Author Archives: Miriam Sandiford

transgender flag

Trans inclusion and support at Kent

What does it mean to be Transgender or Trans? 

Transgender, or Trans, is as an umbrella term to describe people whose gender is not the same as, or does not sit comfortably with, the sex they were assigned at birth. Someone who is trans may identify as (not limited to) transgender, non-binary, or genderqueer. 

Support for trans students at Kent

There is a Trans Support Group in Canterbury that meets twice a month. It is open to trans, intersex and non-binary people at Kent. The group is run by trans/non-binary people for trans/non-binary people. Family and partners are welcome.

We have gender neutral toilet facilities across our campuses, and these facilities will increase as building improvements and construction takes place.

Student Support and Wellbeing offer mental health support, counselling and peer support groups to all students and have an advisor with specialist LGBTQ+ support knowledge. You can also check out our LGBTQ+ self-help resource section online.

You can also update your gender and preferred name (which shows on your Microsoft Teams account)  on KentVision.

How can you be a good ally to trans people? 

Cisgender, or Cis, describes someone whose gender identity is the same as the sex they were assigned to at birth.  

There are lots of simple ways you can become a better ally and show support to trans colleagues, such as: 

  • Updating your pronouns on your email signature, Zoom screen and Teams profile. Include a link to a website such as for people to find out more. 
  • Wear one of our new Rainbow lanyards. These are designed around the ‘Inclusion Flag’ which incorporates the Pride rainbow flag with pink, blue, brown and black, representing the trans community and people of colour within the LGBT+ community.  
  • Familiarise yourself with policies, guidance and terminology. 

Here are more ways you can be a good ally

LGBTQ+ student groups at Kent

The LGBTQ+ Student Network acts as a voice for LGBTQ+ students to both the University and the Students’ Union and helps to ensure informed decisions are made on a practical and strategic level as well as planning events and networking opportunities for students. Email the Student Network if you are interested in joining.

You can also join the student LGBTQ+ Society at Canterbury and the Medway LGBTQ Society, a safe space for students of marginalised gender identities and sexualities to socialise and meet other like-minded individuals. Make friends and develop your support network.

transgender flag

Transgender Day of Visibility – support and allyship for trans students

International Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV) is an annual event on March 31 dedicated to celebrating transgender people and raising awareness of discrimination faced by transgender people worldwide, as well as a celebration of their contributions to society. 

Read our Staff LGBT+ Network’s joint statement on Trans Inclusion and Support.

What does it mean to be Transgender? 

Transgender, or Trans, is as an umbrella term to describe people whose gender is not the same as, or does not sit comfortably with, the sex they were assigned at birth. Someone who is trans may identify as (not limited to) transgender, non-binary, or genderqueer. 

Support for trans students at Kent 

There is a Trans Support Group in Canterbury that meets twice a month. It is open to trans, intersex and non-binary people at Kent. The group is run by trans/non-binary people for trans/non-binary people. Family and partners are welcome.  

We have gender neutral toilet facilities across our campuses, and these facilities will increase as building improvements and construction takes place.  

Student Support and Wellbeingoffer mental health support, counselling and peer support groups to all students and have an advisor with specialist LGBTQ+ support knowledge. You can also check out our LGBTQ+ self-help resource section online. 

You can also update your gender and preferred name (which shows on your Microsoft Teams account)  on KentVision.

How can you be a good ally to trans people? 

Cisgender, or Cis, describes someone whose gender identity is the same as the sex they were assigned to at birth.  

There are lots of simple ways you can become a better ally and show support to trans people, such as: 

  • Updating your pronouns on your email signature, Teams profile and social media profile. Include a link to a website such as for people to find out more. 
  • Wear one of our new Rainbow lanyards. These are designed around the ‘Inclusion Flag’ which incorporates the Pride rainbow flag with pink, blue, brown and black, representing the trans community and people of colour within the LGBTQ+ community.  
  • Tweet your support using #TDOV2022 and tagging @UniKent, @ukclgbtq and @Medwaylgbtq. 
  • Familiarise yourself with policies, guidance and terminology. 

Here are more ways you can be a good ally 

Study into the Experience of Transgender Students in Higher Education 

Lynne Regan from Student Support and Wellbeing, recently gave multiple talks about her research on the Experience of Transgender Students in Higher Education, including a presentation to members of the Executive Group 

You can watch the recording and view the PowerPoint slides to learn more about Lynne’s findings and her suggestions for what we can do at Kent to improve the experience of our trans students.  

LGBTQ+ student groups at Kent 

The LGBTQ+ Student Networkacts as a voice for LGBTQ+ students to both the University and the Students’ Union and helps to ensure informed decisions are made on a practical and strategic level as well as planning events and networking opportunities for students. Email the Student Networkif you are interested in joining. 

You can also join the student LGBTQ+ Societyat Canterbury and the Medway LGBTQ Society, a safe space for students of marginalised gender identities and sexualities to socialise and meet other like-minded individuals. Make friends and develop your support network. 

Industrial action

Industrial Action by UCU

**Updated 30 March – Our local union branch is currently balloting its members about whether to accept the proposal, which will take a few days to complete. We will update you all as soon as possible once we have the response.

Thank you to everyone who attended the Industrial Action Student WebChat on Friday 25 March. Missed it? You can view the recording online.**

From Professor Richard Reece | DVC Education and Student Experience  

Today is the first of five days of national strike action by members of the University and College Union (UCU).   

The strike is scheduled to run from today (Monday 28 March) to Friday (1 April). Not all areas of the University are equally affected.   

We continue to meet with our local UCU representatives to discuss how we can help resolve these ongoing issues and bring an end to the industrial action here at Kent.   

Meanwhile, teams across the University have been working to minimise as far as possible any disruption the strike might cause you and your studies. There is information about this on our webpages, including how you can keep up to date with any planned disruption to your studies.    

Background to the industrial action    

UCU has called the action over national-level disagreements over pensions and over pay and conditions. The action will affect a number of universities around the country. You can read more about the background on the student webpages.     

What the strike might mean for you    

It is probable that this week:     

  • lectures or other timetabled classes may be disrupted or cancelled at short notice;      
  • research activities could be cancelled at short notice;      
  • other University services you use might be affected

UCU members are not obliged to tell us whether or not they will be working on the strike days so we will not know in advance what the level of disruption will be. However, we will share with you on Moodle any specific information we receive, and we recommend that you check your online course groups and your emails frequently to keep up to date about any changes that might affect you.     

You can keep a personal record of the impact of the strikes on your teaching by using the Kent Union Academic Experience Reporting Tool.  

Support for students    

Wherever possible, we will work with staff to prioritise essential student support services so that these remain in place throughout the industrial action.    

We have dedicated student support webpages where you can find details about the support available to you, and contact details of sources of help should you need it.    

I want to thank you all for your patience during this unsettling period, and to assure you that we are doing everything we can to bring this national industrial action to an end here at the University.   

We will keep you updated with any developments during the strike.    

Goodwill payments  

We will be distributing money not paid as staff salaries during the strikes to students based on the amount of disruption to each student caused by the strikes. We are currently working through the information we have about relative levels of disruption to students across the University and we should be in a position within the next few weeks to begin distributing that fund. I will keep you updated on that.  

Marking and Assessment Boycott  

As I mentioned in my email on Friday, I hope to have a positive update early this week on the local marking and assessment boycott. As soon as we get news, I will be in touch again.     

With all good wishes,    


Professor Richard Reece | DVC Education and Student Experience  




Postgraduate Open Event, 2 April

Step up, stand out and specialize, discover our career-focused programmes at Kent. We’ll be holding our Open Event on Saturday 2 April 2022. The event offers both face-to-face and virtual options, providing an opportunity to meet our staff and current students, across our UK and European campuses.

Join a community that’s already shaping tomorrow’s world and discover where it could take you.

Book your place at the virtual event [10.00 – 13.00 UK time]

Book your place at the campus event [10.00 – 13.00 UK time]

What to expect at the Open Event:

  • Discover our multimillion-pound scholarship fund, subject-specific awards other funding opportunities
  • Learn more about our career-focused programmes, particularly our conversion Master’s courses in Business, Law, Marketing, Finance, Computer Science, Creative Arts, Social Work, Healthcare and more.
  • Meet and chat to our incredible academic and support staff as well as our current students.
  • Virtually view our campuses in Kent, Canterbury and Medway, and our postgraduate centres in Europe, Brussels and Paris. We also welcome you to visit our Canterbury campus in person.

Book a place at our open event here

Sharpen your focus and step up in your career this 2022. We look forward to seeing you soon.

South Asian Heritage Week, 28th March to 1st April

Events roundup: 28 March – 3 April

See a roundup of our top events this week:

All week: South Asian Heritage Week

At Kent, we are proud to be celebrating our first South Asian Heritage Week. Throughout the week you’ll see an array of events celebrating South Asian Heritage and British South Asian culture. Try out South Asian sweets in the Plaza, hear from author Babatdor Dkhar and join a South Asian inspired film night. See all South Asian Heritage Week events and resources.

Monday: Author talk and Harry Potter quiz

As part of South Asian Heritage Week, you’re invited to Templeman Library at 17.00 to hear from author Babatdor Dkhar about his forthcoming novel ‘The Khasi Album’. The novel is set in Shillong, a town in the Northeast of India, and is a work of satire, black comedy, romance and tragedy. Babatdor will discuss the difficulties in making Northeast Indian characters and stories part of mainstream of South Asian literature.

Are you a Harry Potter fan? Run by your Residential Life Assistants in conjunction with the Kent Hogwarts Society, this Harry Potter quiz will put your wizarding world knowledge to the test and prove your Potterhead status. Book your place and head to K-Bar for 19.00.

Tuesday: Free Gulbenkian performance of ‘Frankenstein: How to Make a Monster’

Kent students can get FREE student tickets to the opening night of ‘Frankenstein: How to Make a Monster‘ on Tuesday evening. Featuring a talented young cast from Battersea Arts Centre Beatbox Academy and their take-on the classic Frankenstein. They use the telling of the story to cleverly draw-out parallels and issues of relevance to young people now – identity, bullying, social media – all done through a breath-taking blend of theatre, song and beatboxing.

Wednesday: Line Dancing and University Community Choir

Give line dancing a go on Wednesday afternoon in Keynes Senior Common Room. Get together with friends and housemate for a college introduction to popular dancing style of Line Dancing!

Love to sing? Become a part of the University Community Choir. It’s free join and there are no auditions. Head to Sibson Lecture Theatre 1 for 14.00. Come along to meet others, or bring a friend.

Thursday: Free massages at Medway, Roller Disco and Film Night

Need to de-stress? On Thursday you can get a free 15-minute massage at the Drill Hall Library, Medway. Book your slot on the day, first come first served.

On Thursday evening Kent Union are hosting a free Roller Disco from 19.00 in the Sports Centre. Book your free slot (skates included) and give skating a go.

Or if you fancy something more chilled, this month’s film and popcorn night celebrates South Asian Heritage Week with the 2002 film ‘Bend it like Beckham’. It’s a vibrant and colourful British comedy about a young girl from a Sikh family who desperately wants to play football against the wishes of her traditional parents. Come along to Keynes Lecture Theatre 6 from 18.00.

Saturday: Postgraduate Open Event

Interested in a Master’s or research degree? Join us at our Postgraduate Open Event on Saturday 10.00-13.00 in Sibson (or online) to find out about all the Master’s, PhD and Research Programmes as well as funding opportunities. You can also speak to academic staff, support staff and current students. Book your place now.

And huge congratulations to our Class of 2020 who are graduating in Canterbury Cathedral this week! Look out for photos and videos from the ceremonies on our social media.

Browse all student events.

A Cultural Journey

This blog post forms part of a series exploring identity, culture and heritage as part of the University of Kent’s South Asian Heritage Week.

By Vanisha Jassal, Senior Lecturer, School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research

The early days

My Indian grandma, Chinti Suman, had seven children, one daughter and six boys.  My dad, Amar Chand Mahay was second from youngest.  She was forced to flee her home during the 1947 partition of India as it was now deemed to be located in the new nation of Pakistan.  My dad was 13 at the time – the age of my son now which feels terribly poignant.  I can only imagine the trauma she and my grandad had experienced as they walked days on end with their young family of seven, having to start a new life in a new village miles away.  My dad would recount many years later to me and my siblings, how they never ate for days on end.

My paternal grandma.

An image from the 1950s of my father’s ‘new’ village in India, Ghurka.

In the 1950s, my grandma’s eldest son (far right) moved to the UK.  I do not know what she felt about this; whether she wanted this move for him or whether she wanted him to stay but this was the first major wave of migration from India to the UK – many seeking greater economic stability and prosperity. My uncle settled in the city of Wolverhampton and then invited my dad and the youngest of the sibling group, my youngest uncle (centre), to join him which they did. They lived together for a few years, supporting each other against the challenges of migration – adapting to a completely new life without the strong  family support structures they had had back in India. However, they did amazingly well and remained close to each other throughout their lives.  My youngest uncle is the only remaining survivor of the sibling group today. He turned 80 this year.

My father (far left) and his two brothers who migrated to the UK and settled in the city of Wolverhampton in the 1960s.

When my dad had migrated to the UK in the 1960s, he left behind my mother and four of his young children (my brother and three sisters).  This must have been difficult, especially for my mother as the children were all aged below 11; although she had a large extended family who supported her.  My elder siblings often spoke about how they were so close to their cousins growing up, all living in one huge house and all the men and women doing their share of household chores.  This is so far removed from my own nuclear family and although I still retain close links with my extended family, I feel that it would never quite replicate what they had experienced in India.

In 1970 my mum and siblings migrated to the UK to join my dad.  As young teenagers, they had to learn to adapt to a completely new culture.  Like thousands of other migrating parents, my mother and father sought to ensure that their children retained their culture whilst  embracing the opportunities their new life was providing.

My parents and my siblings – apart from my eldest brother who took the photo, and me as I was not yet born.

Maintaining cultural values and traditions

In the 1970s, my mum and dad decided to extend their family by having three more children. My two brothers and me, the youngest.  Large families were quite the norm amongst migrating families from India and I sometimes think whether adults were trying to re-create the strong sense of family and community that they had back in India.  I enjoy coming from a large family myself and experienced a busy and fun packed childhood, and today have a huge network of cousins.  My husband and myself, however, due to a very different existence from my parents and I suppose, conforming to a more Western sense of family, decided that two children were more than enough!  My daughter often feels quite disgruntled by this, thinking that she may not have quite a wide social network as mine when she grows up; at which point I tell her that she had better get on with her brother then!

Me with my dad and one of my brothers celebrating a birthday (glad my taste in sunglasses improved!)

What I think is wonderful and quite amazing is that subsequent generations following those who had migrated in the 1950s and 1960s, are still continuing the traditions which their grandparents and great grandparents had followed.  At weddings for instance, there are a plethora of rites and rituals which we all follow – even my children – because it is a part of our roots and our culture.  What can be frustrating for my children, Henna and Raam, third generation Indians, is that we cannot always explain what they mean!  There is a serious business opportunity around this – creating a manual of all the traditions, and explanations around the origins of their meaning.

My niece in 2021 at her ‘maiyan’ ceremony, the day before her wedding day.

Me applying Mehndhi (Henna) at my cousin’s wedding in 2019.

Contemporary traditional experiences

Although my children and nieces and nephews are fully immersed in British culture, much more than I and my siblings were, they are still very engaged in and feel the need to preserve their Indian heritage.  For one, they love dressing up for any close family wedding which involves an opportunity to splash out on extravagant Indian clothing and jewellery as shown here.  They are fortunate to be able to pick and choose from two cultures, each which they claim as their own and which indeed are theirs to own, completely.

My daughter Henna (right) and niece Sarin my eldest niece Reema’s wedding in 2021

Me (far right) and from left to right, my niece, sister and and sister-in-law at a family wedding. Indian weddings are known for their grandeur, colour, food and music.  They are often described as a week of partying.  As well as the younger generation, the adults equally like the opportunity to dress up!

The young Indian generation enjoying their heritage.

This blog post forms part of a series exploring identity, culture and heritage as part of the University of Kent’s South Asian Heritage Week. This week runs from the 28 March -1 April 2022 and invites exploration of the identities, history and heritage of British South Asians.

For more events and activities please see Kent Union’s South Asian Heritage Week website.

White British or Mixed Race?

This blog post forms part of a series exploring identity, culture and heritage as part of the University of Kent’s South Asian Heritage Week.

By Becky Lamyman, Student EDI Officer, Student Services

White British or Mixed Race?

I’m staring at the question that I never know how to answer. It is a standard question, a simple tick box and one that the vast majority of people would answer without a second thought. It simply asks me to define my ethnic origin for data management purposes.

The problem is, I never know whether to tick White British or Mixed. I fluctuate between the two depending on my mood, how much of time I have spent with my family, recent interactions and sometimes it just depends on what day of the week it is. I know that for many mixed race people, particularly second and third generation who have been born and raised in Britain, it is a question of identity that they can struggle with.

L- R My Uncle Neil, my Uncle Mark and my mother, Kim in their backgarden in England, circa 1970.

For all intents and purposes I am white. I look white. I have tan skin, light eyes and brown hair. Culturally, I would say I am about 90% white. I was born and raised in Britain and would classify myself as British first and foremost. My sister looks much more mixed race than I do. My younger cousins are quite clearly mixed race with tan skin, dark eyes and Asian features. Their older sister is as blonde haired and blue eyed as you can get. Put us all together in a room and you would be forgiven for being confused as to which ones of us were siblings.

L-R, Me, my cousin Emma, my sister Lottie, my cousin Jamie and my cousin Joanna in their backgarden, circa 1998.

My grandmother is Burmese*. She came to England in 1956 with her husband (an architect born and raised in North London who worked in Burma for a number of years) and her oldest son. She had two more children after they settled in South East London; my mother and my youngest uncle.

L-R My mother, my grandfather, my Uncle Neil, my grandmother and my Uncle Mark on holiday, circa 1963

My grandmother assimilated quickly. She already spoke fluent, clipped English, was a trained, very bolshy, accountant, had long before stopped wearing her longhi in favour of short skirts and cigarette pants and was (and still is) a devout Catholic. She would however be frustrated for a long time by the lack of mangoes available in supermarkets and her joy when she could finally get her hands on some gulab jaman and balachang was palpable. Believe me, the smell of balachang on toast first thing in the morning is more effective at waking you up than an ice cold shower and my mother loves the vile stuff.

L-R my mother, my Uncle Mark, My Uncle Neil, my grandmother, Camber Sands, circa 1967.

My upbringing was very western. I was raised Catholic, went to a Catholic school, ate a roast dinner every Sunday and have very western ideals and beliefs. I have always been proud of the fact that I am a quarter Burmese though. Grandma insisted we call her ahpwa for a long time and would tell us stories of her childhood in Burma whilst bringing us bags full of mangoes ‘in case they ran out’. She lived an exceptionally privileged lifestyle. Her family were well off and she and her siblings all were given western first names (Joan, Patrick and Joyce).

My Great-Uncle Patrick, circa 1998 (my grandmother’s brother)

Having traditionally ‘British identifiers was seen as a mark of wealth and privilege, so she would tell me stories about the red double decker bus she had in the back garden as a ‘playhouse’ and the red phone booth as a ‘garden ornament’. They had cooks, cleaners and gardeners and lived in luxury until the arrival of the Second World War. After that, everything changed and she would tell me stories of foraging for mushrooms for dinner, sometimes helped by the Japanese soldiers whom she said were always very kind to the children they met. She also told me folk stories and I wish I could remember the details of them now as I can’t find them in any folktale book. The one that stands out to me was about the little boy who rescued a dying dragon by feeding him oranges. She would tell me to look at statues of dragons; they still have a small ball resting in their claw in remembrance of his kindness. I have a feeling she made most of this up as I can find no other reference to the myth, but I have always loved the idea.

L-R My mother, my Aunt Helena, my Uncle Mark, (unknown friend of my Grandmothers’), my Grandmother, my Uncle Neil. Sunday lunch at my house, circa 1987.

I remember listening to her and my ‘auntie’ Ruth (her best friend) reminisce over the fashion shows in Rangoon they went to as young women and the beauty competitions they entered. Ruth was always very dry and deprecating about them. My grandmother was still sore about the fact that Ruth won Miss Rangoon** instead of her.

My grandmother, aged about 19 in Rangoon, in traditional Burmese wedding attire. This was for a fashion show.

In the years following the war the family scattered. Half went to Australia and the others, along with some of their friends, came to Britain. I don’t know much about those early years. My mother doesn’t talk about it much, but I do know that they experienced undercurrents of racism throughout the late 50s, 60s and 70s. I still remember being about 8 years old, with my mother and younger sister in the supermarket and witnessing an exceptionally nasty altercation. My grandmother is not unbiased herself and had her own very strong, quite unpleasant racist prejudices that still manifest themselves to this day.

My parent’s wedding party in 1980. L-R my Uncle Fred and Aunt Yvonne (dad’s sister), Grandad Ray (dad’s dad), my grandmother Joan, my dad Rob, my mum Kim, my cousin Joanne, my Nan Nora (dad’s mum), my Grandad Roy (mum’s dad), my Uncle Mark, my Uncle Neil and my Uncle Terry (dad’s brother).

I feel connected, but at the same time strangely disconnected from my heritage. Our house growing up had a mixture of east and west influences. There was a lot of art and furniture bought over by my grandmother from Burma and Thailand. I have been ‘in training’ to develop my tolerance of spice since I was six. My favourite meal is a lamb biriyani (cooked by my mother, but it has to be made with left over roast lamb from the Sunday lunch). My mother used to send me to school with two flasks of it for lunch. One for me, and one for all my friends so that I could actually get a chance to eat mine. I had a scattering of Burmese words, all sadly now lost to time and memory.

L-R my mother, my grandmother and my Uncle Mark, circa 1958.

My mother went to Burma for the first time for her 60th birthday to fulfil a long held dream. She sent me pictures of the boat ride down the Irrawaddy, the puppet show in the restaurant and my grandmother’s birth house in Rangoon. There is a shop on the lower floor now. I know she feels the same sense of being torn between her identities but to a much stronger degree than I do.

My grandmother with my daughters at her house, Christmas 2021.

I have my own children now, and to see my grandmother with my daughters is both wonderful, but also strangely discombobulating. You would find it hard to tell they were related if I didn’t tell you. Nevertheless, I want to ensure they know where they come from and appreciate the richness of their inheritance. It is this blend of identities, the pulls to my grandmother’s heritage coupled with my own western upbringing and identity that makes the issue of finding the right tick box far more onerous than it has any right to be.

*Burma is now known as Myanmar but my grandmother only ever refers to it as Burma and herself as Burmese so that is what I use.

**Otherwise known as Yangon

This blog post forms part of a series exploring identity, culture and heritage as part of the University of Kent’s South Asian Heritage Week. This week runs from the 28 March -1 April 2022 and invites exploration of the identities, history and heritage of British South Asians.

For more events and activities please see Kent Union’s South Asian Heritage Week website.

Industrial action

Industrial Action: Marking and Assessment update

**Updated 25 March, 14.00 – thank you to everyone who attended the Industrial Action Student WebChat. Missed it? You can view the recording online.**

From Professor Richard Reece | DVC Education and Student Experience

Further to my update earlier this week, the University has now made an offer to UCU which we hope will end the local dispute and bring the current marking and assessment boycott to an end. The UCU will need to discuss this with their members, but after positive discussions we are hopeful of a further announcement early next week. We will be in touch again as a priority when we have an update.

This does not impact the planned strike days over national issues which are still due to take place next week. I also know that many of you still have concerns and questions around industrial action at Kent – do join us later today at 12.45 for our Student Webchat where myself and other colleagues at the University will give a more detailed update and answer any questions you may have. We will also make a recording available afterwards for those that cannot make it.

With all good wishes,


Professor Richard Reece | DVC Education and Student Experience

South Asian Heritage Week 2022, 28 March - 1 April

South Asian Heritage Week, 28 March-1 April

The University of Kent is delighted to announce that it is celebrating South Asian Heritage Week for the first time this year.

British South Asians represent a huge percentage of the British population and also form a large proportion of our staff and student bodies. The contributions of British South Asians to British culture, politics, science and academics cannot be understated and it is important that we take the time to recognise and celebrate these contributions.

Nationally, South Asian Heritage Month runs from the 18 July – 17 August in recognition of the date that the Indian Independence Act 1947 gained royal assent from King George VI and the date that the Radcliffe Line was published in 1947, which finally set out where the border between Indian, West Pakistan and East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) would be. It seeks to raise the profile of British South Asian heritage and history in the UK through education, arts, culture and commemoration, with the goal of helping people to better understand the diversity of present-day Britain and improve social cohesion across the country. As these dates fall within the summer holidays for the majority of our undergraduate students, the University has taken the decision to move our own local celebrations to the late spring term to allow more students and staff the opportunity to get involved and celebrate.

We have cooking workshops, film screening, a writers workshop and other free events and activities taking place across the week, as well as a huge amount of online resources that you can tap into. For the full programme, see Kent Union’s South Asian Heritage Week website.

We hope you enjoy it!

Global Virtual Summer School Opportunities

Take part in a virtual summer school at one of our partner universities. A great opportunity to learn with top academics and enjoy diverse cultural activities without flight and accommodation costs.

Do you have plans for Summer 2022?

We’re pleased to offer various virtual summer schools being delivered by our partner universities in Hong Kong and Japan. Many are offering full scholarships or discounts to participate. Now is a great time to learn something new, try a course that you may not be able to study here at Kent or help to enhance your studies ready for next term. Courses range from Intensive Japanese Language learning, Hong Kong Cinema to Business Communications and International Relations & Peace Studies.

See current Virtual Summer School opportunities

Taberek Al-Yasiri, 3rd year, Law with a Language student shares her experience of participating in Hong Kong Baptist University’s online summer programme last year:

“The 2021 HKBU summer program was one of the most memorable experiences I’ve ever had. HKBU put together a great program that allowed us to immerse ourselves in Hong Kong’s history, culture, and community. Local students showed us around Hong Kong and explained the heritage and significance of different parts of the city. In one of the tours, we learned about the history of Kowloon Walled City. We were then guided around Kowloon, starting from Kowloon City Market and the surrounding areas, known as Little Thailand. We went around the bakeries and stalls to explore a few local dishes, desserts, and snacks. We also learned about the Thai New Year’s Songkran Festival. The locals enjoyed telling us about the activities and events that take place during the festival. We also had virtual tours of the Traditional Floating Village, Wan Chai, and Hong Kong Old Town Central. We concluded our journey with a farewell party at the end of the program. 

The teaching was also of a very high standard, and our teacher encouraged us to take a critical approach – much like at Kent Law School. Our teacher made this experience special by giving us a comprehensive insight into Hong Kong’s economy. He also helped us gain access to popular culture by translating songs and articles that were not available in English. The classes were very interactive as nearly all seminars included group work. I would highly recommend HKBU to anyone who is considering a summer school next year.  I would’ve never been able to travel and live in Hong Kong at this stage of my life, so I’m glad that I could experience Hong Kong remotely.”

For more information about our virtual summer schools, please contact

If you are looking to travel and spend your summer abroad, do take a look at our list of partner summer schools and you may also be eligible for financial support through the Go Abroad Bitesize Fund.  For more information, contact