Category Archives: Student opportunities

Abi Williams

£30k funding and trips to Italy are all part of being a Santander Unis Scholar! See what you can apply for

Kent student Abi is one of 100 Santander Universities’ Scholars from a selection of UK universities.

After applying for the scholarship at the end of 2022, Abi was awarded £30,000 to help throughout the three-year course at the University of Kent. As well as the funding, Abi also gets additional training and a dedicated mentor from Santander.

This scholarship is part of a series of opportunities, funding and grants Kent students can apply for as part of the University’s education partnership with Santander.

Another opportunity Kent students can apply for now is Santander’s Brighter Future Grants. All you need to do is sign up with Santander Universities before 20 November and you could win £1,000! It doesn’t take long to register and there are 10 lots of £1,000 to be given away to Kent students. Register now so you don’t miss out!

Here’s what Abi had to say about being a Santander Universities’ Scholar…

How did you feel when you found out you won the scholarship?

“Stunned, amazed, excited…

“It did not feel real for a long time after I had found out I was a Santander Universities’ Scholar. It’s the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me and I am so grateful to be a part of the programme.

“The moment it really hit me how lucky I am was during the launch event at Wembley Stadium. It was announced that the 100 scholars will be able to visit Italy’s Ferrari factory in Maranello next year, I am excited beyond words for that. Thank you Santander!”

How has the scholarship helped you?

“It means I can focus on my studies and personal struggles without the added stress and pressure of financial constraints. I have been able to obtain everything I could possibly need for my studies and more. Alongside that, I receive invaluable careers mentoring and amazing opportunities for personal development that money could never buy.

“When I applied, I never thought in a million years I would be selected for something like this, but I have been. In fact, I had forgotten that I had applied until I was contacted to confirm my student status a couple of weeks before hearing that I had been selected. If you are reading this and you are dithering over applying for a scholarship or have not looked for one because you do not think it could ever be you – I know from experience it genuinely could be!”

Group of international students

Apply to be on our International Student Advisory Board

Are you passionate, organised and motivated to represent international students at Kent and make a difference to their student experience?

The International Student Advisory Board (ISAB) launched in January 2023 and is in collaboration with Kent Union to ensure that the needs and voices of our international students are heard.

The purpose of this Board will be:

  • To inform the inclusivity and accessibility of university-wide services and policies at both the University and Kent Union, for the benefit of all international students at the University of Kent
  • To provide feedback mechanisms to allow international students to actively contribute towards campaigns, awareness raising and submit suggestions for policy change
  • To support internationally focused activities and events such as, Welcome and Arrivals, Worldfest and International Education Week.

We are looking for up to 20 individuals to join and work alongside our existing Board members.  Whether you have been at Kent for a while or have just joined us this September, this is a wonderful opportunity for you to represent and make a difference to your student experience while at Kent.

To apply:

– You must be a current international student at the University of Kent
– You must have enthusiasm and commitment to improving the international student experience
– You must be available to attend all the meeting dates advertised

For more information, to hear from Eunice, a previous ISAB member on why you should join the Board and to apply, please see our webpageDeadline for applications is 30 October.

Student looking to camera

Become a Student Rep

If you’d like to be part of a 300+ strong team of volunteers, all working towards representing student voices and improving the student experience at Kent, then sign-up to be a Student Rep! 

Student Reps are the link between the students, Kent Union and the University. They work in teams at a subject, department, school or divisional level to represent and support their peers, as well as making changes to improve the academic and student experience. They form a whole team of skilled, dedicated and passionate Reps who students can turn to with concerns, questions or ideas. 

Any student can become a Rep, and it’s a fantastic opportunity to meet new people, gain new skills and is a great addition to your CV!

Apply today and get started on a fantastic Student Rep journey! 

Black student voices summit

Black Student Voices Summit on 7 Nov

One year on from the launch of the Kent Union project – Black Student Voices, Kent Union are hosting a summit to present the findings of the researchers and also celebrate the black community on our campus.

Students and staff are invited to join us for a full day of community building, learning and fun. The packed agenda includes guest speakers, talks from Living Black at Kent and The Race Equality Charter as well as a food tasting lunch and the opportunity to take part in some of our ever popular ‘Give it a Go’ events.

The Summit will take place on 7 November in the Venue (Canterbury campus) from 9:00. Check out the full agenda and reserve your free space on the Kent Union website.

A year of art for £10

Student Art Pass – a year of art + opportunities for £10

A Student Art Pass lets you dive into culture on a budget with free entry to hundreds of museums and galleries across the UK, and 50% off major exhibitions.

Plus, you’ll gain access to paid arts opportunities and grow your network by joining the #WeAreArtful @StudentArtPass community. All for just £10 a year.

Available for a limited time. Get your £10 pass today!

Group of students at Destination Success Bootcamp June 2023

Free Destination Success Bootcamp, 17-19 November

Our Careers and Employability Service are running the Destination Success Bootcamp 17-19 November. This is a 3-day intensive training programme with the purpose of helping you map out your journey to success and build confidence in your abilities. This programme is suitable to those across all years, including recent graduates.

This programme will be delivered face to face on the Canterbury Campus (Friday 17 November 12:00-16:00, Saturday 18 November 12:00-18:00 and Sunday 19 November 12:00-18:00. Each day will start at 12:00, allowing time for those traveling from Medway. You need to attend every day in order to gain a place on the programme.

The programme will focus on:

  • Understanding you – This module aids self-reflection so you can better understand how you work, this will include completing a personality profile, exploring your personal values, your strengths and development areas, imposter syndrome and the power of positivity, finishing with looking at what you want to get out of life.
  • Navigating you – This module with focus on how to nurture and build good relationships, focusing on team dynamics, exploring learning styles and rules of teamwork, having challenging conversations and how to communicate in the workplace.
  • Universal Life Hacks – This final module will give you a toolbox of ideas to hit the ground running, including decision making, planning, prioritising and delegating, mapping your skills and looking at whether you would employ yourself.

Find out more and book your place.

If you have any queries, please email

University Community Choir singing

Join the University Community Choir

Do you enjoy singing? Join our friendly University Community Choir! The choir is made up of students and staff at Kent.

It’s free to join, there are no auditions and there’s no need to be able to read music.

Come along to meet others or bring a friend.

Upcoming dates for Autumn Term

The University Community Choir meet every Wednesday during term-time, 13:00-14:00. See dates below for the location:

18 October 2023 13:00-14:00 Grimond Lecture Theatre 3
25 October 2023 13:00-14:00 Colyer Fergusson Hall
1 November 2023 13:00-14:00 Colyer-Fergusson Hall
8 November 2023 13:00-14:00 Grimond Lecture Theatre 3
15 November 2023 13:00-14:00 Colyer-Fergusson Hall
22 November 2023 13:00-14:00 Colyer-Fergusson Hall
29 November 2023 13:00-14:00 Colyer-Fergusson Hall
6 December 2023 13:00-14:00 Grimond Lecture Theatre 3
13 December 2023 13:00-14:00 Grimond Lecture Theatre 3

To find out more, email Mita

Make your words count. Review your uni and win £200

Have your say and you could win £200! WhatUni reviews

We’re really excited to take part in this year’s WhatUni Student Choice Awards (WUSCA).

The WUSCAS are compiled from the reviews which students like you leave on WhatUni, and rank institutions according to the things that students really care about – student support, campus facilities, lecturers and teaching quality, and so on.

WhatUni is the UK’s largest source of independent, real, honest student reviews – reviews which have a number of benefits:

  1. They give students like you a really important voice and platform to share your views
  2. They help prospective students make crucial decisions on what and where to study
  3. They allow us to find out what you really think, so we can make improvements to our offering.
  4. They could win you a £200 voucher as part of the weekly draw for taking part.

We’d really love you to participate in the review collection and give University of Kent a review! It will only take a few minutes of your time.

Review Kent now

Hello my pronouns are...

Gender Affirmation Fund opens 16 Oct

At Kent we want all our students to be able to live, work and study to the fullest of their abilities, and we want to ensure that we are removing as many barriers to that success as possible. 

We recognise that transgender, non-binary and gender-neutral individuals face additional mental health pressures that are directly related to their gender identity. Many of these additional stresses are directly caused by the potential misalignment between how an individual presents in terms of clothing and appearance, and their own identity. This stress can have a direct impact upon an individual’s ability to work, study and engage in their academic commitments. A significant barrier causing this misalignment is the cost of having to purchase additional items to reduce gender dysphoria. 

As part of our commitment to supporting students with their mental health, we have created the Gender Affirmation Fund. This fund is available to students who identify as transgender, non-binary or gender neutral and can be used to help support students with the costs of gender affirming items such as binders, clothing, packers, makeup, hair extensions, pouches, Stand To Pee devices, gendered religious headwear or clothing and minor cosmetic procedures such as ear piercing or for managing body hair to help individuals feel more comfortable in their own bodies.

Applications open at 9:00 on Monday 16 October and the fund is available to any student who identifies as transgender, non-binary or gender neutral and can be accessed once in your academic career. The only eligibility criteria is that you must be a registered student enrolled on any University of Kent academic programme.  

Students who benefitted from the fund in the past described it as ‘a great resource for trans and non-binary students who struggle with multiple challenges’, ‘easy and non-judgemental to use’, and ‘made them feel seen’. 

Please note that the fund is limited, and applications will be reviewed on a first come, first served basis. 

Find out more about the fund and apply


Group of students holding their GOLD programme certificates

Apply now to become a Global Officer (closed)

Apply for the GOLD Programme. Applications are now open!

Are you looking to add value to your degree, develop your leadership skills and gain practical experience that stands out to future global employers? Look no further than the Global Officers’ Leadership Development (GOLD) Programme!

Join other like-minded students to make a positive impact on campus and enhance your global skills. As a Global Officer, you’ll work closely with the Dean & Director of Global and Lifelong Learning and other university staff to organize, develop and support globally-minded activities throughout the year.

But don’t just take our word for it! Here’s what previous Global Officers have to say about their experience:

“The GOLD Programme was one of the best things that happened to me at University. I can only encourage participation in this splendid and unique opportunity! Personally, I would have never forgiven myself for missing out on it had I known about it and not applied!”

What does the course involve?

The course is made up of five compulsory components.

Component 1: Getting started

  • Identify your skillset and set your goals for the year
  • Attend a welcome session to learn about cultural intelligence (CQ) and build your intercultural awareness
  • Participate in a spring-term Curriculum Internationalisation workshop

Component 2: Training workshops

Choose and attend a minimum of two out of five workshops covering intercultural awareness, sustainability, internationalisation, leadership in a global context, and event management.

Component 3: Internationalized student engagement

Engage in various projects and activities on campus, such as marketing and promotion projects, student media campaigns, campus tours and focus groups.

Component 4: Project and event planning

Collaborate with a team of Global Officers to plan and deliver regular events and activities based on your personal goals and interests, such as Global Hangouts, WorldFest events and Sustainability Forums.

Component 5: Reflection and Employability Skills Assessment

Reflect on your progress and set future goals during an interactive group session.

“Not only will you gain crucial employability skills, but also make new friends and grow as a better person and a citizen of the world.”

Benefits of the GOLD Programme

By participating in the GOLD Programme, you’ll earn Employability Points, receive a certificate of recognition, obtain a personal reference from the Dean & Director of Global and Lifelong Learning, gain practical event management and leadership experience, and expand your network with like-minded individuals.

PLUS, you can record your international skills development in the Kent Global Passport!

“The GOLD Programme was a highlight of my time at Kent. The team leading the programme listened to all of our ideas and supported us throughout the year. I developed many transferable skills, gave back to the student community, and made many new friends.”

Information sessions

You’re welcome to join us at one of our information session to find out more and ask any questions:

Canterbury Campus

  • Wednesday 4 October 16:00-17:30 in Sibson LT2
  • Wednesday 11 October 14:00-15:30 in Sibson LT2

Medway Campus

  • Tuesday 10 October 13:30-14:30, in Medway Building Room 1-22  (following the Medway Services for Student Showcase).

How do I apply?

If you are a committed, enthusiastic, reliable, organised and professional undergraduate interested in developing your global skills, head to the GOLD website and fill out the online application form.

Why not apply today? Applications are open from now until 9:00 on 11 October 2023.

Not only will you gain crucial employability skills, but also make new friends and grow as a better person and a citizen of the world.

Don’t miss out on this unique chance to become a global leader! Apply now and start your GOLD journey today!

GOLD Programme logo