In 2020 the University of Kent, Université de Lille, KU Leuven and Ghent University established the Interregional Internationalisation Initiative, the 3i University Network. The main goal of the network is to bring together universities, regional governments and the private sector/civil society to work on challenges common to Flanders, Kent and the Hauts-de-France. By virtue of their proximity, the three regions share challenges in a number of areas, including, but not limited to
- Marine and maritime questions (blue energy, preservation of the coastal environment…)
- Climate and energy (net zero, sustainability, energy security etc)
- Nutrition and health (sustainable, healthy alternative food sources, …)
- Communities and well-being (migration and refugee studies, vulnerability and inclusion of ageing populations and people with disabilities,…).
In order to enhance cooperation between the 3i-partners, the members of the 3i University Network have decided to put out a call for proposals for collaborative projects. This call aims to support academic staff of the four partners who want to set up or increase their cross-border collaborations with the specific goal of submitting joint project applications for larger grants.
Maximum funding available per project: €10.000 for one project per thematic cluster of the 3i University Network.
Total budget available for this call is 40.000€.
Find out more about this call here: