Creative Writing Summer Series goes online

The School of English is pleased to announce that our usual series of Creative Writing skills workshops and talks from industry professionals will be going online this Summer Term. All events take place at 16.00 on Tuesdays, starting today, Tuesday 5 May 2020. The events are open to budding writers or those interested in professions in the literary and publishing industries.

The first event will be on ‘Performing Your Work’, and will take place today, Tuesday 5 May, at 4pm. Dr Katharine Peddie and Dragan Todorovic, Lecturers in Creative Writing, will lead a virtual workshop on performing work, including preparation, techniques, and finding opportunities to do so. Katharine and Dragan will be joined by BA (Hons) English Literature and Creative Writing and MA Creative Writing alumna Neelam Saredia-Brayley, who will speak about her own experience as a writer and performer.

Neelam Saredia-Brayley (pictured above) is a performer who works with illustrators, musicians and contemporary dancers to create multi-disciplinary pieces that are completely unique to Kent’s poetry scene. She is a highly in-demand performer, having appeared at, among others, Jawdance, TongueTANGLE, Margate Literary Festival, bOing! International Family Festival, Canterbury Festival, Marlowe Theatre, Ramsgate Music Hall, ERIC Festival, POW! Festival, Turner Contemporary, and Hammer and Tongue Cambridge. Neelam also regularly performs and works with the Gulbenkian. In 2019 she was awarded Arts Council funding to develop her first spoken word poetry show; Queer Brown Skin, a project emerging from her MA work at Kent.

More information, including the link to join the workshop, can be found on the events website.

Literary Agents
Tuesday 12 May, 16.00
Submissions workshop with David Flusfeder and Amy Sackville, Senior Lecturers in Creative Writing; Q&A with Jenny Hewson of Lutyens & Rubinstein Literary Agency

Submitting to Magazines
Tuesday 19 May, 16.00
Workshop with Dorothy Lehane, Lecturer in Creative Writing and David Caddy of poetry magazine Tears in the Fence

Bookselling and Bookshops
Tuesday 26 May, 16.00
With Evie Wyld, Lecturer in Creative Writing and part-owner of Review Bookshop, Peckham, and Olivia Rosenthall, MA Creative Writing and PhD The Contemporary Novel alumna and owner of Maldon Books.

Publishing and independent publishers
Tuesday 2 June, 16.00
With Galley Beggar Press

Open Mic
Tuesday 9 June, 16.00

To find out more about these events, and to find the sign up links, please check our events calendar on the School of English news page.