Centre for Parenting Culture Studies
based in SSPSSR at the University of Kent
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About us
10 year anniversary
‘Parenting Culture Studies’ past and future
Hilde Danielsen
Lenore Skenazy
Nancy McDermott
Ros Edwards
Sunna Símonardóttir
Vicki Harman
10 year anniversary events
Our story
Studying Parenting Culture
Visiting Fellows
Study with CPCS
CPCS Events
Forthcoming events
Previous events
New Directions for Parenting Culture Studies
Parenting culture and feeding babies: a one-day symposium
Parenting culture and feeding babies: programme
Parenting culture and feeding babies: key participants
Parenting culture and feeding babies: abstracts
Pregnancy and the pitfalls of the ‘teachable moment’
Previous forums
Parenting before Children? Parenting culture, pregnancy and the ‘pre-conception period’
‘Women of Reproductive Age’: Governing Potential Pregnancy
Policing Pregnancy 2016
Speaker biographies
Policing Pregnancy: Who should be a mother?
Biographies and abstracts
Doctors, Conscience and Abortion Law and Practice
Feeding children: Critical perspectives
Parenting and Personhood
Making Parents
Poor Parenting?
Should we teach parenting?
(Un)comfortable bedfellows?
Uses and Abuses of Biology
Monitoring Parents 2: science, evidence, experts and the new parenting culture
Background to the event
Booking Form
Call for Papers
Information for attendees
Keynote Abstracts
Media Comment
Government ‘early intervention’ plans are prejudice about parents masquerading as evidence, says University of Kent sociologist.
Paper Abstracts
Read On
Conference Programme 1 of 3
Conference Programme 2 of 3
Conference Programme 3 of 3
Feeding children in the new parenting culture
Abstracts and papers
Pregnancy and pre-pregnancy
ESRC seminars: Changing parenting culture
Aims and objectives
Seminar 1
Abstracts and papers
Seminar 2
Abstracts and papers
Seminar 3
Abstracts and papers
Seminar 4
Abstracts and papers
Seminar 5
Abstracts and papers
Founding conference: Monitoring parents
Research themes
Cross-cultural comparison
Making Parents
Migrant parents
Parenting cultures and risk management in plural Norway
Conference: Parenting and Personhood: Cross-cultural perspectives on family-life, expertise, and risk management
Call for papers
Keynote abstracts, presentations and audio
ParCul kick off programme
Parenting, childhood and adult-child relations
Childhood, well-being, parenting
Parenting in global perspective
Family and Kinship
Families in a time of Covid
Siblings, contact and the law:
Pregnancy and abortion
After Choice: FASD and the ‘managed woman’ (collaborative project)
Drinking during pregnancy (study)
The Construction of Foetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) in British Newspapers (study)
Assessing Child Welfare under the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act: the new law (study)
Science, Law and Bio-Ethics Events
Centre for Reproductive Research
Pregnancy and pregnancy planning in the new parenting culture (event)
Abortion research by CPCS Associates
Abortion doctors, professional identity and the law: background
Policing Pregnancy events
Early intervention
ACEs: ‘Adverse Childhood Experiences’
Biologising Parenting
Recommended related reading
Generations network
Generations network workshop series
Selected readings and resources on generations
Generations publications
Feeding babies and children
Child Veganism, and Alternative Milks in Switzerland
CPCS Briefings
CPCS work on feeding babies
Feeding children inside and outside the home: Critical perspectives
CPCS Special Issues and Collections
CPCS Books
Favourite books
Favourite articles
CPCS live
CPCS audio
CPCS on YouTube
CPCS at the Battle of Ideas
Key ideas in parenting culture studies
In the news
CPCS in the news
2019 –
2017 – 2018
2015 – 2016
Email newsletter
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