Author Archives: Miriam Sandiford

Art piece showing student on laptop with rainbow coming out of it. By student Ellie Spearman

LGBTQ+ in Lockdown student art exhibition

Our talented LGBTQ+ students have created a range of art pieces based on their experiences of ‘LGBTQ+ In Lockdown’. You can view the display in Keynes Atrium all month.

For millions of people across the UK, and the world, the Covid-19 lockdowns were a turbulent, emotional and difficult time that placed intense pressure on an individuals’ mental health. Many are still living, and struggling, with the aftereffects.

This exhibition showcases the creative talents of LGBTQ+ students at the University as they reflect on their experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic, and in particular the lockdowns throughout 2020 and into 2021.

For LGBTQ+ students, alongside the pressure of trying to juggle studies, work and the anxiety caused by the global pandemic, there was the additional pressure of being away from their university support networks, potentially being forced to live in a hostile environment, or having to pause or further delay treatment or medical processes for an unknown period of time. For many, lockdown was incredibly traumatic.

For other members of the community, the lockdowns represented an opportunity for deep self-reflection and discovery; a chance to explore their identities.

This collection of art and poetry, commissioned from over 20 student artists from the LGBTQ+ community, reflects the diverse range of feelings and experiences that are reflective of our wider community, both at Kent and beyond and offers a window into the different meanings that the word ‘lockdown’ had for students.

The artists were encouraged to reflect upon what lockdown meant for them as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, both the positives and the negatives. For some, lockdown was an experience that they hoped would never be repeated. For others, it was a period of contemplation and enlightenment. For many, it was both.

Thanks to Student Services and Kent County Council who funded this project.

Support for LGBTQ+ students

Student Support and Wellbeing will be offering a special wellbeing workshop focused on building resilience for student members of the LGBTQ+ community, particularly in light of the challenges faced in light of Covid-19. You can book your place via Target Connect. 

Further support is available via Student Support and Wellbeing. This includes mental health support, counselling and peer support groups as well as workshops. For further support resources please see the LGBTQ+ section of the University Self-help Guide.


Art piece showing student on laptop with rainbow coming out of it. By student Ellie Spearman

LGBTQ+ in Lockdown art exhibition

Our talented LGBTQ+ students have created a range of art pieces based on their experiences of ‘LGBTQ+ In Lockdown’. You can view the display in Keynes Atrium all month.

For millions of people across the UK, and the world, the Covid-19 lockdowns were a turbulent, emotional and difficult time that placed intense pressure on an individuals’ mental health. Many are still living, and struggling, with the aftereffects.

This exhibition showcases the creative talents of LGBTQ+ students at the University as they reflect on their experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic, and in particular the lockdowns throughout 2020 and into 2021.

For LGBTQ+ students, alongside the pressure of trying to juggle studies, work and the anxiety caused by the global pandemic, there was the additional pressure of being away from their university support networks, potentially being forced to live in a hostile environment, or having to pause or further delay treatment or medical processes for an unknown period of time. For many, lockdown was incredibly traumatic.

For other members of the community, the lockdowns represented an opportunity for deep self-reflection and discovery; a chance to explore their identities.

This collection of art and poetry, commissioned from over 20 student artists from the LGBTQ+ community, reflects the diverse range of feelings and experiences that are reflective of our wider community, both at Kent and beyond and offers a window into the different meanings that the word ‘lockdown’ had for students.

The artists were encouraged to reflect upon what lockdown meant for them as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, both the positives and the negatives. For some, lockdown was an experience that they hoped would never be repeated. For others, it was a period of contemplation and enlightenment. For many, it was both.

Thanks to Student Services and Kent County Council who funded this project. 

See more LGBT+ History Month events

Grab a jab at a local drop-in clinic

Covid-19 vaccination pop-up, Tues 8 Feb

Join the thousands of students getting vaccinated against Covid-19.

We will be running an additional vaccination clinic on campus on Tuesday 8 February, 14.30-16.30, in the Old Santander Bank on the Canterbury campus. 

Come along for your free Covid-19 vaccination – 1st, 2nd and booster vaccines are all available.

For 18s and over the gap is 8 weeks after the first dose and 12 weeks for the booster after the second.  Anyone who has recently had Covid should wait for 28 days before getting their vaccine/booster.

Can’t make this date? Find a Covid-19 vaccination centre near you in Kent and Medway.

love heart sweets

Valentine’s Global Hangout, 10 Feb

All students are welcome to join this fun and informal, Global Hangout to celebrate Valentine’s Day in the Colyer-Fergusson Foyer. Meet new students, take part in fun activities and create your own Valentine’s Day card for someone special in your life. Don’t miss out on our sweet treat selection too!

This Hangout will be taking place on Thursday 10 February from 12.00-13.30.

All students are very welcome, from the UK or overseas.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Register online now.

Your views your NSS. Complete the survey by 21 February and get a free hot drink on campus

Complete the NSS by 21 Feb and get a free hot drink on campus

The National Student Survey (NSS) 2022 is now live at The University of Kent. The survey is open to eligible final year undergraduates, who can complete it today.

Free hot drink!

To say thanks for completing the survey, the University will be offering you a free hot drink on campus until 21 February 2022. See how to claim your free hot drink online.

What is the NSS?

The NSS is the largest UK wide annual survey aimed at final year undergraduates in the UK.

The survey provides students with an opportunity to give their honest opinions on what you liked about your course at the University of Kent as well as things that you feel could have been improved.

The survey is administered by Ipsos MORI, an independent market research agency on behalf of the UK Higher Education funding and regulatory bodies, so your responses remain anonymous to your university or college at all times.

Why should I take part?

  • The NSS provides you with the opportunity to provide honest feedback on your student experience;
  • Your opinions will be used to improve the student experience at the University of Kent;
  • The feedback you submit is taken very seriously and informs the quality assurance system with regards to teaching quality;
  • Results are published and used by prospective students, their families and advisors to make decisions on what and where to study through course comparison websites like Discover Uni.

More information about the NSS is available at the OfS website.

What happens with the results?

The NSS results are published to help prospective students, their families and advisors make informed decisions of where and what to study. This is available on Discover Uni.

Universities/colleges and supporting Student Unions also use the data to identify areas of strengths and weaknesses and bring about change to improve the experience for future generations of students.

Inappropriate influence

A student guide on inappropriate influence sets out what the NSS is and how it is promoted by providers. The guide details what may constitute inappropriate influence and the types of promotion universities and colleges are, or are not, allowed to undertake. It provides details on the help and support available to you – if you feel you are being or have been influenced in how to respond to the survey, along with the process in place to investigate allegations of inappropriate influence and what happens in case of a breach of guidance.

Your Views, Your NSS at the University of Kent.

Back of camera

Get a free professional LinkedIn headshot – Tuesday 8 Feb

A professional looking LinkedIn profile is an essential aspect of enhancing your chances of securing graduate employment.

On Tuesday 8 February, 9.30-16.00, the Careers & Employability Service is offering students the chance to have a professional portrait taken by Matt Cook Photography, free of charge, which can be used for their profile.

On the day:

  • This is being run as a drop-in session, whereby you turn up, add your name to the list and are seen in turn. This enables the photographer to see as many students as possible. Please allow time to wait, if necessary.
  • Whilst we will endeavour to see all students that attend, this will be dependent on attendance numbers. We therefore cannot guarantee that you will be seen on the day.
  • It is recommended you attend in business/smart attire.

Terms of Service

The photographer will be responsible for selecting the most suitable image during the session and undertaking the necessary editing work to ensure the image is suitable. No further editing of images supplied by Matt Cook Photography is permitted. Matt Cook Photography retains the entire copyright of the image and these may be displayed online for the purposes of advertising his work.

If you do not wish for your image to be used for promotional purposes, please ensure this is clearly communicated to the photographer.

The final images will be supplied to the students via a password protected online gallery and this will be made available within 1-4 weeks following the completion of the session.

More information.

Industrial action

Industrial Action at Kent

From Professor Richard Reece | DVC Education and Student Experience

On Thursday 27 January we received notification that the University and College Union (UCU) have announced further strike days as part of the national disputes over the proposed changes to the USS Pension Scheme and over pay and conditions. This will take the form of two periods of action at Kent:   

  • 14 to 18 and 21 to 22 February   
  • 28 February to 2 March  

The UCU’s mandate for its members to take part in Action Short of a Strike (ASOS) – which includes members working strictly to contract, and not rescheduling any missed classes – remains in place until 3 May.  

As a university we regret UCU’s decision, particularly as it comes so soon after the December strike, but we do have our mitigation plans in place so that any disruption to your studies is kept to a minimum and, as we did in December, we will be keeping you updated with any developments. We will also provide you with guidance and information about what the strikes might mean for you, as well as the support available to you.  

While this is a national strike, we are continuing our talks with our local UCU colleagues to try and reach agreement on addressing what we all agree are important issues. You can read more about this on our webpages.  

With all good wishes, 


Professor Richard Reece | DVC Education and Student Experience

Glowing globe floating above hand

Are you looking for a unique global learning experience?

We have partnered with Sharing Perspectives Foundation and Soliya to offer Kent students the opportunity to engage with peers around the world in small groups and gain practical experience in constructive communication and cross-cultural collaboration, through virtual exchange.

Opportunities Available

Climate Movements – 14 March – 13 May 2022

Explore themes around climate change, movement of people, climate refugees and politics of un/sustainability in this 9-week course.  You will have weekly 2-hr sessions where participants can exchange ideas and perspectives in their intercultural, online group, stimulated by video lectures and audio-visual materials. Apply by 14 February 2022.

Connect Collaborate – 4 April – 6 May 2022

During this 5-week course, you will engage with peers around the world in small groups, exploring the themes of Inequality or Technology (you can choose). You will meet online for weekly 2hrs meetings and in your groups, create a social media awareness campaign, and an infographic that will accompany the campaign. 

Global Circles, various dates

These 2 week facilitated dialogue sessions are ideal for those who are unable to commit to a longer course.  Availability is limited and attributed on a first come, first served basis. Learn more about the topics, dates and how to apply.  

Why join a virtual exchange?

Virtual exchange allows students to engage in meaningful, cross-cultural experiences as part of their education. It can broaden access to international learning for every student, regardless of their circumstances, background or ability. These projects provide the framework for you to develop their cross-cultural attitudes, skills, and communication in addition to improving your digital literacy skills valued by employers.

More information about these exciting new opportunities and how to apply.

Intersex progression flag

LGBT+ History Month at Kent

What is LGBT+ History Month?

LGBT+ Month is an annual nationwide celebration throughout February, which was started in 1994 to celebrate the history of the gay rights and related civil rights movements. The history month gives a focus to raise awareness of the prejudice that can still exist, but also to raise up role models, celebrate achievements, and build a more just community. This year, the national theme is Politics in Art: ‘The Arc is Long’, and we at Kent also aim to ‘educate out prejudice’ and open doors for more dialogue and visibility for everyone in our diverse university community.

Kent Celebrations

You can find the Kent LGBT+ History month programme of events on the Kent Union website, featuring both online and in person activities open to all. Look out for exhibitions in the Library and the ‘LGBTQ+ In Lockdown’ exhibition in Keynes Atrium featuring student artists reflecting on what lockdown meant for them, both positive and negative. You might like to take part in a new book club, or try some hands-on activities such as tie dye t-shirt printingpronoun badge making or Zine creating.

There are also educational webinars and seminars on ‘The Experiences of Transgender Students in Higher Education’, a series of highly exciting sessions as part of our ‘Celebrating Consent Day’, Student Support workshops on building resilience, film screenings, a Woody’s Quiz, and the chance to get tickets for the Queer Prom in March. LGBTQ+ flags will also be flying across both the Canterbury and the Medway campus. Learn about the meaning behind each of the unique colours and designs.

Support at Kent

Some of the discussions about LGBTQ+ experiences in lockdown may be challenging to engage with, or provoke feelings that you might benefit from working through in a therapeutic setting. Student Support and Wellbeing are running a therapeutic ‘Reflect, Recover and Empower’ workshop for LGBTQ+ students on 21 February, 19.00-20.30 with a particular focus on the personal impact of Covid-19 and coping with future change.

Student Support and Wellbeing offer mental health support, counselling and peer support groups to all students. You can also check out our LGBTQ+ self-help resource section online.

We have a number of ways to help and support staff, including through our EAP programme and Mental Health Allies. You can find all the information on support available to staff on our SharePoint site.

Networks and Societies

Kent operates networks and societies for its staff and student Rainbow communities. The Staff Network is open to all staff, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or expression. It runs a confidential mailing list as well as organising different events throughout the year to promote equality and diversity and to raise awareness of LGBTQ+ people and issues. It also organises social events so that staff can network and seek advice and support from fellow colleagues. Please email the staff network if you are interested in joining.

The LGBTQ+ Student Network acts as a voice for LGBTQ+ students to both the University and the Union and helps to ensure informed decisions are made on a practical and strategic level as well as planning events and networking opportunities for new and returning students. Email the Student Network if you are interested in joining.

You can also join the student LGBTQ+ Society at Canterbury and the Medway LGBTQ Society, whose primary function is to facilitate a safe space for students of marginalised gender identities and sexualities to socialise and meet other like-minded individuals, helping to develop friendships and support networks. 


LGBT+ History Month is for LGBTQ+ people and their allies as well. If you want to learn more about being an effective ally and using your power and influence to magnify the voices of underrepresented or marginalised groups, then our online Ally resources are an excellent place to start.

Follow #KentLGBTQHM22 on social media for the latest information on what’s on, and if you would like to contribute your experience and perspective to conversations, podcasts or articles on this theme during the month, please email

Written by Natalia Crisanti, Student Engagement and Communications Officer, Student Services  and Becky Lamyman, Student Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity Officer, Student Services. 31.01.22


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