From E Learning Team
As you may be aware, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the way we learn, teach, and assess. As a university, we are committed to exploring and harnessing the potential of new technologies in education.
There are ways in which AI can enhance your revision for your upcoming exams and help you to study effectively. We’d encourage you to visit our ‘Using artificial intelligence in your studies’ web page for further information about this.
However, as the technological landscape changes, we must also ensure that we are upholding academic integrity and ensuring that academic work submitted by students is their own original work. With this in mind, we have updated Annex 10 (Academic Misconduct) of the University Credit Framework. This is with a view to ensuring that our policies remain fair, balanced and evidence-based.
We will continue to review and monitor the use of AI in education and assessment and update our academic misconduct policies and guidance for students accordingly. You can also speak with your module convenors for more information if you wish to.