
Top 5 tips for promoting the NSS

With the deadline for the 2022 National Student Survey (NSS) fast approaching (30 April), here are some ways you can help encourage students to fill out the NSS.

  1. Talk to your students about the NSS and why they should complete it

If you have any revision sessions planned over the break with final year UG students, please remind them that the NSS is open, and they need to complete it by 30 April. You can also add the NSS lecture slide to any sessions you might be running.

  1. Download the promotional materials

As well as the lecture slide, you can also download a range of NSS promotional materials from the Staff Guide. Including the QR code that takes students straight to the survey and an email signature.

  1. Tell students about the changes that have been in made in response to previous NSS feedback

When promoting the NSS tell students about the changes they benefit from today because a previous student took the time to complete the NSS. You can download editable designs to add examples of changes.

  1. Use Moodle and other channels to tell students about the NSS

You can use the Moodle messaging tool or the channels you typically use to communicate with your students to let them know the NSS closes on 30 April.

  1. Make use of your targeted NSS mailing lists

The Student Data Team has created targeted mailing lists of students who are eligible to complete the NSS and haven’t completed it yet. Please make use of these lists to avoid spamming students who have already completed. To find out who in your Division has access to those lists, please email Christophe Collard.

Don’t try to influence how students respond to the NSS. Read the help card on what counts as inappropriate influence.

You can find out more on the NSS staff guidance webpages, including what the NSS is, why you should help promote and when Ipsos MORI will contact students.

Thanks for your help promoting the survey this year.