Writing with impact

The Learning and Teaching Network in collaboration with the RLF Consultant Fellow Susan Barker, offered a half day workshop: Writing with impact on 23 March 2016.

Susan is a novelist (see publications) with two years’ experience as a Royal Literary Fund fellow at Leeds Trinity University, where she mentored hundreds of students and staff in academic and non-academic writing.

Susan provided an afternoon writing workshop for staff engaged in non-academic writing. The workshop covered many aspects of non-academic writing, from emails to reports, and focussed on techniques for stylish and effective writing. The workshop was extremely successful and well-attended.  Participants benefitted greatly from a structured approach on improving writing whilst focussing on clarity, simplicity and conciseness.

Participants enjoyed the two 90-minutes sessions of the workshop, stating that the workshop was very well-prepared with many interesting, student-centred and interactive activities. Lots of thought, effort and energy went into the planning and delivery of the workshop. Many participants expressed their enjoyment and praise for the workshop by giving unprompted and unsolicited feedback.

In view of the great success of this workshop, we are offering another ‘Writing with impact’ workshop on Thursday 5 May, from 9:30 until 12:30, in the UELT Seminar room.

Places are limited for this free event. Book via cpdbookings@kent.ac.uk.