In June, the School of Social Policy, Sociology & Social Research issued a statement in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. The statement expressed how University & College Union members of the school were intending to use leftover funds from our precarious strike fund (comprised of donations from the pockets of school staff) to make a £1000 gift to a black education charity.
We asked our students to participate in a vote as to which organisations they wished us to support. The aim of the donation was to show solidarity and demonstrate our collective commitment to improving the experience of education for black students. One of the objectives of the recent industrial action was to promote equality and diversity in HE, and we believe this is a practical and effective way to contribute towards that aim.
Of the responses to the poll, over 40% chose Black Learning and Mental Health (BLAM), but as there were several very popular causes, SSPSSR opted to donate £500 to BLAM, and £250 each to the Reach Society and Wonder Foundation.
A HUGE thank you to all SSPSSR students who participate in challenging racial injustice, both on campus and beyond!