Students and staff at Pride Canterbury with banners and flags

Events roundup: 5-11 June

This week, PG Summer continues with lots of events for postgrad students, including Postgraduate Careers Week events. And Happy Pride Month!

Monday 5 June: PG careers events (Medway)

There’s a wide range of events for Postgraduate Careers Week. On Monday you can attend an online session around academic adjacent careers in high education. Plus, there’s a CV Masterclass at Medway campus (and streamed online).

Tuesday 6 June: Considering a Master’s drop in and Zumba (Medway)

Considering a Master’s at Kent? Come along to a drop-in session outside Templeman Library to ask any questions about our courses and funding options.

On Tuesdays, as part of Medway Move, you can join a free Zumba class at The Hub!

Wednesday 7 June: GRC Annual Postgraduate Conference, Migration and Movement Creative Workshop and mindful colouring (Medway)

The Graduate and Researcher College’s Annual Postgraduate Conference brings together the postgraduate and postdoctoral community to recognise the excellence of research at Kent. There will be research talks, panel sessions, competitions and an exclusive postgraduate summer buffet to enjoy. Undergrads can also attend the conference as audience members.

‘Creative Expressions of Migration and Movement with Maryam Sandjari Hashemi’ in Nexus. London based Iranian artist Maryam will deliver this creative workshop, sharing her artwork and her journey as a migrant artist. Participants are invited to bring an object and its story to the group, and will be actively creating artwork using drawing, collage or other techniques.

Join the Medway Residential Life Assistants for some mindful colouring in the Oasis Lounge. De-stress with friends or come on your own.

Thursday 8 June: Coco the therapy dog and open-air cinema ‘Rocketman’

Coco the therapy dog is back in Nexus, Templeman Library on Thursday. Come along for a pet or a cuddle! There will also be mindful colouring on offer.

The Gulbenkian Open Air Film Festival’s final film this year is ‘Rocketman’, the musical fantasy about Elton John’s breakthrough years. This event is free to attend and non-ticketed, so you can just turn up on the day.

Weekend 10-11 June: Pride Canterbury

Pride Canterbury is this weekend! At Kent, we stand for Pride and will be marking the month in a number of ways, including sponsoring Pride Canterbury, with more than 100 of our staff and students set to join the parade this year! If you’d like to join the University of Kent section of the Pride March, you’ll need a free wristband which can be picked up from the Gulbenkian on Thursday and Friday (first come first served). **Change to pick up times** Thursday: 12:30-14:00 and Friday 12:00-13:30. The parade is followed by live entertainment with food and drink in Dane John Gardens.
