Study Plus and the Centre for Journalism ran a free journalism course for Kent students from 10-14 June. It was the perfect opportunity for students thinking of journalism as a career, adding a Year in Journalism to their degree, or considering doing Kent’s Master’s in Multimedia Journalism, to have a go at being a journalist for a week.
The course offered an intensive immersion in the basic principles and practices of journalism in the multimedia age. Philosophy and Literature student, Iona, says: “Not only did I develop skills directly in line with my passions, but I expanded my skill set by taking on new skills I wouldn’t have considered if it weren’t for this course.” You can read her blog post on the CEWL (Centre for English and World Languages) webpages.
Study Plus is a range of short, non credit bearing courses which can improve students’ employability skills, develop their personal creativity or expand their cultural and academic knowledge. They are free to all students registered on an existing Kent programme. They range in duration from single one-hour workshops to a 30 hour, five-day course.
We are always looking to add new courses to the Study Plus portfolio and welcome suggestions from any member of staff. If you have an idea for a new course or one-off workshop for 2019/20, please read the information for staff on the Study Plus website.
If you have any questions about Study Plus, email or contact Ruth Newman on 01227 823790 for an informal chat before submitting a course proposal.