Author Archives: Annabel Chislett

Jobshop Recruitment Fair

We would like to invite all our Canterbury students to our first Recruitment Fair of the year taking place in Keynes Foyer on Thursday 11 October from 12.00 – 15.00. If you’re looking for paid part-time, temporary or seasonal work, come along and meet employers face-to-face who are hiring students for their organisations!


Teach First
Nurseplus UK
Explore Learning
New Appointments Group
The Caldecott Foundation
Smaller Earth
and more to be announced!

Find out more via the Facebook event here.

Foundation Day celebrates establishment of the University

On Friday 28 September, the University held its annual Foundation Day Lecture and Dinner. This event celebrates the beginnings of the University, which opened its doors to the ‘First 500’ students in 1965. Watch this footage from the archives to learn more about why and how Kent was founded.

Lord Willetts delivered the lecture, titled ‘A new generational contract’, in the Colyer-Fergusson Hall.

Professor Ken Eaton at the Centre for Professional Practice in Top 1% of Peer Reviewers for Clinical Medicine

Professor Ken Eaton, Lecturer for the Centre for Professional Practice has received a Publons Peer Review Award 2018 in the category of Clinical Medicine.  He was placed 91=. out of 10,000 peer reviewers, in this category, on Publons’ global reviewer database, determined by the number of peer review reports performed during the 12 month period to 1 September 2018.

Clinical Medicine is one of 22 categories included in the Publons database.  In total 230,000 reviews for 10,000 journals were entered in the database between 1 September 2017 and 31 August 2018.

Full details of how the Publons database of reviews operates can be found at

To find out more about the Centre for Professional Practice programmes and short courses visit:

First year Kent law student secures training contract offer from Magic Circle firm

Kent Law student Tyra Ntege has achieved extraordinary career success by securing an offer for a ‘Magic Circle’ Training Contract at the end of only her first year of studies.

Tyra was offered an interview with Clifford Chance – one of an elite group of five London law firms sharing a focus on corporate and finance work – after completing the firm’s five-day First Year Springboard Scheme over the summer vacation. The offer for a Training Contract followed soon after, in early August.

During the Scheme, which comprised three days in Clifford Chance’s London office and two days in the firm’s offices in Amsterdam, Tyra participated in classroom based activities and gained in-depth insights into key practice areas such as Tax, Pensions, Employments & Incentives, and Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions (Public). Other highlights included multiple opportunities to network with trainees, associates and Partners, a skills session on how to progress from ‘comfort zone’ to ‘stretch zone’ when working in the legal corporate environment and a boat cruise in Amsterdam.

Before making a final decision about Clifford Chance’s offer, Tyra plans to apply for vacation schemes with independent law firms in the UK and US: ‘I am 90% certain that I will start at Clifford Chance, but I want to be able to make the necessary contrasts and comparisons, for my future career trajectory a least. I have recently started a LawInSport mentoring scheme after being successfully chosen to be a mentee by CEO Sean Cotterell.’

World Mental Health Day events 8-12 October

The University of Kent is celebrating World Mental Health Day (Wednesday 10 October 2018) with a week’s worth of events on the Canterbury and Medway campuses. We are also pleased to announce that we are working in collaboration with Christ Church University on some joint activity in the Canterbury city centre. Check out the programme here for details on talks, craft events, information stands, walks, films and more

On Wednesday 10 October the School of Engineering and Digital Arts is delighted to offer Mental Health Awareness (on World Mental Health Day) – Wednesday 10th October from 1 – 2 pm in Jennison Lecture Theatre.

Key learning objectives are outlined below:

– Introduction to mental health and wellbeing

– How positive wellbeing enhances productivity and performance

– Top tops for encouraging positive mental health

– Signposting to resources for further reading and action

This event is open to all staff and students, to register for the event visit the Eventbrite page.

On Friday 12 October at 18.00, renowned author of ‘The Battersea Park Road to Enlightenment’ Isabel Losada will be giving a free talk in Waterstones entitled  ‘Life, Happiness and Everything’. In a mixture of stand up comedy, motivational talk and vulnerable confession Isabel will speak on personal growth, meditation, activism, leadership, forgiveness, comfort zones, relationships, creativity, writing, spirituality (all sorts), Tibetan Buddhism, politics, environmentalism, how to change the world, and sex and love.  In no particular order. To book your free ticket, simply click here.

The Templeman Library have also bought a copy of the novel and it is available to borrow here.

For any enquiries on World Mental Health Day activities, please email or tweet @UniKentSSW

Medway College Life for Staff

College Life staff sessions Autumn Term 2018

As Medway College Master, I would like to invite you to a range of College Life sessions to be held in the Senior Common Room (R2-04) and a session in the Galvanising Workshop.

The aim of the sessions is to give staff the opportunity to come together, network and relax whilst participating in some refreshments.  Even if you can only pop in for a short while please put the dates in your diary and use them as an opportunity to take some time out and enjoy the company of colleagues.

I will be restocking the refreshment canisters in R2-04 next week, so feel free to help yourself when you are using the room.

In order that we can ensure we have an appropriate level of refreshments please register for the sessions you would like to attend by emailing: at least two working days before the session date.  Each session will also have fruit as part of the refreshment offer.

Current planned sessions this term:

04.10.18.    10.30-11.30   Pastries and Refreshments R2-04

08.10.18.    14.00-15.00   Cake and refreshments R2-04

19.10.18.    12.30-13.30   Quiz and refreshments R2-04

23.10.18.    15.00-16.00   Scones, jam, cream and refreshments R2-04

01.11.18.    11.00-12.00   Refreshments R2-04

06.11.18.    10.30-11.30   Croissants and refreshments R2-04

15.11.18.    12.00-13.00   EDI Quiz and refreshments R2-04

20.11.18     13.00-14.00   Lunch refreshments Galvanising Workshop (Dockyard)

29.11.18     13.00-14.00   Lunch refreshments R2-04

05.12.18     11.00-12.00   Refreshments R2-04

11.12.18     Time and theme tbc R2-04

If you have any suggestions for future sessions, please email:

I look forward to meeting up with you at the College Life sessions.

Jane Glew

Exclusive Cathedral Tour and Hospitality: Tues 9 Oct

Canterbury Cathedral, in partnership with Kent University Chaplaincy, invites students to an exclusive ‘VIP’ evening event, hosted after the building has been closed to the general public. The evening includes an inside tour, a food and drink reception, a welcome talk from Cathedral staff and a chance to hear the world famous traditional choir. The event starts at 16.30 for those walking from the University’s Canterbury Campus; or 17.10 (or later) for those making their own way to the Cathedral. Admission is by ticket only. Further details and a limited number of tickets (just £2) are available online.

Tickets are also available from Chaplains. For details contact

FREE English Language and Academic Skills Support

If you are studying at Kent at any level from foundation to postgraduate and English is not your first language, English Language and Academic Skills (ELAS) is for you. Delivered by the Centre for English and World Languages, the workshops are free of charge.

ELAS aims to help you to improve your English language and gives you the chance to discuss your specific academic difficulties. Workshops include:

ED001 – Essay Writing

ED002 – Grammar

ED003 – Seminar Discussion/Presentation Skills

ED004 – Listening/Note Taking

ED005 – Peer Group Writing Tutorials

ED007 – Reading for Academic Study

ED008 – Pronunciation

ED009 – Good Academic Practice and Referencing Workshop

ED010 – Individual Speaking Tutorials

ED011 – Individual Writing Tutorials

For more information and instructions on how to enrol, please visit our website.

Improve your English with our Cambridge and IELTS Exam Preparation Courses

Are you interested in obtaining an English qualification that has a world-wide reputation and helps you to develop your skills in English for study, work or general purposes? If so, then you might be interested in taking either the Cambridge Exam Preparation course (CAE/CPE) or the IELTS Preparation course. Evening classes run throughout the autumn term.

For more information, click here.