The Bribery Act 2010 applies to all Higher Education institutions including the University of Kent. I am required to remind you of the main requirements of the Act, the University’s Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy and other related policies.
The Act makes it a criminal offence
- to give, promise or offer a bribe
- to request, agree to receive or accept a bribe
- to bribe a foreign public official
whether in the UK or overseas.
The University will be committing a corporate offence if it fails to prevent bribery by its staff or other persons working on its behalf. Penalties for offences include imprisonment of up to 10 years and/or fines for individuals and, for a corporate offence, a fine and the possibility of prosecution or civil recovery action against the individuals concerned. The statement which follows sets out the University’s position.
The University of Kent is committed to conducting its business fairly, honestly and openly, to the highest standards of integrity and in accordance with all relevant legal requirements. All members of staff and any other persons working on the University’s behalf (whether paid or not) are asked to consider whether any payment made by them might appear to be a bribe and to note that under no circumstances should they
- give, promise or offer a bribe
- request, agree to receive or accept a bribe
- bribe a foreign public official
in the UK or overseas.
Similarly, under no circumstances should any staff member or other person working on the University’s behalf ask other(s) to act on his/her behalf in this way.
The University’s Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy is available at:
Other current relevant University documents include the following:
Fraud Prevention and Whistleblowing:
Code of Practice on Freedom of Speech:
Confidentiality, disclosure of interest and personal benefit:
Transparency International UK has published guidance on Anti-Bribery Principles for not-for-profit organisations. The guidance is available on the web at:
If you are at all uncertain as to whether any action would constitute bribery you should consult your line manager or, in the case of students, your school administration manager. Any general queries about the above should be directed to Dr Keith Lampard, Secretary to the Council.
Dr Keith Lampard, Secretary to the Council and the Court
Tel: 01227 827892/email: