Author Archives: Alice Allwright

Join the Pint of Science Festival – 22-24 May 2023

Calling all scientists and researchers! You are warmly invited to the Pint of Science Festival, taking place from 22-24 May 2023.

This event is a worldwide science festival which brings researchers to your local pub/cafe/space to share their scientific discoveries with you, in a relaxed and informal setting.

The idea is to provide a platform which allows scientists from a wide range of fields, to share their research with the public. This is a fantastic opportunity to engage the public with your research and to get experience of sharing it with new audiences. Both the University and the REF acknowledge the importance of such outreach. Plus it’s a lot of fun!

We will be running festival events in Canterbury and Medway and are now looking for expressions of interest from speakers, including Early Career Researchers and final year PhD students looking to develop their skills and experience in talking about their research.

If you are interested, please email us at with the following details by Tuesday 31 January:

  1. Your name and school/department
  2. A summary of your research (max 100 words)
  3. Your description for your proposed session – 20-30 minutes (max 100 words)
  4. An explanation of how you will make it engaging for the public audience – importantly involving an interactive component (max 100 words).
  5. Suggest which of the below Pint of Science themes you think your session would best fit into.

Pint of Science themes

  • Beautiful Mind – neuroscience, psychology and psychiatry
  • Atoms to Galaxies – physics, chemistry, maths, astronomy
  • Our Body – medicine, human biology, health
  • Planet Earth – geosciences, plant sciences, zoology
  • Tech Me Out – biotechnology, robotics, computers
  • Our Society – law, history, politics, policy, languages
  • Creative Reactions – art and science come together

The Kent Pint of Science Team will review these ‘expressions of interest’ with a view to developing themes for each evening of the festival. We will then contact applicants in early February with the outcome, further info and later organise a practice run in the spring for all of our presenters.

We look forward to hearing from you!

For further general information visit the Pint of Science website.

Read our news stories and watch the video on the Pint of Science event

Canterbury Pint of Science Event – to focus on human thought

Public invited to Pint of Science Event – Pros and Cons of Modern Technology

Kent Online video – Worldwide Talk Celebrating Research Comes to Kent 

New to 2023 – LES MILLS™ Virtual Instructor Classes

Kent Sport is launching a brand-new suite of virtual instructor classes (VIC), starting on 30 January 2023. Use your Premium Plus membership to access these new classes today or take advantage of our 20% off January membership offer today to join Kent Sport or upgrade your package.

It’s not what it seems. If you’re lacking space to work out, check out these Les Mills classes, which bring you virtual instruction in a physical setting, based in the fitness and dance studio at Kent Sport. Classes are scientifically designed to get results and improve physical agility and resilience. Hailed as one of the best fitness programmes, Les Mills offers a diverse range of virtual instructor classes for all abilities, in an exciting and cinematic environment.  Streaming throughout the day, VIC will run in conjunction with in-person classes, right here on-site.

Upcoming classes include:

  • CORE™
  • RPM™
  • SH’BAM™
  • GRIT™
  • BARRE™

Read our blog to find out more about Les Mills and how you can start working out with VIC! Book all virtual and in-person instructor classes through your booking account as normal.

Not a Kent Sport member? You can still access classes with our range of membership options, including our Pay to Play option.

New to 2023 – LES MILLS™ Virtual Instructor Classes

Kent Sport is launching a brand-new suite of virtual instructor classes (VIC), starting on 30 January 2023. Les Mills classes bring you virtual instruction in a physical setting, based in the fitness and dance studio at Kent Sport.

Classes are scientifically designed to get results and improve physical agility and resilience. Hailed as one of the best fitness programmes, Les Mills offers a diverse range of virtual instructor classes for all abilities, in an exciting and cinematic environment.  Streaming throughout the day, VIC will run in conjunction with in-person classes, right here on-site. So, no more working out in your home gym, aka the lounge!

Upcoming classes include:

  • CORE™
  • RPM™
  • SH’BAM™
  • GRIT™
  • BARRE™

Read our blog to find out more about Les Mills, the classes on offer, and how you can take part. Book all virtual and in-person instructor classes through your booking account as normal.

Not a Kent Sport member? You can still access classes with our range of membership options, including our Pay to Play option. Or join now and receive 20% off until 28 February 2023!

New Partnership with The Design Museum

ICCI and Kent School of Architecture & Design are partnering with The Design Museum in a new series of conversations with eminent and inspirational designers.

The first event will feature Yinka Ilora on Tuesday 24 January, 18:30 – 19:40, livestream in Marlowe Lecture Theatre 1. This event is free and all you need to do is turn up – no need to register.

Yinka Ilori’s bold visual aesthetic draws on his British-Nigerian heritage and injects vivid colour and dynamic geometries into projects as diverse as architecture, furniture, and fashion.
Ilori’s work represents a commitment to design that promotes joyful optimism and advocates for the next generation.

Reflecting on works in Parable for Happiness, currently on display at the Design Museum, London, Ilori and the curator Priya Khanchandani unpack his distinctive visual identity.
Discussing the relationship between form and function, art and design, the pair explore methods for inspiring creativity and hope.

Save 20% on Kent Sport memberships

January is often a tough month, with expectations high for the year. The days are dark, the weather is cold and it can be hard to get motivated. We’re here to help you crack those January blues and feel more energised and positive. That’s why we’ve reduced all our membership fees by 20% when you join between 16 January – 28 February 2023.

Already a Kent Sport member? Consider upgrading your membership to a package with even more benefits and save 20% when you do!

As a Premium Plus member, you have access to our whole fitness suite, a range of fitness classes, discounted fitness services and tennis tuition! It can’t get much better right? Well, you might be surprised to hear it can! New for 2023 and part of the Premium Plus package, you can access a suite of FREE Les Mills virtual instructor classes every week!

Our memberships are open to everyone, so the whole family can be involved. Hire a badminton court with friends, hit the classes with a colleague or explore our range of personal training sessions to help get you on your way.

What are you waiting for? Upgrade your membership at one of our sports receptions, or become a member today!

Stephen Gray Lecture: Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell “Astronomy and Poetry”

Come to the 7th Stephen Gray Lecture on the 9 March, where Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell will be the key speaker.

Many poets have written about astronomy and the night sky. Dame Jocelyn will select about half a dozen of these poems, give the scientific background and seek volunteer readers from the audience to read the poems. There will be a chance to look at the poems and discuss informally over tea an biscuits before the talk starts.

Register for the event


9 March 2023, 15:30 for a 16.00 start.


University of Kent, Canterbury Campus (venue TBA)

About the Speaker

Jocelyn Bell Burnell inadvertently discovered pulsars as a graduate student in radio astronomy in Cambridge, opening up a new branch of astrophysics – work recognised by the award of a Nobel Prize to her supervisor.

She has subsequently worked in many roles in many branches of astronomy, working part-time while raising a family. She is now a Visiting Academic in Oxford, and the Chancellor of the University of Dundee, Scotland.  She has been President of the UK’s Royal Astronomical Society, in 2008 became the first female President of the Institute of Physics for the UK and Ireland, and in 2014 the first female President of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. She was one of the small group of women scientists that set up the Athena SWAN scheme.

She has received many honours, including a $3M Breakthrough Prize in 2018.

The public appreciation and understanding of science have always been important to her, and she is much in demand as a speaker and broadcaster.  In her spare time, she gardens, listens to choral music and is active in the Quakers. She has co-edited an anthology of poetry with an astronomical theme – ‘Dark Matter; Poems of Space’.

Happy New Year from Assurance and Data Protection!

Collecting data through surveys

When collecting personal data we are required to supply the person providing the data with certain pieces of information explaining why we are processing their data, how we will process it, if we will share it outside of the University, what their data protection legislation rights are, and who to contact with any questions or concerns.

One of the easiest ways to collect data is by using a survey tool. Whenever you set up a survey, you should only collect the data that you definitely need to meet your purpose. And you must include a Privacy Notice at the point of collection, normally this is achieved by including a link to the Notice in the survey itself.

We have produced some Privacy Notice Guidance, which includes a checklist to use to audit existing Privacy Notices, and a Privacy Notice template to use to produce your Notice if one covering your processing doesn’t currently exist.

Collecting data in the form of photographs / video recordings

Personal data includes a person’s image so when taking photographs or recordings of events on campus we need to highlight to those whose images might be captured that we are collecting this data and to explain what we are going to use it for. You don’t necessarily need consent as the lawful basis under UK GDPR to use the photos / videos but you do need to provide clear details (ideally in advance) of how the individual can ask that their image is not used. Best practice is to obtain permission even if you are relying on another lawful basis under UK GDPR. For some purposes (such as marketing) you will need to obtain written permission in advance in any event.

If the event is by invitation only, a Privacy Notice should be included with the invitation explaining that photographs / video recordings may be taken. If the event is open to all, a Privacy Notice should still be made available and appropriate for the intended audience and one easy way of doing this is by posting QR codes in the area of the event (although a paper copy should also be on display for those without their phones).

When the events include anybody under the age of 18 years old, their parents / guardians also need to be made aware and give their permission for the use of the images.

Mailing Lists – moderated, even for moderators

The cause of many data breaches is sending an email containing personal data to the wrong recipient. If this email is sent to an unmoderated mailing list, it is potentially even worse as it will be sent to multiple wrong recipients!

One control that can be put in place is to use Sympa to manage your mailing list. Sympa gives you an option to require all emails – even those written by a moderator – to be sent to the moderators for distribution. By having this control in place, the risk of sending an email to an entire mailing list of incorrect recipients is significantly reduced.

If you are a moderator of a mailing list, please select this option in Sympa. If you manage a mailing list outside of Sympa, please contact IT Helpdesk <> for assistance with the initial set up.

If you have any questions not answered on the Assurance and Data Protection sites, or if you need further support and guidance please do get in touch with the team by emailing

Laura Pullin
Head of Data Protection / Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Invitation to launch of latest Kent Review (17 January)

Staff and students are invited to the launch of the fourth volume of Kent Review in Keynes Senior Common Room on Tuesday 17 January at 18.00.

Like its predecessors, this latest anthology will showcase some of the best work emerging from the University’s postgraduate writers in Creative Writing. The edition will also feature the winning entries to the new School of English undergraduate writing competition, and an editorial by Professor David Herd.

To celebrate the launch there will be a number of readings, as well as a drinks reception, and copies of the Review available to purchase. Everyone is welcome to help celebrate the launch.

Kent Review, Volume 4 is home to a remarkable selection of poetry, short stories, non-fiction and novel extracts. The collection demonstrates the skill and artistic ambition of the writers at the University, with pieces that are each surprising, disarming, transporting, fresh; and collectively indicative of the vibrant, diverse work emerging from the Centre for Creative Writing.

Vice-Chancellor’s Cup – highlights and upcoming events

The Vice Chancellor’s Cup is off to a flying start with 14 events scheduled throughout the year.

Staff teams recently completed in a series of team events to claim their spot on the leader board.

With ‘It’s a Knock-out’ taking place first, teams were set four timed challenges to complete, scoring points in each round.

Challenges included blindfolded games, agility courses and communication skills. Liquorice All Sports took the top spot, closely followed by LeJendSS and Living La Vida Mocha.

The second VC Cup event ran over two lunches in December, with a host of teams competing in a Volleyball tournament. Teams gave it their all, with CEMS dominating the competition with just two players!

Following these events, the top 4 teams are:

1st place – Liquorice All Sports (35pt)

2nd Place – Marlowe’s Marauders (34pt)

3rd place – Campus Sporting Exploits (34pt)

4th place – Living La Vida Mocha (30pt)

Find out more about the VC Cup, read the event highlights, check out the leader board and view our upcoming events online.

Turn your hand at Tennis

Ready to dust off your racquet, or just looking to take up a new sport, the tennis centre has you covered!

Tennis is also a great way to get fit, meet new people and improve your physical and mental health!

There are a couple of ways you can get involved. For those of you who feel semi confident to just have a go, use your Kent Sport membership or take out a free Pay to Play membership if you’ve not yet signed up. This enables you to book a court through the online portal whenever you fancy a game. Student Pay to Play sessions are just £4.50 and if you’re a Premium Plus member, it’s completely free! You can check out all our membership options on our website.

Alternatively, if you would like a little more input, book a place on one of our LTA group coaching sessions for just £10 per session. Develop your tennis skills with our fully qualified LTA coaches. Nick Skelton is an LTA Level 5 Coach and leads the team of LTA-qualified coaches at Kent Sport. Sessions run over one hour and are the perfect place to meet new people and enhance your technique.

To find out more about these sessions, read our latest blog!