and fairer to LGBTQIA+ people.

The 2025 theme is Activism and Social Change, and is a landmark year as it celebrates 20 years of UK LGBT+ History Month and 50 years of its parent organisation, Schools OUT UK, which was founded in 1974 to campaign for educational change and empowering people in all learning settings to create environments where all LGBT+ people feel safe, seen and supported. UK LGBT+ History Month was founded to be dedicated space to celebrate our rich and diverse history, herstory and theirstory. LGBT+ History Month also chooses and celebrates five individuals every year. This year they are Octavia Hill, Ivor Cummings, Annie Kenney, Charlie Kiss and Olaudah Equian.

What’s On at Kent

At Kent, LGBT+ History Month is co-organised by the University of Kent and Kent Students’ Union, with input and consultation from the LGBT Staff network and the LGBTQIA student network and societies. Events are open for staff and students and the vast majority are free. Check them out on the webpages

Key events include:

  • The Affirmation Wall (all month): Got something to say to your younger self, your future self, your friends or your loved ones? Find the Affirmation Wall the Templeman Library and add your message of love and hope to it
  • Poster Making Competition (8 February): Design a poster which will be displayed in the Library. The winning poster with the most votes on Instagram will receive £20 in catering vouchers
  • Staff and Student social and lunch (13 February): The staff and student networks get together to chat, eat and make friends!
  • Online Kahoot Quiz (16 February): Struggling to get to anything in person? No worries, the online quiz is for you!

There are loads more events and activities taking place, with more being added to the planning so check back often.

 What support is available to me?

  • We have a large number of resources available to support LGBTQIA+ students at Kent and can signpost to external resources.
  • Kent Students’ Union (KSU) run the LGBTQIA+ Network to act as a voice for LGBTQIA+ students.
  • The University has the LGBTQ+ Staff Network, open to any staff member who identifies as LGBTQIA+. The Network hold regular social activities for members and Allies.
  • The University runs a Gender Affirmation Fund for students who identify as trans, non-binary or gender queer.
  • The University has an Inclusive Language Guide to help support staff and students in developing their Inclusive Language skills
  • The Canterbury Trans Network runs a bi-monthly social on campus
  • The KSU LGBT+ History Month webpages feature a Curiosity Hub, designed to display dozens of films, books, podcasts, celebrities and more – all handpicked by staff and students at Kent, with each recommendation relating to LGBT+ History Month and Pride. There are even hand-out resources as well as links to the various schemes that are available to support LGBTQIA+ students at Kent.

Did you know that university students are no longer eligible for Subject Access Requests by a parent or guardian? We will never share your personal, disclosed information with anyone without your express permission.

What do I do if I have experienced prejudice or discrimination?

We are committed to ensuring that all students and staff are supported at Kent and are able to study and work to their fullest potential. We also take discrimination, harassment and bullying extremely seriously. If you feel that you have been subjected to any form of bullying or discrimination due to your LGBTQIA+ identity, please do report it via the Report and Support tool. This will trigger an investigation and support for you, although you can report anonymously if you prefer.

Look out for more blog posts and information over the course of the month, and we hope you enjoy LGBT+ History Month.

What do I do if I want more information?

If you have any comments or feedback about this month’s activity, or any other History Month or equality, diversity or inclusion related activity, please do email

Sue Sanders Reflects on the Legacy and Impact of LGBT+ History Month

Sue Sanders, a long-time LGBTQIA+ advocate and activist, shared her insights about the formation and evolution of LGBT+ History Month, its impact over the years, and the role that allies, schools, and universities play in promoting inclusivity and supporting LGBTQIA+ rights.

The Birth of LGBT+ History Month and Schools OUT UK

In 1974, a group of teachers in the UK came together to create Schools OUT, a social group that soon became politically charged after the sacking of one of their members, John Warburton, for being openly gay. The group was born out of a necessity to support teachers who were being dismissed due to their sexual orientation—a time when unions, unfortunately, weren’t helping.

By the mid-1980s, Sue Sanders became involved with Schools OUT and worked alongside other key figures like Paul Patrick and Jill Spraggs to challenge Section 28, a piece of legislation designed to prevent the teaching of LGBT+ issues in schools. Despite the law being repealed in 2003, its shadow lingered over educational institutions, leaving many teachers unsure about how to approach LGBTQIA+ topics.

A Quiet Revolution: The Birth of LGBT+ History Month

Recognizing the need for visibility and education, Sue Sanders and Paul Patrick launched LGBT+ History Month in February 2005. While initially funded with a modest grant from the Department of Education, the month quickly grew in scope and popularity. Sanders reflected on how they never imagined the event would reach the scale it has today. In its first year, LGBT+ History Month had over 100 events listed on its website—far exceeding their hopes.

Now, 20 years later, LGBT+ History Month is a well-established part of the educational and cultural calendar. Sanders and the Schools OUT team continue to work tirelessly to highlight the achievements and contributions of LGBT+ individuals, helping to create more inclusive and diverse spaces.

A Shifting Curriculum: The Power of Themes

Each year, Sanders and the small team behind LGBT+ History Month carefully select a theme. In 2025, the theme is “Activism and Social Change,” a timely and relevant topic in the face of increasing opposition to LGBT+ rights both in the UK and globally. The theme allows educators to tie discussions about LGBTQIA+ history to wider societal movements, enabling students to understand how activism and social change intersect with LGBT+ issues.

Alongside the annual theme, Sanders and her colleagues select five LGBT+ figures to focus on during the month. In 2025, these include Octavia Hill, a founder of the National Trust; Charlie Kiss, a pioneering trans activist; and Annie Kenney, a bisexual working-class suffragette. Each of these figures embodies the intersectional nature of LGBT+ identity, representing a mix of race, gender, and social class.

The Impact of LGBT+ History Month: Celebrating Progress

Reflecting on the progress made over the past two decades, Sanders noted significant changes in societal attitudes. Museums, archives, and educational institutions are now more likely to recognize and honour the identities of LGBT+ people. However, she pointed out that there is still work to be done—particularly when it comes to disabled LGBT+ individuals, whose contributions are often overlooked.

LGBT+ History Month has not only raised awareness of LGBT+ history but also helped support other marginalized communities. Sanders played an instrumental role in establishing other history months, such as Women’s History Month and Disabled History Month, highlighting the need to recognize and celebrate the diversity of human experience.

The Role of Universities in Supporting LGBT+ Rights

When asked about the role of universities in advocating for LGBT+ rights, Sanders emphasized their responsibility to provide safe and supportive environments for LGBT+ students. Universities must do more than just offer a safe space; they should actively work to support LGBT+ students’ needs, including ensuring visibility for trans people, offering resources, and developing policies to address hate crime and bullying.

Given the rising attacks on trans rights globally, Sanders stressed that universities must take a proactive role in challenging harmful rhetoric and ensuring that LGBT+ students feel welcome on campus.

Allies: A Crucial Force for Change

The conversation also turned to the importance of allies in the fight for LGBT+ rights. Sanders noted that allies have always played a crucial role in advocating for LGBT+ rights, citing how some of the most impactful progress during the Section 28 fight was made with the help of straight allies. Allies, she said, need to educate themselves, challenge homophobia and transphobia when they see it, and actively support LGBT+ people.

A Hope for the Future: Usualising Diversity

When reflecting on her legacy, Sanders expressed the hope that one day LGBT+ History Month will no longer be necessary because LGBT+ identities will be fully integrated into society. She emphasized the importance of “usualising” rather than “normalising” diversity, a concept she introduced after the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry, to encourage the acceptance and celebration of all marginalized groups, not just as “normal” but as vital contributors to society.

In her closing thoughts, Sanders emphasized that tackling issues like homophobia, racism, and ableism cannot be done in isolation. The work to create an inclusive society requires addressing all forms of prejudice and discrimination.

Looking Forward

As we celebrate the 20th anniversary of LGBT+ History Month, Sanders’ legacy is firmly rooted in the ongoing work to make the world a more inclusive place for all. Her tireless advocacy and commitment to visibility continue to inspire new generations of activists, educators, and allies. While there is still much work to be done, Sanders remains hopeful that, through collective action, the fight for equality will continue to progress.

For more information about LGBT+ History Month and to get involved, visit the official website at LGBT+ History Month.

The Importance of Accessible Sports for Disabled People

It feels safe to assume that, at this point, every person with a disability or chronic illness has been told at least once that they should simply try exercising more in order to address their health issues. In fact, being told by well-meaning strangers to try Yoga or Pilates is such a recurrent joke in the disability community that there are now T-shirts being sold with the slogan ‘Yes, I’ve tried Yoga!’. None of this is to say that exercise is not good for you; research from Public Health England found that for ‘disabled adults with physical and cognitive impairments physical activity is associated with increased cardiorespiratory fitness, improved muscular strength, improved functional skills, reduced disease risk and prevention, and improved psychosocial wellbeing and community.’ At the same time disabled people are twice as likely to be inactive as the general adult population. While some of this is due to the significant impact of some health conditions, there is also a broader issue of a lack of suitable sporting activities being available.

For those with lifelong conditions in particular, being unable to participate well (or at all) in school sports is likely to be a foundational memory, while any disabled or chronically ill person who has ever taken part in mainstream sports will be able to attest that on average there is a lack of disability awareness on behalf of sporting providers and instructors. As such parasports, that is, sporting activities designed with disabled people in mind, fill an important gap in mainstream provision. In this country, Channel 4’s showcasing of the Paralympics every 4 years has done much to raise awareness of the existence of a range of parasports. However, just like most weekend joggers aren’t engaging in Usain Bolt level training, most disabled people aren’t looking to become the next Hannah Cockroft or Alfie Hewett and train at an elite level. Club sports and beginner-level classes are just as important, if not on average more so, than facilities for elite pare-athletes. Sport England’s Active Lives survey for 2022-23 nevertheless highlighted that disabled adults feel they now have fewer opportunities to be active and take part in sports than in preceding years. If anything, this makes it more important to showcase areas of good practice where there are a range of sporting activities suitable for disabled people and those with long-term health conditions.

As someone who has had a number of lifelong physical impairments that were not diagnosed until I was 30, my general experience with organised sports of any kind has been one of frustration and resentment. My inability to reliably reproduce a Badminton serve no matter how often I tried was probably equally baffling to me and my longsuffering PE teacher and I was certainly never picked first for any sports team. Its therefore quite unsurprising that my adult sporting experiences involved a lot of half-hearted swimming and many abandoned gym memberships. However, after a long awaited surgery to corral at least one of my joints into a decent position and, upon the urging of my physiotherapist, I decided I should make a proper attempt to find a sport that doesn’t just involve swimming lanes over and over like a particularly uncoordinated goldfish. The wider Canterbury area is unusual, not just in the Southeast but in comparison to most of England, in offering multiple parasport opportunities outside a major metropolitan area. As such I ended up starting wheelchair rugby and para badminton in fairly quick succession. To this day I am still completely amazed by the immediate transformative impact of having coaches and instructors that are used to working with disabled people and those with chronic health issues. It is incredible what a difference it makes to not be the odd one out when participating in sports, but rather to take part in sports that are intentionally designed to be inclusive of people with a range of impairments and ability-levels. Being able to take part in organised sports has been enormously beneficial to both my physical and mental health, particularly at a time when things are especially stressful for many of us. Especially when working in academia, where there tends to be a lot of pressure and feedback is often on the critical side, it is wonderful to have a setting where one can make tangible progress on mastering a skill and improving one’s fitness level in a supportive and welcoming setting.

Below I would like to highlight three parasports activities that may be of interest to Kent staff and students:

Canterbury Hellfire Wheelchair Rugby Club.Development League match, Reading, 2024

(Development League match, Reading, 2024)

Wheelchair rugby, previously known as murderball, is by now a well-established parasport version of standard rugby. It is played in mixed-sex teams of either 4 or 5 players using special rugby wheelchairs. Unlike standard rugby it is not a person to person contact sport, although there is wheelchair to wheelchair contact. The sport is open to anyone with a physical disability, so there is no requirement that players have to be wheelchair users in their daily life. Anyone can come try out the sport for 4 sessions (practice is held at Canterbury College so it is not too far away) and all equipment is provided. Hellfire is a very friendly and inclusive team and coach Steve Brown is a former TeamGB wheelchair rugby captain, so very much an expert. You can watch Steve give a brief intro to wheelchair rugby. The club itself is a registered charity, so the membership fee after the 4 sessions is very low. For more details, including how to sign up for the practice sessions please see the club website. Hellfire is hosting this year’s Gill Laurie Cup against Brighton Buccaneers on the 15th December from 11-4 at Canterbury Christ Church Sports Centre (Pilgrims Way, CT1 1XS). Anyone who would like to come watch a wheelchair rugby match is welcome to attend!

Canterbury Para BadmintonUK Para-Badminton Championships, Sheffield, 2024

(UK Para-Badminton Championships, Sheffield, 2024)

Para badminton is a rapidly growing sport, suitable for a wide range of physical and intellectual disabilities. It is a modified version of standard badminton that allows players to be standing or use wheelchairs with more limited use of the badminton court compared to the standard game. In Canterbury, Para Badminton can be found at the Kings Canterbury Sports Centre, which offers reduced membership rates to Kent staff and students. Canterbury Para Badminton sessions are suitable for players at all experience levels and group coaching is provided for both standing and wheelchair players. There are sports wheelchairs and rackets available to borrow. Coach Lesley Uphill has experience of coaching for a range of disabilities and is also an Assessor for Badminton England.

Wheelchair Basketball 

Wheelchair basketball is a modified version of standard basketball, played using sports wheelchairs on a standard basketball court. It was initially designed as a sport for people with spinal cord injuries, but has since then been opened up to physical disabilities more generally. Maidstone Rebels Wheelchair Basketball Club is Kent’s only National League club, offering people living in the region the chance to play Wheelchair Basketball to a competitive level. The club is primarily for wheelchair users with upper body coordination, but non-disabled players are welcome.

There is also a wheelchair basketball team in Folkestone called the Folkestone Arrows. They are open to anyone with a physical disability and provide wheelchairs for players to borrow.

Please do get in contact if you are interested in taking part in any of the para sport activities highlighted or would just like more information.

Do you have something you are passionate about and would like to raise awareness of?  Get in touch via

First published December 2024 as part of Disability History Month activity

students talking in kitchen

Tips for living with flatmates

Halley from our Student Welfare & Community Life team shares top tips for handling issues with flatmates…

Whether you are living on or off campus, we know that sharing space and living with other people can sometimes be stressful, and if you are having ongoing issues with flatmates then this can have a negative impact on your experience at University and on your studies.

Whether it is issues with noise and guests, messy kitchens, shared household responsibilities, etc most of the flat issues that students have are related to not communicating, and not addressing issues when they first arise.

Top tips to help with flatmate issues:

Address issues right away: Report, get help, or try to resolve issues when things first happen, to minimise the negative impact on you and your flatmates. The longer you leave it, the more stressful it will become.

Communicate: Sometimes a conversation is all that you need. Try speaking to the person or people involved directly and let them know:

  • What you have observed, or what is happening from your perspective,
  • How it is impacting you and why you feel it is an issue,
  • What you think would help to resolve the issue.

Focus on a plan: Whatever the issue, try not to blame anyone and instead try to agree on a plan that will help everyone feel comfortable and take shared responsibility.

  • If the issue is related to bins or shared household responsibilities, Accommodation has a good Household Planner (PDF) that can help you agree on a plan to cover cleaning and household tasks.
  • If the issue is related to noise or guests, it can help to agree on quiet hours, or times that are best to have guests in the flat.

Do not assume: It will help you to resolve issues if you try to remember that everyone has a different background and perspective. People have different personal habits and different ideas of what is normal. People may be personally struggling with things that you are not aware of which can lead them to act in ways that negatively impact everyone in the flat.

Get support if you need help or if you think that a flatmate may be struggling:

  • Off-campus: If there is an incident, or if you are concerned that someone may be in danger of self-harm or harming other people, then contact emergency services right away.
  • On-campus: If there is an incident in your flat, if you want help to handle a situation, if you want someone to check-in, or if you want to report an issue like noise, Campus Security is available every day, 24 hours a day, and you should contact the team right away.

For all students on-and-off-campus: Student Welfare & Community Life is available to email, call or visit:

  • If you have noticed that a flatmate seems to be struggling and may need support.
  • If you are not comfortable discussing issues with flatmates directly and want Student Welfare to facilitate the conversation,
  • If you have ongoing issues with flatmates that you have not been able to resolve,
  • If you are not comfortable or do not feel safe in your flat and want to discuss options for support.

Final word of advice – if you are having issues with flatmates, remember that we are here to help!

students with coco the therapy dog

Pause for Paws: Take a break with Coco the Therapy Dog

Feeling the grind of Uni life, looking for easy way to de-stress? We got you!

[Jump to upcoming dates]

Featuring Coco, the charming therapy dog, ‘Pause for Paws’ in Templeman Library is back at 3.30pm in Nexus (Block D, Ground Floor). Running nearly every Wednesday during term time, this weekly initiative is one of our favourite ways to bring joy, relaxation and sense of wellbeing to students and staff at Kent.

So take a break from your hectic schedules and visit Templeman Library to say hello to Coco. He is a certified Pets as Therapy dog, very friendly, calm and loves being fussed over! It’s an opportunity to boost mental wellbeing, alleviate stress and recharge amidst your daily commitments.

Upcoming Dates (autumn term)

  • Wed 06-11-2024
  • Wed 13-11-2024
  • Wed 20-11-2024
  • Wed 27-11-2024
  • Wed 04-12-2024
  • Wed 11-12-2024

Keep up to date with Library and IT events!

As the ‘Heart of Campus’ we believe in embracing a spirit of discovery and providing an enriching environment beyond the conventional expectations of a library. At the Templeman Library you always get more than you expect. Library & IT events page.

campus sign

Global conflicts and your wellbeing

Although you may wish to stay informed, it is important to be aware of your limits.

Distressing events around the world, such as the recent escalation in cross-border attacks in Lebanon, Israel and the ongoing war in Gaza, can have a big effect on our mental health.It is absolutely natural to feel anxious and frightened, and to feel that events are out of our control. You may be feeling disturbed by the images you have seen on the news. You may be feeling worried about the safety of loved ones. If you have lived through similar events yourself, the current crisis may be bringing up some very traumatic memories.

Staff in Student Support and Wellbeing (SSW) are here to support you during these unsettling times and are running ‘War, Conflict and World Disasters Emotional Support Drop-ins’ in Keynes College (in the Red Room) every Monday from 12:00-13:00.

SSW have also put together the following tips and advice:

Try to be intentional in how you are consuming news, avoid long ‘scrolling through’sessions 

  • Take a break from watching the news – consider checking in at certain times of the day only.
  • Mute or turn off news notifications on your phone.
  • Mute or unfollow social media accounts if you are feeling overwhelmed, or limit your news intake to once or twice a day.

Make time for people, activities and actions that are positive for your wellbeing 

What helps will be different for each person, but here are a few ideas; 

  • Connect with friends and family members. 
  • Go for a walk in the fresh air. 
  • Listen to a podcast. 
  • Listen to some soothing or inspiring music. 
  • Write out your thoughts and feelings in a journal. 
  • Go to the gym. 
  • Grab a coffee with a friend. 
  • Connect with nature.
  • Try to have a regular sleep pattern.
  • Try to eat healthily which will help when you are feeling emotionally depleted. 
  • Listen to some guided meditations as these can really help as a distraction from racing thoughts.

Focus as much as you can on hope 

Amidst all the horrors of war, there are also reports of wonderful acts of courage, bravery and compassion. The majority of people are committed to peace, with global efforts to support victims of war reflecting this. 

Student Support and Wellbeing – professional support at university 

Did you know that Kent has a professional support service of over 100 specialist staff? We’re here to support you with mental health, disabilities, and neurodiversity such as specific learning difficulties or autism, through 1:1 support as well as peer support groups and events. Here’s a video of top mental health tips from our mental health team. To book an appointment with the team email or if you are at Medway

Emergency support 

If you feel you need urgent support from our team from Monday to Friday 9:00 – 17:00, please phone on 01227 826573 for the Canterbury campus or 01634 888474 for Medway or email or and ask for urgent mental health support. 

Out of hours support from Spectrum Life and other providers 

Feel like you really need to talk to someone but the Student Support offices are closed? Check out the Emergency Support page with details on online and telephone support available round the clock, such as our partners Spectrum Life, who you can call in the evenings and at weekends on 0800 0318227 and pressing option 1. Spectrum also has an amazing online app that is available for free for all University of Kent students. See instructions on how to access the app and you can do guided mediation or use the online virtual exercise groups.

student talking in meeting

Apply for the Wellbeing Student Advisory Board

Applications for the Wellbeing Student Advisory Board are now open.

The Advisory Board’s purpose is to help guide Kent Students’ Union and the University of Kent in improving our approach to student wellbeing and ensuring our work is impactful and accessible to all students. This will involve discussing current and future plans and offering suggestions based on the board’s shared expertise and experiences. Topics discussed at meetings will include mental health, safety initiatives, the cost of living crisis, sense of community and belonging, as well as anything else that is important to you. You will help shape student wellbeing at Kent.

What are we looking for?

We are looking for 12 students on undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, from a range of courses and years to create a diverse and inclusive panel. Any student who is currently enrolled in an undergraduate or postgraduate degree at the University of Kent can apply to be part of the panel.

No prior experience is required to be a member. All you need is to be passionate about student welfare and helping all students to love their time at Kent.

What to expect

A two-hour meeting will occur three times in the academic year with additional opportunities to get involved in projects and campaigns. Invitations for these meetings will be sent once membership to the board is confirmed.

Students based on the Canterbury campus will receive £20 KentOne credit (or an Amazon £20 Voucher) in exchange for their active participation in the two-hour WSAB meeting. Students who are not based on the Canterbury Campus will be compensated for their time at the same rate through an alternative method. Students will also be able to earn Employability Points throughout the academic year.

How to apply

To apply, please submit either a maximum of a 500-word response or a 2-minute-long video telling us a bit more about you, what skills and experiences you feel you would bring to the role and why you would like to get involved.

The deadline to submit your application is midday on 23 October 2024

Apply now

If you have any questions please email Teslimat Bello (Vice-President Welfare and Community) at Kent Students’ Union,