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Final Programme for Parenting and Personhood: Cross-cultural perspectives on expertise, family life and risk management

Wednesday 22 June, Floor 3 Cornwallis NE, University of Kent, Room 329 and Roof Terrace

This opening half day is an opportunity to meet and network with others coming to the conference. It will be held in rooms in the new building of the School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research (SSPSSR) at the University of Kent, which is home to the Centre for Parenting Culture Studies (CPCS).

View a map showing the location of Cornwallis NE Building (the front entrance is on Giles Lane).

2pm Welcome and brief introduction to CPCS.

Tea and coffee available through the afternoon.

5.30pm-7pm Welcome from Professor Sarah Vickerstaff, Head of School SSPSSR. Wine reception and nibbles.

For the evening, delegates are asked to make their own arrangements for dinner on campus or in Canterbury (the city centre is a 25 minute walk or short bus ride away).

Thursday 23 June 2016, The Cathedral Lodge, Canterbury

The first day of the conference will take place on the grounds of Canterbury Catherdral, using the Cathedral’s excellent conference facilities. Weather permitting, we also hope to be able to make use of the lovely grounds around the Lodge in the sunshine during breaks! We have programmed a ‘Free Time’ break between the last discussion and dinner. For those who arrive on Thursday, there will be time here to check in to your accommodation, and get back into Canterbury for the dinner. Another option is to attend Matins in the Cathedral.

10.15am-11am  Arrival and registration, Clagett Auditorium Foyer
11am-12.15pm Welcome Dr Ellie Lee, Director CPCS

Keynote Lecture and discussion

Parenting and Personhood
Prof. Frank Furedi. Chair: Ellie Lee.
Clagett Auditorium

12.15pm-1.15pm Lunch, Dean John Simpson Room
1.15pm-2.45pm Keynote Lectures and discussion

Parenting and Difference in Cross-Cultural Perspective
Prof. Ann Phoenix and Dr Dil Bach. Chair: Hilde Danielsen
Clagett Auditorium

2.45pm-2.55pm Break (to move rooms)
2.55pm-5.30pm Panel discussions (3 papers, 25 minute break from 4.15pm, 2 papers

Panel 1 Common Room. Managing nations, parents and risks (Martin, McCormack, Edwards, Seghal-Cuthbert, Proctor. Chair: Bristow)

Panel 2 Clagett Auditorium. State regulation of family life (Macvarish, Sundsbo, Sihvonen, Littmarck, Waiton. Chair: Danielsen)

Panel 3 Canterbury Room. Transnationalism and cross-cultural parenting (Lim, Lingen-Ali, Peltola, Choluj, Foley. Chair: Bendixsen)

Panel 4 AV Conference Theatre. Parental involvement and education (Holloway, Golden, Antony-Newman, Dannesboe, Bergnehr. Chair: Fylkesnes)

5.30pm-7.30pm Free time
7.30pm Conference dinner (three course menu, costs payable in advance via Registration), Clagett Auditorium or The Refectory Restaurant tbc

Find out more about the rooms listed above.

Friday 24 June 2016, University of Kent (Grimond Building)

The last of the Conference takes place back on the campus of The University of Kent. Hopefully the weather will be good, and conference participants will be able to take in the amazing views across Canterbury from the campus grounds at some point during the day! The Building on Campus we will be using is The Grimond Building.

8.30am-9am Coffee and tea, Grimond Foyer
9am-10.30am Keynote Lecture and discussion

Other people’s children. Parenting in plural Norway Prof. Hilde Danielsen and Dr. Synnøve Bendixsen, Chair: Prof. Ros Edwards.
Grimond Lecture Theatre 2

10.30am-11am Coffee and tea, Grimond Foyer
11am-12.40pm Panel Discussions

Panel 5 LT2. Upbringing and risk management (Kanieski, Smette, Kozmina, Avdeeva. Chair: Sundsbo)

Panel 6 LT3. Personhood and education (Butler, Gallo, Conlon, Forsey. Chair: Phoenix)

Panel 7 SR3. Performing parenting online (Lind, Blum-Ross, Sjoberg, DeGraeve. Chair: Macvarish)

Panel 8 SR8. Transmission of intergenerational knowledge (Armstrong, Sivak, Bauer, Bristow. Chair: Furedi)

Panel 9 SR5. Constructing parenting: engaging with expertise (Fowler, Lavelle, Widding, Tumelty. Chair: Edwards)

12.40pm-1.30pm Lunch, Grimond Foyer
1.30pm-2.45pm Panel Discussions

Panel 10 LT2. Governing diversity and risky neighbourhoods (de Koning, Vincent, Horvat. Chair: Danielsen)

Panel 11 LT3. Practices and norms of fatherhood (Haux, Locke, Moore. Chair: Edwards).

Panel 12 SR3. Secrecy and disclosure in assisted conception (Gale, Lee, Provost. Chair: Macvarish)

Panel 13 SR6. Balancing work and motherhood (Pimlott-Wilson, Taylor, Harman. Chair: Phoenix)

Panel 14 SR8. Personhood and family ideals (O’Doherty, Cheresheva, Layne. Chair: Fylkesnes)

Panel 15 SR5. Beyond normative parenting (Haag, Ryan, Katona. Chair: Song)

2.45pm-3.15pm Coffee and tea, Grimond Foyer
3.15pm-5pm Panel Discussions

Panel 16 LT2. Defining ‘good parenting’ (Dermott, Waterstradt, Reece, Aarset. Chair: Furedi)

Panel 17 LT3. Constructing minority parenting (Dahlstedt, Fylkesnes, Rugkåsa, Song. Chair: Hylland Eriksen)

Panel 18 SR3. Managing risk (Lowe, Qian Gong, Kiely, Sieben. Chair Bristow)

Panel 19 SR6. Managing the female body (Chautems, Simonardottir, Millar, Nalepa. Chair: Lee)

5pm Closing remarks Grimond Lecture Theatre 2