Are you looking for funding for a new PhD student to work on a project? If their doctoral research will be focused on the challenges of economic development and well-being in developing countries, then please consider making an application to the staff-led PhD scholarships offered by the Global Challenges Doctoral Centre (GCDC).
Key points about the scheme:
• The GCDC offers eight doctoral scholarships per year and four are staff-led projects
• Staff have the opportunity to propose projects by completing the application form and emailing it to by Monday, 23 September 2019
• A panel will assess the applications and select four projects; the outcome will be announced at the beginning of October 2019
• The four projects will be advertised in October 2019 for September 2020 entry
Please visit the GCDC website for more information, and you are welcome to contact the director of the centre, Dr Beth Breeze if you have any concerns or questions about eligibility.