This Alcohol Awareness Week, we are encouraging students to think about their drinking habits and the impact it has on their wellbeing.
Today’s advice looks at how cutting down on the amount you drink can improve your health.
Health benefits of drinking less
- Weight loss – alcohol is seriously fattening. Four pints could be the equivalent of eating a hot dog and a burger, with a doughnut for dessert. Cutting back on the amount you drink could see your waistline shrink!
- Clear skin – drinking dehydrates you and deprives the skin of vital vitamins and nutrients. So swap the zit-zapping cream and that extra pint for a glass of the clear stuff.
- Mental health – too much alcohol can lead to sleepless nights, stress, anxiety and memory loss – not what you want when studying for a degree!
- At less risk of developing serious illnesses – the more you drink the more likely you are to develop liver disease, some cancers, heart disease, brain damage, infertility, dementia and the list goes on. Read more on the NHS website.
Are you drinking too much?
The government’s lower risk guidelines for alcohol for men are 3-4 units per day and for women 2-3 units per day.
Did you know – there are 1.5 units in a small glass of wine, 2 units in a pint of lower strength cider and 2 units in one can of beer.
Track your drinking, how much you are spending and your calorie intake with the free Drinkaware app.
Want to talk?
If you need support, talk to a trained adviser from Turning Point about your drinking habits and how to cut-down.
Turning Point in Canterbury
Turning Point will be on the Canterbury campus on Tuesday 17 November, providing advice on the raised plinth area next to Blackwell’s on central campus, from 10.00-14.00.
Turning Point advisers are also on the Canterbury campus every Thursday during term-time between 13.30 and 17.00 in Keynes College. Find out more by emailing or calling 01227 823206.
Turning Point in Medway
Turning Point will be on the Medway campus – providing advice in their red bus outside Pilkington from 10.00-14.00 on Tuesday 17 November.
If you’re based at Medway you can contact Turning Point on 01634 583660 throughout the year.