Author Archives: Allie Burnett

person using laptop

Issues viewing your timetable?

We are aware of some technical issues which are stopping some of you from viewing your timetable.

We are sorry for this inconvenience and working hard to fix any issues and respond to your queries.

Here are a few things you can try yourself to fix the issue, as well as where you can go for help:

Log out and in again 

Try logging out of KentVision and log back in again.

Are you fully registered?

You must be fully registered on your modules for your personal timetable to show. Please check you have enough module credits in KentVision. If you think module registrations are missing please speak with your Division.

8am slots

Classes which appear on the timetable at 8am are recorded and can be viewed at any time in Moodle. You are not expected to do this at any particular time of day and so do not represent a clash on your timetable. They are conveniently placed on your timetable to help you pace your studies through the week with other taught content.

Timetable clashes

See above about 8am slots. For clashes at other times please consult with your Division.

If you are missing classes, studying remotely or have a question about group allocations, please speak to your Division. 

Issues with Ical feed

Information Services are looking into problems some students are having with the ical feed. Please use the KentVision timetable while they fix this.

Spring term queries

The timetable for spring is yet to be completed and is subject to change. It will be released later in the autumn term.

Challenging racism artwork

George Floyd’s murder: one year on

Today, May 25 2021, marks the anniversary of George Floyd’s tragic murder. One year ago, its painful news travelled from Minneapolis sparking pain, outrage, and unified calls for justice against racism around the world. Just weeks ago, the world also witnessed as Derek Chauvin, former Minneapolis police officer, was lawfully convicted of Mr Floyd’s murder, bending the needle a little more towards justice.

Last summer, our own community members at the University of Kent joined in global solidarity and called for the acute end of racism within our own institution. Student voices organised by the Afro-Diasporic Legal Network, West African Society, University of Kent Ethiopian & Eritrean Society, University of Kent ACS, UKC Nigerian Society, Kent Caribbean Union, Kent Southern African Society, and the Kent East African Society organised a call to action and highlighted just 10 of the many areas where may begin the work to tackle racism.

Their submission joined a legacy of leading student voices, such as those who came together to submit the BME Student Voices Project and Decolonize the Curriculum Manifesto, who rallied for the same cause. In requested response, this year we launched the Challenging Racism webpage, focused on directly engaging our student and wider community on our actions to address these recently raised concerns.

Throughout the year, one also marked by compounded hardships, the University of Kent continued the work of realising a university community that holds ‘zero tolerance’ for racial antagonism with new vigour. University leadership organised to install a new EDI Governance structure that will take reported concerns through address to completed action. Alongside this, we launched the new EDI website as a central hub for staff and students to keep connected with University endeavours fixed on equality; specifically the Challenging Racism pages, where we communicate updates on the progress made towards meeting the demands articulated, including developing an Antiracism strategy, Executive Group training and a revised Campus Security Charter. We have also begun the process of preparing an application for the Race Equality Charter.

The horrid injustice that ended George Floyd’s life is one that can never truly be redressed—but our actions towards ending repeated occurrences are essential. We at the University of Kent continue to come together to tackle the structural issues of institutionalised racism. We acknowledge that work has yet to be complete and there is still much to do. We invite everyone’s continued engagement, commitment to self-reflection, continual learning and work to dismantle discriminatory structures at Kent.

Professor Georgina Randsley de Moura
Deputy Vice-Chancellor – Academic Strategy, Planning and Performance

Dr Auzimuth Jackson
Student EDI Officer


Definition of Antisemitism – student consultation

We strive to be an organisation where everyone feels welcome, supported and can take pride in who we are.

We are committed to taking action against all forms of racism at the University and beyond.

As you are aware, we are currently considering whether we should join a number of other universities in signing up to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism. The IHRA definition was created in response to evidence of rising antisemitism and seeks to build an international consensus around a non-legally binding definition of what antisemitism means to help tackle the rise in hate and discrimination. In the UK, the Home Affairs Select Committee added some modifications to address some of the concerns raised.

Feedback from a previous consultation raised some concerns over some aspects of the IHRA definition being open to misinterpretation, but a strong feeling that Kent should have a commitment in this area. Recently, the Jerusalem Declaration of Antisemitism (JDA) has been suggested as an alternative. The authors of the JDA definition have stated that their aim in writing this was to offer a clearer core definition to assist with tackling discrimination against Jews, while protecting space for open debate on the future of Israel/Palestine.

Signing up to a definition of antisemitism would be an important statement of our solidarity with the Jewish community in recognition of the hurt many are feeling due to rising discrimination. With that in mind, we would welcome the views of all students on the approach we should take to help inform our response to Council. Please see the following briefing paper that sets out more of the background to the issues explored in the survey.

Share your feedback now

Professor Georgina Randsley de Moura
Deputy Vice-Chancellor – Academic Strategy, Planning and Performance

Aisha Dosanjh
Kent Union President


Music to my ears!

Second year student Harvey shares the best music to revise and study to:

‘Hi, I’m Harvey, a second year Marketing student at the Canterbury campus. I have a secret; I have never studied for an exam in my life. I completely winged it through my GCSEs and got some undeservingly good results; followed by promptly failing my AS levels. Coupled with my first-year exams being online, open book and fairly straight forward, I have never had to do a ‘late night exam study sesh’. With second year exams looming, which are distinctly harder and need a lot more reading to pass, I thought it’s finally time I actually learned how to revise.

‘Plus, with COVID-19 I also have to share the office with my Dad who is on calls all day, every day. So, I turned to my hilariously diametric Spotify to keep me focused and see what music would get me studying best. Oh, and naturally being a data specialist, I did it scientifically through controlled variables and quantitative analysis. Seeing as I know mostly anyone reading this has no interest in that, I have included a “study score” as an amalgamation of how well each genre performed, which, of course, is completely subjective.


‘Lauded by many as the premier thing to play children in the womb, or the perfect accompaniment to a peaceful evening reading a textbook, classical music is the stereotypical study soundtrack. Perhaps to the dismay of my classically trained musician Dad, I never have showed a great amount of interest in ‘the classics’, but I thought now might be the time to invest in some enculturation.

‘I chose the aptly named “Classical Focus” from Spotify’s official playlists for my first experiment. Encompassing composers such as Bach, Beethoven and Mozart, it features all the works I probably should have studied while I was doing my short-lived music degree but didn’t.

‘Classical music has the ability to make you feel smarter while you’re listening to it. It also generally doesn’t have vocals, unless we’re getting into choral works. So you supposedly have less to distract you, according to some (especially my Dad) “it is terrible to focus with music with words, it distracts you! I could not play that in the office!”

‘After using the playlist for a good hour I found it to be a mixed bag. Perhaps this is just personal taste, but I found it hard to focus on the particularly dry article I was reading with anything aside from piano music. Although orchestral works are impressive, and I have been lucky enough to see this in person a handful of times, I find they’re too busy and complex to focus on the task at hand. Even with piano music I was finding myself encountering a déjà vu of melodies I’d heard on adverts or TV shows from across the years; so I found myself pretending I could play the piano, perhaps in a vain attempt to pretend I knew more than I actually do.

‘I think classical music has the ability to be a deeply relaxing and spiritual listening experience, if the right piece appears. As a study tool? I’m less convinced. Maybe if you’re less of a musical person than I am you’ll find it appropriate background listening for an afternoon of reading and revising; if so, I particularly recommend the works of Chopin or the various other pianists and piano playlists available on Spotify. For me, it was time to explore what’s next.

Study score: 3/5

Drum and Bass/EDM

‘What a juxtaposition! From the realms of the concert hall, my next stop was the substantially more modern field of the synthesiser. I’ll be honest, I am very biased – my favourite band is Pendulum (the Australian drum and bass outfit who were popular in the late 2000s). However, bias aside (ok maybe not), I wanted to see how this eclectic musical umbrella fared when I was working.

‘As previously mentioned, this is probably the music I use most while studying. Generally, it is my aptly titled ‘Pendulum’ playlist that I will put on although I also have “Straight bangers, no re”, titled (hopefully ironically) a few years ago with a fairly broad range from the electronic side of music.

‘Personally, I find that depending on my mood, the heavier the better when it comes to writing those essays that ‘you really should have done three weeks ago but now its due tomorrow’, however, as this is an exercise in mainly reading, it’s time to test it in that respect.

‘Again – like classical music – I feel that a lot of electronic, especially drum and bass, has way too much going on to enable you to properly focus on reading. Although, for me I think I like the songs enough that I can tune a lot of the song out, and it’s good for getting rid of the distractions that permeate the estate I live on. As a way to digest material I am not familiar with? I’m less convinced. If we liken it to having a rave with a textbook it’s very similar, I simultaneously wanted to fall asleep and party at the same time. Writing up notes was a different story. I found, especially Pendulum as it’s more melodic (and as we know I am very biased), or anything similar was very good for driving me forward and keeping me energised.

‘So, in conclusion, it’s a great way to get you energised, especially if you’re doing the type of work where you just need to get pen to paper – a bit like this article (this is exactly how I’m writing this segment!) However, I think on our search to find the right accompaniment for all the read I am sure many of us need to catch up on, we need to look a bit further!

Study score: 2/5


‘When I first heard this kind of music non-ironically, I remember I was driving to work on a cold morning as the sun rose; a fairly beautiful scene that I felt relaxed me into what was a pretty stressful job at the time. Nowadays, I have a dedicated “Chill Stuff” playlist for when I’m not in the mood for anything heavy. The music I am talking about here is the kind that doesn’t try to shout loudly, or invest you with intricate melodies; although it must be said I can’t listen to it if I’m particularly emotional, I do not need more reasons to cry while revising for exams!

‘It is a very wide spectrum, especially if you’re looking at Spotify’s pre-made playlists; which vary from electronic to acoustic guitars and even hip-hop. I found these playlists to be very hit-and-miss if I am honest. Although some things I am sure I could play in the background to a cute date night, others seemed to be very loose in their affiliation to “chill” (angry psychedelic-synth playlist, anyone?), and others still just are a bit plain weird (Cat Jazz is my mum’s favourite to wheel out at family dinners); therefore, I think it’s important to clarify what I found myself drawn to.

‘Personally, and given my usual taste I have no idea why, I found myself rather enjoying the most stripped-back guitar and vocal music I could find. I think it is a certain honesty that brought me away from all of the stresses I was experiencing and into the moment (very mindful, I know). From there I was able to look clearly at what I was studying and feel I was taking in information and working with more clarity. If we want to be philosophical, maybe it is this kind of music that makes you realise how fast-paced and hectic life can be unless you take time to focus on the now – how thoughtful, right?

‘In conclusion, I probably found this the most helpful of all the music I listened to in terms of helping me focus on reading. There is a caveat that there is a lot of terrible music branding itself as “chill”. However, whether it is the classic “chill beats to study to” I am sure many of us have used in the past, or simplistic guitar and vocal performances I enjoy, I think personally it is the perfect music to focus to and digest a difficult reading!’

Study Score: 5/5

Photo by Lee Campbell on Unsplash

women sat smiling at laptop

Student Learning Advisory Service (SLAS): Appointments

Over the Easter break why not take advantage of SLAS and get on top of:

  • planning and revising for your exams including developing revision and exam techniques
  • developing your maths, financial maths and statistical knowledge in time for exams
  • developing and completing assignments including dissertations

You can either book an appointment online, visit our website or email


Complete the Student Support and Wellbeing Survey – you might win £50!

We hope that you’ve benefitted from Student Support and Wellbeing services in the past year if you’ve needed them.

To help us understand ways to further improve our offering to meet your ongoing needs, we’d be really grateful if you could spend just 5 minutes answering a survey on your experience and preferences for accessing support.

Take the survey online now, and you’ll automatically be entered into a prize draw to win one of four £50 Love2Shop vouchers which can be spent online on a huge range of things from food, to clothing, technology, sports equipment, DIY and outdoor supplies.

The survey closes on Tuesday 4 May and prize winners will be contacted by Friday 7 May.

red sticker with the text 'I voted'

Thursday 6 May 2021 is Election Day!

Kent County Council and Police & Crime Commissioner elections are taking
place on Thursday 6 May.

You need to be registered to vote in order to participate and vote at these elections and the deadline to do this is midnight on 19 April.


If you are a student living at your term-time address in the Canterbury area,
you may be able to register to vote from your home and term-time address.
(Students need to re-register from their term-time address each academic

Please click on this link to find out more about the benefits of registering to vote.

To register to vote please visit or call 01227 862007.

If you have any questions or if you are not sure whether you are entitled to register to vote, please email us at

Photo by Parker Johnson on Unsplash

Students on grass at Canterbury campus

What Covid-19 rules are changing from 29 March?

On Monday 29 March we move into the next stage of the Government’s easing of lockdown – but was does that mean for you?

Here is a quick summary of the changes:

  • The rule of 6 returns
    You may meet outdoors, including in private gardens, with 5 other people not in your household (the ‘Rule of 6’) or as 2 households. Indoor socialising is still not permitted.
  • Kent Sport will start to reopen for outdoor sport
    You may take part in outdoor sporting activities including team sports. The planned reopening of our sports facilities is outlined on our Kent Sport website.
  • ‘Stay at home’ rule ends
    The ‘stay at home’ rule ends on 29 March however please continue to minimise travel where you can.

Please see our recent student email for full details.

Get tested for Covid-19 and get a free coffee

If you’re using University facilities, please continue to get regular asymptomatic Covid-19 tests. And to say thanks, we are giving students on our Canterbury campus a free hot drink.

Find out more and book a test.

Simple workspace

Autistics at work!

Hey! I’m Harvey, I’m a second year marketing student at Kent who was diagnosed with Autism in 2019. Prior to coming to university at 21 I was in the world of work, unknowingly autistic so I thought I could share some tips with you about work and job hunting, whether you’re autistic or have another disability or condition that affects your work. 

Know yourself

Firstly, and for me since being diagnosed the most important tip, is knowing yourself. For me personally I know I can be overwhelmed by a lack of routine or lack of control, so I know that I can’t work in London because the idea of the tube and its loud crowded environment causes me anxiety and I can’t escape it easily. Therefore, for my year in industry I deliberately chose a scheme that was not in London, although I was very lucky my dream scheme wasn’t there anyway! 

The moral of this story for me is to know what you can and can’t do. There is a lot of media today that will tell you you’re unlimited and can do anything, which is true in principle, but it doesn’t mean you should be upset if you make the choice to do or not do something because it wouldn’t work for you. The quicker I reconciled with myself what I wanted and that it was OK the better I felt about myself.

Reasonable adjustments

When It comes to applying you have a right by law to reasonable adjustments, which means throughout the application, interview and in your job your employer must make reasonable adjustments to your work and workspace to ensure you are not discriminated against. You also have the right to disclose or not your disability. Personally for me I always disclose because legally it cannot affect your application. 

The things I normally say is “I am Autistic and sometimes I can’t make eye contact with you, I might go off on a little tangent as well so try and be precise with your questions!”. Or perhaps there is a chance you could slowly get used to the environment if that is something you need? Being able to spend a couple of hours getting to know the layout, people and space might increase your confidence and help to settle you in!

A word of warning!

If the employer does not or cannot accommodate your disability, they might not be the right one for you. Sadly, even today a lot of employers do not understand disability. Personally, I have had a lot of people not quite understand the way my mind works, not maliciously but perhaps a manager may get annoyed by how literally I word things, or I want very detailed instructions. It is up to you to judge on a case-by-case basis but be wary and don’t be afraid to raise the question and have suggestions how they can use your skills best! But don’t feel it is your fault if you encounter issues, I was very hard on myself for a while before I knew I had autism and instead of chastising myself I reflected on what I could have done better, but also accepted when it wasn’t my fault.

Have self-confidence

Another tip that I have is, just because you don’t fit one criteria doesn’t mean you shouldn’t apply! Any reasonable employer should know that the perfect candidate doesn’t exist and so as long as you think you’re able to do the job and can show them what have you got to lose by applying? I personally have applied to and even got jobs that I didn’t think I was qualified for or didn’t meet every criteria on the description, so my best tip here is to have confidence in yourself! 

Like anything at University of Kent, there is so many resources available to help you. Never be afraid to reach out to the Student Support and Wellbeing Team or the Careers Team where you can get dedicated one-to-one support on any questions or issues you might have around disability and employment.

Photo by Lukas Blazek on unsplash.

Video call

Top 5 tips for finding experience at university

Hi! I’m Harvey, I’m a second year University of Kent student studying Marketing. I came to university a little later at 21 so I’ve worked in a few places before and during uni so far.

So, I thought I’d share my tips for finding experience and making the most of it at university.

Where to look?

For placements such as a Year in Industry I’d recommend sites like Target jobs, the University website, RateMyPlacement, Indeed or other job hunting websites.

If you’re like me and are doing a placement as part of your degree, or even would just like something like a summer internship there are loads of experiences available on these sites. My advice would be if you want to work with a big company then you need to look early in the academic year between September and December, but a lot of opportunities will be available throughout the year. It is important to check at least once every couple of days, as sometimes being in there early is what might get you to the next stage, especially if the company gets a lot of applications!

Although COVID-19 is affecting the part-time job market, currently a lot of food retailers are crying out for staff. During the first peak I was able to secure a driving job at Tesco without an interview. Especially if you’re willing to be a picker at supermarkets (which unfortunately can mean a 4am start!) there is plenty of experience. Although currently a lot of retail outlets are closed you may be able to get experience if you think outside the box. Perhaps being a COVID tester may work for you?

Another great resource we have at the university is the Careers and Employability Service. This is how I got my job as a project officer. I have the opportunity to gain professional skills and enhance my confidence in a controlled environment where it is fine to ask questions and be unsure! The team are really friendly and willing to answer any of your questions so why not have a look at TargetConnect (and look regularly because there’s always new experiences appearing!).

Finally, Send an email! Why not contact local companies offering to do some work for free? They might appreciate the extra help and you can gain insight into a field of interest as well as adding to your CV!

Don’t rule out SMEs!

Placements at big firms are great but smaller companies or (SMEs) may offer you a greater amount of responsibility. Whereas at large companies you may be responsible for your own little slice of the business, often working with SMEs can mean you are responsible for the entire department such as marketing or finance for the time you are there. For example, Aiden, a Kent student who did an internship at Medway Council during the summer in 2019 through the Employability Points Scheme, was given responsibility for a national project on rough sleeping in the UK. Not only is that great to put on a CV but is a really worthwhile experience too!

I want to highlight the Employability Points Scheme we have here at the university. This is a great place to bank up points and redeem them for potential rewards including internships and summer placements! Having engaged with the scheme myself I can attest that they’re really supportive and friendly and will endeavour for you to get the best reward possible! There’s loads of things on offer from small day-long courses on interviewing and assessment centres, to work experience and all the way up to 3 month summer internships at a variety of different companies like the one I just mentioned!

Do your prep work and ask for help!

Once you’ve found that dream job and sent off a blinding application you hopefully will get a request to interview. But first you need to prepare! Here is a few tips to make sure you walk in with the best chance possible.

  1. If you know the person who is interviewing/reading the application search them up! If you can find a common connection (or even better what they’re passionate about) then remember it and bring it up in a way that seems like a coincidence! 
  2. It seems obvious but make sure you research the company, what do they do? What makes them unique? Knowing this information will make you stand out in interview as someone who is serious about the job and you will feel more confident going into an interview.
  3. Create a network. Today it may not matter but by the end of university you may be able to call on connections for work, and hey knowing more people can’t hurt right? When I was asked to interview for my placement year at a large car maker I found someone who had been there the year before and talked to them, asking about the assessment process and the type of things they might want to hear at interview. In the end this increased my confidence massively going into the assessment centre and I got the job!
  4. As always, it never hurts to make a careers appointment if you want your CV or covering letter for a job checked, or any other advice related to careers. The team really have helped me to get where I want, and they couldn’t be more helpful! Visit the Careers and Employability Service website to book appointments, find events and links to their social media.


Interviews are scary for everyone! Whether it is a good or a bad thing I have done many since I started looking for work in 2017 so I have a few tips for making sure you show your best!

  1. Be yourself! They’re hiring the person not the CV, if you judge the situation well and are able to be personable and friendly it will make you more memorable than if you’re frowning and being monosyllabic!
  2. Remember, read the job description, know the company and what they might want to ask you about, have examples!
  3. Everything is an experience, even if you don’t get it, it doesn’t mean you wont get something and you’ll be able to learn from it for next time!
  4. If you’re nervous, at this level remember everyone will be, they’re not looking for perfect just a willingness to learn and maybe some evidence to back it up (like maybe a uni project you’re proud of) they want to learn about you as much as you about them

Every experience is valid

Whether it is volunteering to pick up litter or working for an international bank, any experience you can gain is good experience! Don’t write off an internship because it is at a small company or unpaid because at the least you’ll learn the soft skills classrooms can’t teach and if you make a good enough impression, who knows, you may even be offered a permanent role! Some companies, especially evident on the Employability Points scheme, have been known to take on interns permanently, Including Reflect Digital and TMLEP who have both taken on multiple interns from Employability Points full time! Again check out the Employability Points Scheme

To be anecdotal: I think of experiences like building a pyramid out of blocks… The first experiences form your foundations and a solid base to add more blocks onto. Likewise you can’t start at the top of the pyramid because there is nothing to support it!