World Mental Health Day events 8-12 October

The University of Kent is celebrating World Mental Health Day (Wednesday 10 October 2018) with a week’s worth of events on the Canterbury and Medway campuses. We are also pleased to announce that we are working in collaboration with Christ Church University on some joint activity in the Canterbury city centre. Check out the programme here for details on talks, craft events, information stands, walks, films and more

On Wednesday 10 October the School of Engineering and Digital Arts is delighted to offer Mental Health Awareness (on World Mental Health Day) – Wednesday 10th October from 1 – 2 pm in Jennison Lecture Theatre.

Key learning objectives are outlined below:

– Introduction to mental health and wellbeing

– How positive wellbeing enhances productivity and performance

– Top tops for encouraging positive mental health

– Signposting to resources for further reading and action

This event is open to all staff and students, to register for the event visit the Eventbrite page.

On Friday 12 October at 18.00, renowned author of ‘The Battersea Park Road to Enlightenment’ Isabel Losada will be giving a free talk in Waterstones entitled  ‘Life, Happiness and Everything’. In a mixture of stand up comedy, motivational talk and vulnerable confession Isabel will speak on personal growth, meditation, activism, leadership, forgiveness, comfort zones, relationships, creativity, writing, spirituality (all sorts), Tibetan Buddhism, politics, environmentalism, how to change the world, and sex and love.  In no particular order. To book your free ticket, simply click here.

The Templeman Library have also bought a copy of the novel and it is available to borrow here.

For any enquiries on World Mental Health Day activities, please email or tweet @UniKentSSW