Tag Archives: car park disruption

Car park disruptions- Canterbury and Medway campuses

Applicant days (Giles Lane car park, Canterbury)

Applicant days are essential recruitment days for the university. Spaces will be reserved in Giles Lane car park on the following days unless specified, as requested by Enrolment Management Services. Spaces are reserved based on the number of bookings. The number of reserved bays will be updated in the transport team events calendar once confirmed:

  • Wednesday 7 February- 10 spaces
  • Thursday 8 February- 19 spaces
  • Saturday 10 February- 176 spaces
  • Monday 12 February- to be updated
  • Tuesday 13 February- 38 spaces
  • Wednesday 14 February- to be updated
  • Thursday 15 February- to be updated
  • Friday 16 February- to be updated
  • Monday 19 February- to be updated


Applicant day (Mast Pond car park, Historic Dockyard, Medway)

  • Wednesday 7 February- There are currently 52 applicants to the Medway applicant day. Applicants have been advised to park in the Mast Pond car park at Chatham Historic Dockyard. While no parking bays are being reserved, the additional visitors to campus may affect parking on this day.


Canterbury car park disruptions

12 January 2018- Giles Lane car park, event

170 spaces will be reserved in Giles Lane car park for Kent Business School’s “Shaping Kent’s Future” event. This is a high profile event for the University.


18 January 2018- Giles Lane car park, Applicant Day

31 spaces will be reserved in Giles Lane car park, as requested by Enrolment Management Services. Applicant Days are essential recruitment events for the University.

Please refer to our transport event calendar in between newsletters to keep up to date.

Car park disruptions

The following car park disruptions affect Canterbury campus. There are no known disruptions at Medway campus at this time.

28 October 2017- Giles Lane car park
On Saturday Giles Lane blue zone will be closed for the Gulbenkian outdoor screening. Please ensure your car is removed from Giles Lane car park by 22.00 Friday 27 October. The car park will be reopened on Sunday.

31 October 2017- Sports Centre car park
The blue zone and pay and display Sports Centre car parks will be closed for exhibitors at the Careers Fair, as requested by the Careers and Employability Service. Please ensure your car is removed from the Sports Centre car park by 22.00 Monday 30 October. The car park will be reopened on Wednesday.

1 November 2017- April 2018
Part of the KBS car park will be closed while a compound is set up, as requested by Estates. The compound will aid the Kent Business School refurbishment which commences 6 November until April time. This is approximately 16 spaces.

Check the transport events calendar for any further disruptions until the next newsletter email is sent out.

Changes and updates to parking

New parking database

The new virtual parking permit system launched at the end of September. All staff and eligible students are able to apply for a virtual parking permit.

Parking permits are monitored using hand held automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) technology, making it more efficient to manage unauthorised and incorrect parking.

Once your permit has been issued, you can log in to the permit system to:

  • Change, remove or add a vehicle to your permit. Students can only have one vehicle on their permit
  • Add a daytime telephone number so we can contact you, for example if you leave your car lights on
  • Check when your virtual parking permit expires
  • Purchase daily vouchers if you have been issued with a daily voucher permit

Chatham Historic Dockyard Trust now have the ability to monitor virtual permits, which will enable them to identify (in real time) if a vehicle has a valid permit. Chatham Historic Dockyard Trust will charge you for parking on arrival if you do not have a valid University of Kent permit.

Thank you for your patience with us while we transition to using the new parking system. We hope the new system and changes to enforcement will improve parking on campus. Visit the transport FAQs for more information about parking system.

Parking disruptions

14 October- Medway Open Day
Medway campus car parks will be very busy due to the Open Day. A traffic management plan is in place. Christ Church University also have their Medway Open Day on the same day.

16 October- Pavilion car park
Part of the Pavilion car park will be closed for Kent District School Mini Soccer Tournament, as requested by Kent Sport.

18 October- Drill Hall car park
The Drill Hall car park will be partly closed for exhibitors at the Employability fair, as requested by the Careers and Employability Service. If the Drill Hall car park is full, permit holders can park in the Mast Pond car park at the Historic Dockyard.

21 October- Canterbury Open Day
Canterbury campus car parks will be very busy due to the Open Day. A traffic management plan is in place.

Check the transport events calendar for any further disruptions until the next newsletter email is sent out.

Canterbury car park and road disruptions

6-22 August – Marley Court car park closure (within Park Wood)

To assist with Kent Hospitality Canterbury Retreat, the Marley Court car park will be closed from 6-22 August inclusive.

7 August- 9 September – Keynes car park accessible bays

2 accessible bays in Keynes car park (near enclosed cycle shelter) will be unavailable due to building works, for approximately 4 weeks as requested by Estates. Please contact the Transport Team if you are concerned about the temporary closure of these accessible bays so we can assist you. The other 4 accessible bays in Keynes car park will still be available.

18 August – Tyler Court car park

Approximately 15 bays will be closed in the morning so Grounds Maintenance, Estates, can carry out hedge cutting. The bays should be reopened by 12.30.

17-25 August- Giles Lane road closure (overnight) – Kent Highways

Large sections of Giles Lane will be closed overnight (19.00-05.00) for 5 consecutive week nights for resurfacing and relining works by Kent Highways. This work is being carried out overnight to reduce disruption but may be noisy.

A diversion will be in place. We have been informed that access to a point within the closure will be available if legitimately needed. Access required to get out of the car parks after 19.00 via Giles Lane will also be available. Emergency access will be maintained throughout.

Present- 15 September- Giles lane car park (section on right hand side as you drive in located behind Woolf)

The section of Giles Lane blue zone car park located behind Woolf College remains closed for the coach and minibus park to assist Kent Hospitality, Enrolment Management Services and Partnership Development Office with conference guests and school visits. This is approximately 40 bays.

Present – May 2018 – Woodys car park

Approximately 15 parking bays outside Woodys (Park Wood Courts car park) will be closed until building works on the Woodys area is complete. The works are due for completion in May 2018. This project will mean a loss of car parking bays within this area. However, the majority of bays will be reinstated to the rear of Park Wood Admin and a couple will be reinstated within other Park Wood car parks. Improvements to pedestrian and cycle ways will be incorporated as part of this project.

Transport Team

01227 82 3609 TransportTeam@kent.ac.uk @unikent_travel www.kent.ac.uk/transport

Security & Transport Centre, University of Kent, Canterbury, CT2 7NQ

Canterbury car park disruptions week commencing 26 June 2017

24- 30 June- Giles Lane road 3 way traffic lights- UPP

There will be three-way traffic lights on the roundabout between Woolf and Darwin on Giles Lane for approximately 7 days. This is to assist UPP with the foul water pumping station project. The traffic lights will be removed in time for the July Open Day.

25 June- Sports Centre pay and display car park

The Sports Centre pay and display car park will be closed to assist with the setting up for the CUBO conference, hosted by Kent Hospitality. The car park will be reopened by Monday morning.

25-29 June- Sports Centre blue zone car park

The Sports Centre blue zone car park will be closed for exhibitors at the CUBO conference being hosted by Kent Hospitality. This is approximately 50 bays. Please remove your vehicle from the Sports Centre blue zone car park by 22.00 Friday 23 June. The car park will be reopened Friday 30 June.

2-3 July- Pavilion car park

The Pavilion car park will be closed for exhibitors at Kent Sport Co-Mission Conference. This is approximately 70 bays. Please ensure you remove your vehicle from the Pavilion car park by 22.00 Saturday 1 July. The car park should be reopened at 11.00 Monday 3 July.

Present- 8 July- Woolf car park

Woolf car park (approximately 15 bays) continues to be closed to assist UPP with their foul water pumping station project. The accessible bays within the Woolf Quad are still available.

Present- 15 September- Giles lane car park (section on right hand side as you drive in located behind Woolf)

The section of Giles Lane blue zone car park located behind Woolf College remains closed for the coach and minibus park to assist Kent Hospitality, Enrolment Management Services and Partnership Development Office with conference guests and school visits. This is approximately 40 bays.

Car park disruptions week commencing 15 May 2017

Giles Lane car park

Wednesday 17 May 2017- 10 bays will be reserved in Giles Lane blue zone near Woolf College for exhibitors (with equipment) to an event being held by Research Services.

Saturday 20 May 2017- Giles Lane blue and pink zone car park will be closed on Saturday for the Gulbenkian outdoor screening. Please ensure you remove your vehicle from the car park by 22.00 on Friday 19 May.

Security and Transport Centre

The Transport Team have now relocated to the new Security and Transport Centre (map) with Campus Security on central campus between the banks. Please visit us in the Security and Transport Centre for all transport and parking enquiries.



Canterbury car park disruptions week commencing 3 April

Applicant days

Applicant days are essential recruitment events for the University. Reserved parking bays for visitors have been requested by Enrolment Management Services. The number of reserved parking bays within Giles Lane car park for visitors to these events is as follows:

  • Monday 3 April- 34 bays
  • Wednesday 5 April- 116 bays
  • Thursday 6 April- 5 bays

Central visitor car park hedge cutting

  • Monday 3 April- 6 bays will be closed in the Central Visitor car park on request of Grounds Maintenance, Estates, for hedge cutting.

Where to park

Please remember that Accessible Bays can only be used by valid Government Blue Badge holders or University of Kent Accessible Permit holders. It is essential that these bays are kept free for those who require them.

There are 528 parking bays in Giles Lane car park. As over a fifth of the bays will be unavailable to permit holders in Giles Lane car park on Wednesday, Campus Security will endeavour to inform staff and students when the car park is full on this day by placing notices on Giles Lane.

You may find that you are required to park in the Park Wood Courts car parks in front of the residences and therefore we recommend you consider this when planning your journey to the campus.

As per the Traffic Regulations, although we do not guarantee a space, parking should still be available in other car parks including car parks around Park Wood Courts. There are pedestrian signs within Park Wood Courts which inform you of the average time required to walk to the main campus. Alternatively, you can use the Park and Ride bus ticket that was sent with your parking permit to travel to and from the main campus.

Please see car park map for car park locations. If you are unsure where you can park,  please contact us.

Parking enforcement will continue in accordance with the University Regulations for the Management of Traffic.

Canterbury car park disruptions week commencing 27 March

Applicant days

  • Wednesday 29 March- 117 bays will be reserved within Giles Lane car park for visitors to the applicant day, on behalf of EMS. Applicant days are essential recruitment events for the University

Rothford path resurfacing works

  • Monday 27 March to Friday 31 March (extended) – approximately 5 bays will be closed in Rothford car park on behalf of Estates. The pathway alongside Rothford, Belmont Bungalow, Highlands and Hilltops will also be closed while essential resurfacing works take place

Where to park

Please remember that Accessible Bays can only be used by valid Government Blue Badge holders or University of Kent Accessible Permit holders. It is essential that these bays are kept free for those who require them.

There are 528 parking bays in Giles Lane car park. As over a fifth of the bays will be unavailable to permit holders in Giles Lane car park on Wednesday, Campus Security will endeavour to inform staff and students when the car park is full on this day by placing notices on Giles Lane.

You may find that you are required to park in the Park Wood Courts car parks in front of the residences and therefore we recommend you consider this when planning your journey to the campus.

As per the Traffic Regulations, although we do not guarantee a space, parking should still be available in other car parks including car parks around Park Wood Courts. There are pedestrian signs within Park Wood Courts which inform you of the average time required to walk to the main campus. Alternatively, you can use the Park and Ride bus ticket that was sent with your parking permit to travel to and from the main campus.

Car Park locations can be found on the following link but if you are unsure please contact us.


Parking enforcement will continue in accordance with the University Regulations for the Management of Traffic.

Thank you for your cooperation

Canterbury car park disruptions week commencing 6 March

Applicant days

Applicant days are essential recruitment events for the University. The number of reserved parking bays within Giles Lane car park for visitors to these events is as follows:

  • Monday 6 March- 34 bays
  • Wednesday 8 March- 115 bays
  • Thursday 9 March- 26 bays

Where to park

Please remember that Accessible Bays can only be used by valid Government Blue Badge holders or University of Kent Accessible Permit holders. It is essential that these bays are kept free for those who require them.

There are 528 parking bays in Giles Lane car parks. This means that around a fifth of the parking bays will be closed to permit holders on Wednesday. On this day, Campus Security will endeavour to inform staff and students when this car park is full by placing notices on Giles Lane.

You may find that you are required to park in the Park Wood Courts car parks in front of the residences and therefore we recommend you consider this when planning your journey to the campus.

As per the Traffic Regulations, although we do not guarantee a space, parking should still be available in other car parks including car parks around Park Wood Courts. There are pedestrian signs within Park Wood Courts which inform you of the average time required to walk to the main campus. Alternatively, you can use the Park and Ride bus ticket that was sent with your parking permit to travel to and from the main campus.

Car Park locations can be found on the following link but if you are unsure please contact us.


Parking enforcement will continue in accordance with the University Regulations for the Management of Traffic.

Thank you for your cooperation