You need to register yourself in order to be able to vote

How do I register?

  1. Go to
  2. Fill in your name, address, date of birth and a few other details. You’ll also need your National Insurance number, which can be found on your National Insurance card, or in official paperwork such as payslips, or letters about benefits or tax credits.

If you don’t have access to the internet or can’t use it, please email or call 01634 332030.

Why should I register?

To vote: You need to register in order to be able to vote. If you aren’t registered to vote, you won’t have the chance to have a say on who represents you or how things are run.

Some people also register to vote because they want to apply for credit. This is because credit reference agencies use the register to confirm where someone lives when they apply for credit in order to counteract fraud.

As a student, you can register at both your term time address and at the address you live at outside of term time.

Lots of students are missing from the electoral register. No-one else can register for you.

But I thought I was already registered to vote?

If you are unsure whether you are registered, please email or call 01634 332030.

What if I don’t register?

Not only will you not have a say at future elections and referendums, but if you don’t respond to requests for information from us you could be at risk of getting fined £80.

What if I don’t wish to register in the Medway area?

If you do not wish to register in the Medway area as you only wish to register at your home address, please email informing us of your wish not to register, together with your term time address and full name.