Welcome to Kent! Excited to get your student journey off to a great start? We’re here to help you in using the exceptional Library and IT services Kent has to offer.
🌐 Navigate success
Discover our new student information page, a space dedicated to helping you successfully navigate your way to through these first few weeks. Whether you’re exploring the campus or joining us remotely, this resourceful page is tailored to provide just the right tips and insights, ensuring you’re all set to go.
🚀 Propel your knowledge
Take the IT and Library e-inductionon Moodle – access this once enrolled. Our digital launchpad is designed to guide you through all the vital information, ensuring your student journey starts on the perfect trajectory. No matter where you’re learning from, we’ve got you covered with the Digital Library and IT e-induction (remote study only), tailored to those studying away from campus.
🌠 Discover more
Explore our online guides and equip yourself with the essential tools you will need during your time at Kent. Whether its our expert guidance on Wi-Fi setup, learning how to access premium software available to students, or discovering all you need to know about borrowing books from the renowned Templeman Library; if you need it – we’ve got a guide for it!
👨🚀’Fuel Up’ at the Treasure Tent 💎
Join us at ‘The Treasure Tent‘ on 19 and 20 September for a 2 days of engaging activities designed to ignite your curiosity and enhance your student experience. This Welcome Week event is an opportunity to ‘Fuel up’ for the journey ahead by discovering the treasure trove of services we offer that will help you excel at the University of Kent. Get it in your diary!
If you are a mature, commuting or part-time student (or a combination), your university experience might look a little different to someone joining university straight from school. But don’t worry, there is plenty of additional support for you and ways to connect with those in a similar position. This includes a society that runs events and study sessions at convenient times if you have other responsibilities (e.g. a part-time job and childcare), and a dedicated student network to help get your voice heard.
Introduction event for mature students (with lunch provided)
In the week before Welcome Week, our Student Learning Advisory Service are running in-person introduction events for mature students. These events will help you prepare for university study, give you an introduction to digital learning and a campus orientation. It also gives you an opportunity to ask questions and meet other mature students at the free lunch.
Please book the relevant event for you based on your Division and campus:
Kent Union has a Mature Student Society which acts as a forum to promote the challenges and needs of students over the age of 21. As well as being for mature students, the society welcomes students returning to education, part-time or commuting students, and students who have dependants or caring responsibilities. The society meets regularly and is a great way to socialise with other students with similar responsibilities and potential interests.
Mature and Part-Time Student Network
Kent Union has a number of student networks. The Mature and Part-Time Student Network aims to represent and act as the voice for all mature, commuting and part-time Students, and to feedback on key issues that affect the mature, commuting and part-time student experience to both the University and Kent Union.
You should register with a local doctor near to your accommodation in order to receive treatment under the National Health Service (NHS): Find your nearest NHS Surgery.
On Sunday 27 Aug 2023, we are opening our doors to everyone at the Kent Sports Community Tennis Open Days.
Located within the Kent Indoor Tennis and Events Arena at the Pavilion outdoor facilities, all students, staff, and members of the public are welcome to book a free 45-minute session with our Law Tennis Association (LTA) qualified coaching team. On the day, you’ll be able to experience the fantastic indoor courts, play on the acrylic surfaces, and chat with our experienced staff, including LTA Level 5 coach Nick Skelton and the coaching team.
Bookable slots start at 10:00 for adult and Youth Start sessions, plus there are multiple junior and children’s sessions on each Open Day, so there’s plenty of opportunity for you or your children to get involved.
Spaces on our tennis Open Days are limited so make sure you book early to avoid disappointment. Book your free space at kent.ac.uk/sports/tennis.
PG Summer continues in August with a wide range of activities to get involved in, including:
Tues 1 August – Enjoy good coffee? Head to the Gulbenkian Arts Centre Café for their free coffee tastingand help influence the future coffee culture on campus.
Wed 2 August – Get creative with this relaxing Craft-ernoon Tea event at Venue. There will be painting and pottery available.
Fri 18 August – Get outside and volunteer at the Kent Community Oasis Garden. Everyone is welcome, whether you’re an expert, a complete beginner or just coming along for a chat.
Wed 30 August – Learn how to find graduate level employment after uni at this online session from our Careers Team, which will focus on graduate jobs, grad schemes as well as job hunting methods and application tips.
Apply for the GOLD Programme. Applications are now open!
Are you looking to add value to your degree, develop your leadership skills and gain practical experience that stands out to future global employers? Look no further than the Global Officers’ Leadership Development (GOLD) Programme!
Join other like-minded students to make a positive impact on campus and enhance your global skills. As a Global Officer, you’ll work closely with the Dean & Director of Global and Lifelong Learning and other university staff to organise, develop and support globally-minded activities throughout the year.
But don’t just take our word for it! Here’s what previous Global Officers have to say about their experience:
“The GOLD Programme was one of the best things that happened to me at university. I can only encourage participation in this splendid and unique opportunity! Personally, I would have never forgiven myself for missing out on it had I known about it and not applied!”
What does the course involve?
The course is made up of five compulsory components.
Component 1: Getting started
Identify your skillset and set your goals for the year
Attend a welcome session to learn about cultural intelligence (CQ) and build your intercultural awareness
Participate in a spring-term curriculum Internationalisation workshop
Component 2: Training workshops
Choose and attend a minimum of two out of five workshops covering intercultural awareness, sustainability, internationalisation, leadership in a global context, and event management.
Component 3: Internationalized student engagement
Engage in various projects and activities on campus, such as marketing and promotion projects, student media campaigns, campus tours and focus groups.
Component 4: Project and event planning
Collaborate with a team of Global Officers to plan and deliver regular events and activities based on your personal goals and interests, such as Global Hangouts and Sustainability Forums.
Component 5: Reflection and Employability Skills Assessment
Reflect on your progress and set future goals during an interactive group session.
“Not only will you gain crucial employability skills, but also make new friends and grow as a better person and a citizen of the world.”
Benefits of the GOLD Programme
By participating in the GOLD Programme, you’ll earn Employability Points, receive a certificate of recognition, obtain a personal reference from the Dean & Director of Global and Lifelong Learning, gain practical event management and leadership experience, and expand your network with like-minded individuals.
PLUS, you can record your international skills development in the Kent Global Passport!
“The GOLD Programme was a highlight of my time at Kent. The team leading the programme listened to all of our ideas and supported us throughout the year. I developed many transferable skills, gave back to the student community, and made many new friends.”
How do I apply?
If you are a committed, enthusiastic, reliable, organised and professional undergraduate interested in developing your global skills, head to the GOLD websiteand fill out the online application form.
Why not apply today? Applications are open from now until 9:00 on 11 October 2023.
Not only will you gain crucial employability skills, but also make new friends and grow as a better person and a citizen of the world.
Don’t miss out on this unique chance to become a global leader! Apply nowand start your GOLD journey today!
Calling all coffee enthusiasts, students, and staff! The University of Kent catering team are thrilled to invite you to a very special coffee tasting event at the Gulbenkian Arts Centre Café on Tuesday 1 August, 10.00 – 12.00.
During this free event, you will have the pleasure of sampling four distinct filter coffees from four different suppliers. Each coffee will tell a unique story of its journey from bean to cup.
This coffee tasting event is not only about enjoying great coffee; it’s also an integral part of our coffee tender process. Your valued feedback during this tasting session will play a vital role in determining which coffee we serve on campus. As a university that values the preferences of its community, your voice matters in this decision-making process.
To complement the coffee tasting experience, an assortment of pastries will be available for you to enjoy as you sip and savour each coffee.
As an attendee, we kindly request you complete a short feedback survey after sampling the various coffees. By sharing your thoughts, you not only assist us in selecting the best coffee for campus but also stand a chance to win a fabulous prize –£50 credit on your KentOne card (staff/student ID)!
You have the freedom to drop in at any time during the event hours, allowing you to tailor your tasting experience to your schedule.
To book your place, please register online. Spaces are limited, so be sure to secure your spot early.
Remember, it’s not just a coffee tasting; it’s a chance to influence the future coffee culture on campus!
It’s been great to see our postgraduate community come together at events during the first month of PG Summer, including the Annual Postgraduate Conference, PG Summer Coffee Morning and PG Careers Week events. July brings lots more PG Summer events and activities, including:
Thu 6 July -Reflective writing is a powerful learning tool which can help you to understand your own thinking processes, challenge your assumptions and explore logical approaches to arguments. Try it for yourself with this 2 hour Reflecting Writing Workshop at the Drill Hall Library.
Wed 12 July – PG Summer Chill Zone: kick back with free refreshments, Nintendo Switch, board games, table football and more in Keynes.
Fri 14 July – Get outside for the PG Summer Lawn Games Afternoonfor lots of fun with interdivisional games and refreshments.
Tues 18 July – Join the PG Picnic hosted by Kent Union on the Registry Lawn – we’re ready for all weathers with picnic blankets, and covered spaces under the stretch tents.
Wed 19 July – What constitutes good mental health? Explore improving wellbeing at thispositive mental health workshop run by a counsellor from Student Support and Wellbeing, starting at the Labyrinth at Canterbury campus.
Wed 19 July – Find out the essentials for CVs and cover letters, including trends, hints and tips. This practical CV session is taking place in Medway building.
Mon 24 July – Kent Union are organising a day out to the beautiful seaside town of Margate. You can spend time at the Dreamland amusement park, explore the Old Town and visit the many independent shops and cafes. Spaces are limited so make sure you book your place as soon as possible.
Wed 26 July – Writing well academically can make a significant difference to the grades you can achieve. Join this two hour Writing Well Workshop at the Drill Hall Library to help develop your academic writing skills.
Thu 27 July – Take part in fun, interactive activities and enjoy refreshments in a relaxed atmosphere at the Summer Global Hangout in Nexus.
The 5-week Mindfulness course, organised by the School of Economics, but open to all students in the University showed that there is an increasing appetite for these kinds of tools to support learning.
The course, facilitated by Mindfulness practitioner Lorrainne Millard, had over 50 registrations.
‘The dimensions of the course that seem to have helped students most were dealing with feelings of anxiety, the ability to focus and feelings of happiness and joy.’ convener Dr Adelina Gschwandtner told us. ‘Most participants were women, 50% from a BAME background. 45% percent were studying at a postgraduate level and most of them came from the School of Psychology (48.5%) followed by the School of Economics (24.2%) and the School of Politics (9%). The overwhelming majority preferred that the course was run online offering more flexibility.’
Tiffany Akurut an MSc Economics student had not taken part in anything regarding mindfulness or mental health before but was persuaded by the virtual nature of the course.
‘No one could see you during the exercises, so you could just let go and just be yourself.’ Tiffany told us ‘Going into a room with other people, I don’t like being in such situations, just cause I’m shy. But if you wanted to speak up, you could and if you didn’t want to, you could just be quiet in the background and just listen.’
The course came at an ideal time for her.
‘Around the time when we were approaching exam season, we had multiple deadlines and I experienced a lot of anxiety that meant I was unable to focus. Then I would feel I didn’t deserve to sleep because of how little I have accomplished during the day. So then I am more tired, which makes me more stressed. So I end up in this cycle that I’m really unable to get out of.’
The course was the first time Tiffany Akurut had tried any Mindfulness techniques.
Portia Chere expressed that travelling to the UK from Botswana to study a financial economics MSc was overwhelming at times.
‘Yeah, it has been a culture shock, but it was also an exciting opportunity for me to travel from Africa because it is my first time travelling Internationally.’ Portia left her son and husband at home for the year while she studies. ‘I think maybe because being an international student, having to come here alone without my family, was a bit of a challenge to settle in so I really needed something that could keep me motivated throughout the my journey in learning.‘
Portia Chere travelled from Botswana to study a financial MSc at Kent.
Gladness Sebifelo has been studying an MSc in development economics after studying for her undergraduate at the University of Botswana ten years ago.
‘When I arrived in the UK.I had to start teaching myself to learn again, andbecause I arrived two weeks late, I couldn’t catch up easily, you know? So that alone gave me a lot of stress. Like, will I make it? Justbeing in a different environment was stressful. So I was always asking myself what can I do? Where can I get help?’
Before this Gladness’ only experience of mindfulness came from social media ‘-just the memes that you always read that encourage people.’
‘I think I had a stubborn mind. I was like, ohhh will it work?’
‘But I was like, 5 weeks. One hour a week. It wont hurt.‘
The structure of the course was varied.
‘It was a mixture of everything. So you do a practical exercise with everyone, like breathing techniques or like a physical exercise and then, Lorraine, would you usually go into the theory behind it,’ Tiffany explained ‘Then you would go into breakout rooms and discuss the weeks homework, what you did, if you’re able to do anything, what you’re accomplished, how it made you feel.’
Participating alongside others who are also struggling with stress and anxiety turned out to be helpful in and of itself Tiffany found.
‘I think sometimes you think that you’re the only person feeling this thing, going through this, but when you talk to other people, you understand you are experiencing the same thing. It’s great feeling that you’re not alone in this.’
‘However we respond to situations, we hold that power ourselves.’ Gladness Sebifelo
Gladness Sebifelo came away from the course with a sense of empowerment.
‘I know now it’s me who is in control. Nobody else. So if I don’t control the situationI’m in, nobody else will come out and and and do it for me. Soit’s all about me and how to tackle my situations.’
Portia suggested that the course would be suitable for anyone ‘I don’t think it’sthere’s somebody who is tailor made for it, because I think it it cuts across so many things, whether it’s to improve on your relationship with your family, your communication, your wellbeing. So I think everybody can use this course.’
Due to the tremendous positive feedback and the large number of registrations this year we are planning to organise the course again in 2023-2024.
Nexus staff can help with any query, signposting you in the right direction. You can ask Nexus for help with accommodation, course queries and admin, KentOne card issues, support and much more.
Between 17-21 July, Nexus will operate online only while the Nexus staff help out at the graduation ceremonies.
From Monday 24 July, Nexus will reopen in Templeman Library. The summer opening times are Monday – Friday, 9:00-17:00.