Benefits Management Toolkit now available

The BIPU team have developed a Benefits Management Toolkit for staff managing projects/change.

Benefits are the reason for undertaking work – you are doing it in order to get something out at the end!  To ensure that the investment into projects and change at Kent are worthwhile, we must endeavour to keep on top of Benefits Management.

It is critically important that the benefits to be achieved by the work are articulated as clearly as possible and that these are actively monitored and managed for successful delivery.

The new Benefits Management Toolkit is embedded within the Kent Project Management Framework (KPMF) which you can access via SharePoint here.

The detail of Benefits Management activity and documents can be scaled in accordance to the project or change activity taking place, such as larger more significant work requiring greater detail.   However, benefits management is enormously valuable to smaller projects and more local change activity – undertaking some level of work to identify, understand and plan work around achieving measurable benefits will provide a framework to help you manage challenges and change along the way.

The Benefits Management Toolkit consists of:

  • A Benefits Tutorial introducing Benefits Management and the documents and tools available to help you identify, document, plan for, manage and deliver benefits at Kent.
  • The Benefits Management Cycle setting out a high level summary of how Benefits Management aligns with the KPMF at Kent.
  • The Benefits Management Strategy
  • A Benefits Map example from a project at Kent.
  • A Benefits and Measures Guide providing examples of types of benefits and how you might measure these.

The KPMF is available to all staff and you will find a suite of useful documentation to help you manage project delivery and change.

For further information contact the BIPU team: