Monthly Archives: March 2016


Banish those winter blues by joining the Worldfest fun from 15-27 March.

The festival, organised by staff and students, celebrates diversity and multiculturalism at the University. Highlights include:

  • Free international food and student performances at Medway’s Diversity Fair on Wednesday 16 March, 11.00-14.00, in Pilkington Building
  • St Patrick’s Day celebration at Coopers on Thursday 17 March
  • Poetry slam workshop and battle on Tuesday 22 March in Canterbury
  • Paint-throwing fun for Holi on Wednesday 23 March in Canterbury

Book the Campus Shuttle to join the Worldfest celebrations at Canterbury.

View the full programme.

AHRC award on urban design and ancient Maya cities

Dr Benjamin Vis, Research Fellow in the Department of Classical & Archaeological Studies, has just been awarded an AHRC Research Network grant to develop a network of interdisciplinary scholars, Trulife. The core research aim is to ask how the study of long-term tropical urban traditions can inform designs for sustainable urban futures.

Facing the challenge of increasing urbanisation, strategies for future city development are not considering the ancient urban past. Archaeologists recognise that long-term urban processes can teach us about diverse human-environment interactions, which help us to be better equipped for facing the developmental challenges of urbanisation.

The well-documented 2,500-year history of the Maya Neotropical urban tradition offers a case study with the potential for wide-ranging research and the innovative design applications. Maya urbanism flourished without the ‘human-animal grazing complex’ that Old World urban growth relies on. Maya everyday urban life and development depended on different urban ecological relations and metabolic processes to those of globalised temperate-climate models. The contrasting urban patterns this produced ask crucial questions about critical differences and developmental scenarios in human-environment interactions. European colonisation replaced Maya urban configurations with Western models, causing the loss of key practices, including its long-term adaptability to change. Dependence on grazing animals results in declining soil fertility, soil erosion, massive deforestation, and misdirected investments (such as growing crops to feed cattle), all of which pose a global threat to humanity.

TruLife will create an archaeology led network of researchers focused on urban design and development that incorporates the environmental and social sciences. There will be three pivotal areas: food security; decay and waste management; and spatial practice.

A website has been set up for future development:

Disability Staff Network Meeting

OPERA (Opportunity, Productivity, Engagement, Reducing Barriers, Achievement), Robotic Technology and Powered Wheelchairs are the areas to be discussed at the next Disability Network Meeting on Thursday 17 March 10.00 – 11.30.

The Disability Network’s purpose is to support disabled staff and those staff working with disability or with an interest in disability. The network also provides a forum to share information and consider good practice, providing recommendations to enhance University policy and practice where appropriate.

If you are interested in coming along please email

Athena SWAN Awareness Day on 14 April

The fifth annual Athena SWAN Awareness Day takes place on Thursday 14 April from 12.00-15.30 in the Grimond Building, Canterbury campus.

The programme will be available soon, but the Athena SWAN Working group are pleased to announce that the keynote speaker will be Professor Averil MacDonald, Diversity Lead and Impact Lead for SEPnet (South East Physics Network).

The annual Athena SWAN Awareness Days raise the profile of the Athena SWAN initiative at Kent and enable attendees to debate, and gain an insight into, employment practices, career progression and work/life balance.

Over the past four years, the University has welcomed a variety of high profile female speakers who have spoken candidly about their own experiences and careers. The event has grown in popularity and the last Canterbury Awareness Day, in September 2014, was attended by women and men from across the Science Faculty. An Awareness Day was also held at the Medway Campus for the first time in April 2014.

To register for the latest Awareness Day on 14 April 2016, complete the form on the Athena SWAN webpages.

Canterbury applicant day parking 9 March 2016

Enrolment Management Services will be holding an Applicant Day on 9 March 2016 at the Canterbury campus.  These are essential recruitment events for the University.

To assist with this event 136 parking bays will be closed in Giles Lane blue zone car park.

All car parks in the centre of campus could be full before 9.00am. You may need to use the car parks within the Park Wood area, such as the bays next to the accommodation. We recommend that you consider the additional time that may be required to travel to and from Park Wood.

If you are parked within Park Wood you can use the Park and Ride bus ticket that was sent with your parking permit to travel to and from the main campus. Alternatively, the Park Wood pedestrian signs will inform you of the average time required to walk to the main campus.

Please remember that parking enforcement will continue in accordance with the University Regulations for the Management of Traffic.

Join in our Campus Online focus group

Many thanks to all staff who responded to our survey on Campus Online.

In response, we are currently working on some short-term changes to the Campus Online layout, including:

  • Making the staff notices section more prominent and, wherever possible, adding images
  • Simplifying the Contents listing – to focus on staff notices and the Online Directory
  • Removing the site banner
  • Providing clearer guidelines on writing style, copy length and image format.

However, we are also keen to work on some longer-term changes/improvements to the Campus Online webpages, and we need your help!

We are therefore inviting staff across the University to attend one of our  Campus Online focus groups on

  • Monday 21 March, 11.30-13.00, or
  • Tuesday 5 April, 10.30-12.00

Please email us at stating which date you would like to attend and we will then send out further information ahead of the focus group. Refreshments will be provided.

Wendy Raeside, Etienne Donzelot and Allie Burnett
Corporate Communications

European Opportunities for Staff

Staff can go abroad too!

Kent Staff can apply for funding to undertake 2-5 days training/teaching opportunities at our European partner universities or other relevant organisations within Europe. Learn new skills, share best practices, develop international networks and explore potential for further cooperation (eg research).

Activities can include:

  • Training courses
  • Job Shadowing/Observation
  • Staff Training events
  • Teaching at a partner university

Find out more on:

In Canterbury: 22 March Keynes Seminar Room 14 at 12.30

In Medway: 23 March Medway Building Room 2-05 at 12.30

Wetlands 2016

Nadia Perrotta, MA Fine Art, School of Music & Fine Art, who was awarded a grant of £5,000 from the University of Kent Student Projects Grant Scheme for her project Wetlands Hub, has organised film screenings, art workshop and installations inspired and shaped by the Medway expanse, with the first event on Tues 15 March.

Says Nadia, “Wetlands is an art project initiated in 2015, inspired by the powerful metaphor of a possible memory retained and preserved by the waters. The aim of the project is for students and alumni of the University of Kent to involve and interact with local communities living in proximity of waters, recreating a dialogue between them, their maritime history and the wetland landscape.

For Wetlands 2016, we are running film workshops with young people, in collaboration with Youth Centres of Hoo St Werburgh, Chattenden and Grain. Students from School of Music and Fine Art will create video and sound works from the documentation collected.”

For more info see