A brief history of alchemy; or, My Alchemical Romance

First performed in 1610 by the King’s Men, the acting company to which Shakespeare belonged, Ben Jonson’s The Alchemist is a satire centred around three con artists who use subterfuge, guile and wit to relieve targets of their belongings. Jonson … Continue reading

7 ways to find material in the British Cartoon Archive

Welcome to part two of our refresher series on how to find Special Collections & Archive material to use in your research! Today, we’re exploring the wonderful (and sometimes weird) world of the British Cartoon Archive (BCA). Kent’s British Cartoon … Continue reading

Snow in the archives: exploring the big freeze throughout our collections

Hello from a very wintery Canterbury! The SC&A team have been battling up the hill this week as 2018’s infamous ‘Beast From The East’ lands upon Kent. Inevitably, this cold weather got us thinking about how snow has been represented … Continue reading

Experiences of an Erasmus+ Placement in Special Collections & Archives – Christine Holzapfel (Philipps-University Marburg / Germany)

Christine Holzapfel discusses her experiences of working with Special Collections & Archives whilst on an Erasmus+ placement in the Templeman Library.  As part of my 5 weeks Erasmus+ Work Placement at the Templeman Library I had some insights into the Special Collections … Continue reading