Category Archives: Student Guide

The Hub

You can now log in directly to The Hub website

Kent students can now login directly to The Hub website! You can login using your usual Kent account, which saves you needing another account to access the Hub website.

You need to log in to buy memberships to clubs and societies, sign up for activities, and buy tickets.

To login in to The Hub website with your university account, it’s very simple:

1. Visit
2. In the section with the University of Kent logo, press the button labelled Login with your Kent University Username:


3. You’ll be taken to a page on the University of Kent system to verify your account and show you what data we collect.
4. Confirm, and then you’ll be logged in.

You’ll only need to verify your account once, and you can have your data erased at any time by contacting

If you already have a Guest Account with us, email us at to transfer any purchases (e.g., memberships) to your University login.

About The Hub
Greenwich Students’ Union runs the Hub on behalf of Kent Union and Christ Church Students’ Union. To see Greenwich Students’ Union Privacy information, visit

ADHD Awareness Month

ADHD Awareness Month: October 2023

What is ADHD?

ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects both children and adults. According to figures from ADHD UK, it is estimated that roughly 5% of the world’s population have ADHD. This condition is often noticed in early childhood, but in some cases, it may not be diagnosed until adulthood.

October is recognised globally as ADHD Awareness Month. This is a time for individuals, health professionals, and organizations to come together to raise awareness about ADHD, dispel myths, and share resources for those living with this condition.

ADHD Symptoms in Adults

In adults, ADHD can lead to a variety of difficulties. These include problems with focusing and completing tasks, organization and time management, coping with stress, and feelings of restlessness or impulsivity. Each individual’s experience with ADHD is unique, and the severity and combination of symptoms can vary widely.

Getting Diagnosed with ADHD

If you think you may have ADHD, it’s important to seek professional help. A good first step is to register with Student Support and Wellbeing, where you can make an appointment with an SpLD (Specific Learning Differences) Adviser and discuss your symptoms. Based on your discussion, your Adviser may encourage you to contact your GP or may refer you for a diagnostic assessment.

Video: Anna’s experience of ADHD

Music and Audio Tech lecturer Anna Neale Widdison talks about being diagnosed with ADHD later in life, and describes some of the challenges and opportunities that she has experienced in her working and family life.

Positives of ADHD

Although ADHD can present a variety of challenges for individuals who have it, it’s important to note that ADHD also has some potential positive aspects – unique strengths and abilities such as these:

  1. Creativity: Some individuals with ADHD are known for their creativity and innovative thinking. They often have a unique perspective on problems and can generate creative solutions.
  2. Hyperfocus: While ADHD is characterized by difficulties in sustaining attention, some individuals with ADHD can experience “hyperfocus” on tasks or activities that deeply interest them. During these periods, they can be highly productive and focused.
  3. Energy and Enthusiasm: People with ADHD can bring a lot of energy and enthusiasm to projects and activities they are passionate about. Their enthusiasm can be infectious and motivate others.
  4. Out-of-the-Box Thinking: ADHD individuals often think outside the box and can make connections between seemingly unrelated ideas, which can be valuable in problem-solving and innovation.
  5. Resilience: Many people with ADHD develop resilience as they face and overcome the challenges associated with the disorder. This resilience can serve them well in various aspects of life.
  6. High Energy Levels: Individuals with ADHD often have high levels of physical and mental energy, which can be an asset in activities that require endurance or rapid decision-making.
  7. Spontaneity: ADHD individuals can be spontaneous and adventurous, which can lead to exciting experiences and a willingness to take risks.
  8. Empathy: Some people with ADHD are highly empathetic and sensitive to the emotions of others, which can make them excellent listeners and supportive friends.
  9. Multitasking: While ADHD can make it difficult to focus on one task at a time, some individuals with ADHD excel at multitasking and managing multiple responsibilities simultaneously.

It’s important to recognize that not everyone with ADHD will possess these positive attributes, and the impact of ADHD can vary widely among individuals. Additionally, these strengths can come with their own set of challenges, and individuals with ADHD may need support and strategies to harness these positive aspects effectively while managing the difficulties associated with the disorder.

More Information and Support for ADHD at Kent

Whether or not you have a diagnosis, our expert staff at Student Support and Wellbeing can provide support for students with specific learning differences such as ADHD. The types of support you can access include:

  • Support from your SpLD Adviser throughout your course through online or in-person meetings.
  • An Inclusive Learning Plan (ILP) to set out reasonable adjustments to courses and assessments.
  • Access to assistive software on and off campus.
  • Study skills support, and specialist mentoring if you’ve got ADHD.
  • Help applying for Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA).

If you think you might be affected, get in touch so we can help you thrive in your studies!

Careers Fair

Events roundup: 16-22 October

Black History Month (BHM) and EmpFest events continue this week. Don’t miss the annual Careers Fair on Tuesday!

Monday 16 October: Israel Gaza conflict support drop-in and yoga

Student Support and Wellbeing (SSW) are running a support session for students affected by the Israel Gaza conflict from 13:00-14:00 on Monday. This is a drop-in session taking place upstairs in Locke Building near the Coop, staffed by a mental health adviser and counsellor from SSW. All students are welcome.

At the Hub, Medway, you can join a free lunchtime yoga session as part of Medway Move. Or try out social badminton in the evening. All skill levels welcome.

Tuesday 17 October: Careers Fair and BHM student-led events

The Careers Fair is back to being face-to-face this year. Open to all Kent students, the Careers Fair is a great opportunity to meet employers and discover potential career paths. Drop into the Careers Fair between 10:00-15:00 in Colyer-Fergusson Concert Hall, Canterbury campus.

On Tuesday there are a couple of student-led events for Black History Month. Firstly, the African Caribbean Society (ACS) and Kent Cheer are holding an Afrobeats and Brunch event in Woody’s, with authentic African and Caribbean inspired dishes and cocktails on offer.

Later, the Music Society and ACS at Medway are collaborating to bring you a night of Black Artists throughout the decades at The Deep End.

Wednesday 18 October: LinkedIn headshots (Medway), Empowering Tomorrow AI conference and Black History Month inspirational talk

Need a professional headshot for LinkedIn? Photographer Matt Cook is offering free headshots on the Medway campus between 10:00-16:00 in Gillingham Building.

On Wednesday afternoon you’re invited to the ‘Empowering Tomorrow: Unleashing Creativity through Generative AI’ Conference hosted by Kent Business School and Amazon Web Services. The event is taking place in Sibson and includes talks, panel discussions and networking drinks. Plus, you get a free bag of Amazon swag. Find out more and book your free place.

As part of Black History Month, come along to History with a Flex, an inspirational talk with Pauline Campbell in Chipperfield Lecture Theatre, Canterbury. Pauline is a British writer and senior lawyer raised in London after her parents crossed thousands of miles to live in Britain, leaving the warm shores of the Caribbean behind. She is currently the legal adviser to the Windrush Reach Project. West Indian food and refreshments will be provided.

Struggling to fit everything in and finding it stressful? Assistive technology could be a game changer for you! Come along on Wednesday to a demo and discussion of assistive technology apps such as Brain Hand, Spectrum Life and Togetherall, which can help you manage your time and improve your wellbeing. Book online for this practical workshop on the Canterbury campus, and bring a phone or tablet or laptop which you might use to access this software in future.

Thursday 19 October: EmpFest events and Poverty, Policy and the Right to Food open lecture

EmpFest events continue all week. On Thursday, you can join an online session on how to find a part-time job and if you’re in your final year, come along to the CV/LinkedIn drop-in session in Keynes for Finalists to help you secure that all important first role once you graduate.

On Thursday evening you’re invited to our Annual Civic Lecture on Poverty, Policy and the Right to Food. Speakers include Anna Taylor, Executive Director of the Food Foundation and Professor Jan Pahl and Martin Vye, authors of the report on ‘Poverty in Canterbury Today’. They will explore how we can move to creating a food system that delivers access to healthy, sustainable and affordable food for all. After the presentations there will be time for questions and discussion about policies to reduce poverty. Refreshments will be provided.

Friday 20 October: Managing stress workshop

Want to know how to manage stress when you have a heavy workload? This 90-minute online workshop looks at what stress is and explores some of the benefits as well as the negative impacts of stress. Most importantly this workshop will provide you with practical tools you can implement to manage stress.

Saturday 21 October: Nature walk to Blean Woods

Join the ResLife Ambassadors for a nature ramble in beautiful nearby Blean woods. The walk will take about an hour and a half and there are animals to see along the way including alpacas, sheep, goats and horses. Meet new friends as you walk along the tranquil woodland tracks and have a chat with our ambassadors and let them how you’re doing and what activities you would like them to organise.

Sunday 22 October: Board games, puzzles and colouring

Enjoy a relaxing afternoon of board games, puzzles and colouring with the ResLife Ambassadors in Keynes. They have a wide range of board games available for you to play.

See more student events.


See more student opportunities.

Group of students at Destination Success Bootcamp June 2023

Free Destination Success Bootcamp, 17-19 November

Our Careers and Employability Service are running the Destination Success Bootcamp 17-19 November. This is a 3-day intensive training programme with the purpose of helping you map out your journey to success and build confidence in your abilities. This programme is suitable to those across all years, including recent graduates.

This programme will be delivered face to face on the Canterbury Campus (Friday 17 November 12:00-16:00, Saturday 18 November 12:00-18:00 and Sunday 19 November 12:00-18:00. Each day will start at 12:00, allowing time for those traveling from Medway. You need to attend every day in order to gain a place on the programme.

The programme will focus on:

  • Understanding you – This module aids self-reflection so you can better understand how you work, this will include completing a personality profile, exploring your personal values, your strengths and development areas, imposter syndrome and the power of positivity, finishing with looking at what you want to get out of life.
  • Navigating you – This module with focus on how to nurture and build good relationships, focusing on team dynamics, exploring learning styles and rules of teamwork, having challenging conversations and how to communicate in the workplace.
  • Universal Life Hacks – This final module will give you a toolbox of ideas to hit the ground running, including decision making, planning, prioritising and delegating, mapping your skills and looking at whether you would employ yourself.

Find out more and book your place.

If you have any queries, please email

University Community Choir singing

Join the University Community Choir

Do you enjoy singing? Join our friendly University Community Choir! The choir is made up of students and staff at Kent.

It’s free to join, there are no auditions and there’s no need to be able to read music.

Come along to meet others or bring a friend.

Upcoming dates for Autumn Term

The University Community Choir meet every Wednesday during term-time, 13:00-14:00. See dates below for the location:

18 October 2023 13:00-14:00 Grimond Lecture Theatre 3
25 October 2023 13:00-14:00 Colyer Fergusson Hall
1 November 2023 13:00-14:00 Colyer-Fergusson Hall
8 November 2023 13:00-14:00 Grimond Lecture Theatre 3
15 November 2023 13:00-14:00 Colyer-Fergusson Hall
22 November 2023 13:00-14:00 Colyer-Fergusson Hall
29 November 2023 13:00-14:00 Colyer-Fergusson Hall
6 December 2023 13:00-14:00 Grimond Lecture Theatre 3
13 December 2023 13:00-14:00 Grimond Lecture Theatre 3

To find out more, email Mita

Make your words count. Review your uni and win £200

Have your say and you could win £200! WhatUni reviews

We’re really excited to take part in this year’s WhatUni Student Choice Awards (WUSCA).

The WUSCAS are compiled from the reviews which students like you leave on WhatUni, and rank institutions according to the things that students really care about – student support, campus facilities, lecturers and teaching quality, and so on.

WhatUni is the UK’s largest source of independent, real, honest student reviews – reviews which have a number of benefits:

  1. They give students like you a really important voice and platform to share your views
  2. They help prospective students make crucial decisions on what and where to study
  3. They allow us to find out what you really think, so we can make improvements to our offering.
  4. They could win you a £200 voucher as part of the weekly draw for taking part.

We’d really love you to participate in the review collection and give University of Kent a review! It will only take a few minutes of your time.

Review Kent now

Campus Shuttle

Campus Shuttle updates: increased capacity and journeys

Following student feedback, we are pleased to announce that we are increasing the capacity of the Campus Shuttle between Medway and Canterbury and adding some more journeys into the timetable.

The new timetable will come into effect on Monday 16 October and will be available on the Campus Shuttle webpages shortly.


The 34-seater coach will be replaced by a 53-seater coach for some peak travel times:

  • 07:35, 16:15 and 18:15 service from Canterbury and
  • 09:00 and 17:15 service from Medway

New services

We are introducing new evening services to support social activities and Kent Union events on Wednesdays.

On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday:

  • 21:30 service from Canterbury
  • 22:00 service from Medway


  • 21:30, 23:59 service from Canterbury
  • 22:00, 01:00 service from Medway

About the Campus Shuttle

The Campus Shuttle is a free coach service between Canterbury and Medway, exclusive for University of Kent students and staff.

13 October update: Campus Shuttle bookings

The majority of existing Campus Shuttle bookings have been transferred over to the new timetable announced yesterday, but due to a technical issue some of the bookings have not. Please check your bookings list and if you’re missing a booking, you’ll need to rebook. We apologise for the inconvenience.

two women looking angry with each other, young man standing between them looking like he's trying to calm them and intervene in the argument

How to be an Active Bystander

Becoming an active bystander is a powerful way to contribute to the creation of safer and more inclusive spaces within the university community, you can do this through following the 5Ds of bystander intervention.


Distraction can be a powerful tool to defuse a tense situation or redirect its focus. By diverting attention away from the harasser and towards the victim, you can help create a safer space for the individual experiencing harassment.

For example:

  • Pretend you know the person being harassed and act excited to have “randomly” run into them.
  • Pretend to be lost and ask the person being harassed to give you directions.
  • Tell them they have an important call.
  • Tell them that you need to speak with them urgently.

“Accidentally” spill or drop something or cause a commotion to shift the attention away from the harassment.


Delegation involves seeking assistance from a third party to intervene in a harassment situation. This individual can be someone in a position of authority or anyone else who can provide help.

Here are some steps to effectively delegate:

  • Identify someone in a position of authority, and ask them to intervene.
  • Involve a friend who can offer support or use distraction techniques to communicate with the person being harassed while you seek help.

When delegating someone to help you, be clear in conveying what you are witnessing and how you would like them to assist.

In situations that require immediate attention, consider calling emergency services (e.g., 999). However, where possible consult with the person being targeted to ensure their comfort and safety before involving the police.

Delayed Action:

Sometimes, it may not be possible to intervene immediately due to various factors, such as personal safety concerns or the intensity of the situation. However, you can still make a difference by checking in on the person who has experienced harassment.

Here are some examples of how you can Delay:

  • After the situation has passed, approach the person who was targeted and ask if they are okay. Let them know that you witnessed what happened and acknowledge that it was not acceptable.
  • Inquire if there is any way you can offer support to them.
  • Offer to accompany them to their intended destination or sit with them for a while, providing a sense of security.
  • Inform them about available resources, such as reporting platforms like This platform allows them to document their experience and seek additional assistance if needed from the university.


Documentation involves either recording or taking notes on an instance of harassment. This can provide crucial evidence and support for the person who has been targeted. However, it is crucial to approach this step with care and respect for everyone involved.

Follow these guidelines when documenting an incident:

  • Assess the situation to determine if someone else is already providing assistance to the person being harassed. If not, consider using one of the previous steps first.
  • If it is safe to do so, you may choose to record the incident. However, always prioritise your safety and the safety of those involved.
  • Always obtain consent from the person who experienced harassment before sharing or posting any recordings. Respect their wishes and privacy.

Direct Action:

Direct action involves directly confronting the harasser and addressing the negative behaviour. While this approach requires careful consideration of your own safety and the situation, it can be impactful in challenging the harasser’s actions.

Firstly, before you decide to response, it is crucial to assess the situation by considering the following factors:

  • Ensure your own physical safety.
  • Assess whether the person being harassed is in a physically safe position.
  • Evaluate the likelihood of the situation escalating further.
  • Observe any indications or cues that suggest whether the person being harassed desires someone to speak up.

If you can ensure all of these factors, you might choose a direct response.

Here are the recommended steps for direct intervention:

One important aspect of direct intervention is to keep it brief and concise. It’s essential to resist the temptation to engage in dialogue, debate, or arguments, as these can potentially escalate the situation. If the person who is harassing responds to your direct intervention, shift your focus towards providing support to the person who has been harmed, rather than engaging further with the individual causing harm.


Embracing the role of an active bystander entails a dedication to fostering safer spaces and offering support to individuals who encounter harassment. By understanding and implementing these strategies, you can play an essential role in promoting positive change and ensuring the well-being of those around you.

If you want to report an incident of sexual misconduct, discrimination, hate incidents, harassment, physical or verbal harm and/or abuse, bullying, stalking, domestic abuse, or spiking, you can do so anonymously or you can provide your name to access support on the Report + Support website.

Text adapted from Bystander Intervention Training (

Hello my pronouns are...

Gender Affirmation Fund opens 16 Oct

At Kent we want all our students to be able to live, work and study to the fullest of their abilities, and we want to ensure that we are removing as many barriers to that success as possible. 

We recognise that transgender, non-binary and gender-neutral individuals face additional mental health pressures that are directly related to their gender identity. Many of these additional stresses are directly caused by the potential misalignment between how an individual presents in terms of clothing and appearance, and their own identity. This stress can have a direct impact upon an individual’s ability to work, study and engage in their academic commitments. A significant barrier causing this misalignment is the cost of having to purchase additional items to reduce gender dysphoria. 

As part of our commitment to supporting students with their mental health, we have created the Gender Affirmation Fund. This fund is available to students who identify as transgender, non-binary or gender neutral and can be used to help support students with the costs of gender affirming items such as binders, clothing, packers, makeup, hair extensions, pouches, Stand To Pee devices, gendered religious headwear or clothing and minor cosmetic procedures such as ear piercing or for managing body hair to help individuals feel more comfortable in their own bodies.

Applications open at 9:00 on Monday 16 October and the fund is available to any student who identifies as transgender, non-binary or gender neutral and can be accessed once in your academic career. The only eligibility criteria is that you must be a registered student enrolled on any University of Kent academic programme.  

Students who benefitted from the fund in the past described it as ‘a great resource for trans and non-binary students who struggle with multiple challenges’, ‘easy and non-judgemental to use’, and ‘made them feel seen’. 

Please note that the fund is limited, and applications will be reviewed on a first come, first served basis. 

Find out more about the fund and apply


Kent Logo

Conflict in Israel and Gaza: Support for students

The recent shocking attacks in Israel and Gaza and the appalling loss of life in the region are of great concern to all of us. Our thoughts first and foremost are with our Israeli and Palestinian students and staff with family or direct ties to the area, along with all those affected by the escalating conflict. 

As an independent University, we do not align ourselves with the policies or actions of any nation or state. However, we strongly condemn any acts of terrorism or hatred of any kind and join with voices across the globe united in a desire for lasting peace. We are making contact with students and partner institutions with links to the region to make them aware of resources and support on offer to them. 

Advice and Support 

If you are worried about the ongoing situation in the Middle East then please get in touch with our Student Welfare teams who will advise you on how we can support you at this difficult time. You can also check out our blogpost on coping with distressing events, which outlines support for Kent students, and some advice on ways to manage the intense feelings which can come with hearing about traumatic events.

Student Support and Wellbeing (SSW) are running support sessions for students 13:00-14:00 on 16 October, 23 October and 30 October. These are drop-in sessions taking place upstairs in Locke Building near the Coop, staffed by a mental health adviser and counsellor from SSW. All students are welcome.

The UK Foreign Office also has advice on what to do if you have friends or family who are travelling to the region at the moment, along with guidance on who to contact if you need advice or support overseas. 

We also appreciate the strength of feeling generated in both staff and students across the university by recent events. We strive to be an organisation where all individuals feel welcome and supported and take a zero-tolerance approach to any form of discrimination on campus. If you experience any discrimination, please use our Report + Support tool so that we can quickly connect you with appropriate support within the University.