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Testing out a theory

Ableism in Academia

Dr Jennifer Leigh (Senior Lecturer in Higher Education and Academic Practice) warmly invites you to an online event on 3rd December 12.00 – 14.00 to discuss the new book Ableism in Academia: Theorising disabilities and chronic illnesses in higher education.

The focus for the event is on policy and practice.

Speakers include Professor Georgina Randsley de Moura (Kent), Dr Neil Harrison (Oxford), Dr El Spaeth (Glasgow), Dr Nicole Brown (UCL IOE) and Dr Amanda Bates (Kent).

You can book a place via Eventbrite

The book can be downloaded for free and we will share a discount code for all participants who would like a hard copy.

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Covid-19 update – 26 November 2020

Today, the Government announced the new Tier structure that will come into force once the national lockdown ends on 2 December 2020. Canterbury and Medway have both been placed in Tier 3, the ‘Very High’ risk category. At this Tier, there are restrictions on households socialising and non-essential travel is not permitted. As previously, universities and other educational institutions are to remain open. We are currently awaiting DfE guidance about what this will mean for Kent, and will provide more information as soon as it is available.

Planning for Christmas vacation

As we approach the end of the Autumn term, I wanted to tell you about the important work taking place to support the students that will be staying with us over the Christmas vacation period. We estimate between 300 and 500 students will be remaining with us, staying on our two main campuses after term ends on 18 December 2020. This year, more than ever before, it is vital that we provide a safe, secure environment for our students which will allow them to enjoy a restful festive break. Staff from across the University are working in partnership with Kent Union and GKSU colleagues to provide a programme of events and online activities that these students can enjoy. The team will be distributing festive goodie bags for the students and are planning to decorate campus to bring some much-needed festive cheer. Students will be able to connect with each other, via dedicated social media channels, and the programme of events will be publicised through a new webpage. We hope this project will allow students to interact, share experiences and provide valuable support for each other during the winter vacation period. My thanks to all staff involved in this important work and for your commitment to supporting all our students.

Asymptomatic testing

As part of the Government’s national Covid-19 testing programme, we are now offering asymptomatic testing at both Canterbury and Medway. These tests are specifically for people without symptoms of Covid-19, ie they are asymptomatic. Bookings are now being taken for students with appointments beginning on 30 November 2020. Any member of staff wishing to book an appointment can do so from 30 November 2020. Please remember that if you do have Covid-19 symptoms, you must self-isolate and book a test through the NHS Coronavirus website.

Spring 2021

After what has been challenging and unpredictable year, we are busy planning for Spring 2021 and how we can best meet the needs of our diverse student population. At this stage, we have yet to receive guidance relating to the return of students in January from the Department for Education. However, we do expect this shortly. It is likely that universities will be encouraged to invite students back to campus using a staggered arrivals approach. This could mean that for the first few weeks of the Spring term, all teaching is again delivered virtually. My sincere and heartfelt thanks go out to all staff involved in delivering teaching at our University; the changes imposed on us by the pandemic have been significant, and you have responded valiantly throughout.

It is vital that we continue to demonstrate to students that we are listening to their feedback, and evolving our approach in response, for the Spring term. We will be running a campaign to show students all the events and activities they can engage with in the New Year. We hope Schools will get involved in sharing best practice and celebrating the great work taking place across our University. There will be lots positive case-studies of how staff and students are adapting to get the most out of learning and teaching at this unpredictable time.

Thank you again to all University staff for your commitment and dedication to our students.


Professor Richard Reece | Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education and Student Experience

Professor Karen Cox

Vice-Chancellor’s update – 26 November 2020

Good news is always welcome and, at the moment, more so than ever. It was simply wonderful therefore to hear of our success in the Guardian University Awards 2020 with the One Hour Degree declared the winner of the Digital Innovation award. Created by the Student Success Project, this is an online game designed to provide the complete university experience for potential students. Congratulations to Alison Webb for her work in developing the game.

Congratulations  also go to those involved the Professional Economist Degree Apprenticeship Programme, runner-up in the Widening Access and Outreach category. Launched in 2018, the programme, co-led by Professor Alastair Bailey and Dr John Pearson at the time of nomination, aims to attract a diverse, new generation of economists into the profession.

I am also pleased to say that we have submitted our pledge to Stand Alone, the charity that supports people who are estranged from their families. I greatly value this opportunity to make this pledge which states our commitments to our estranged students and demonstrates our recognition of the challenges that they may face. I am particularly pleased that we have made this submission during Estranged Students Solidarity Week.

While we have a dedicated package of support in place, there is more we can do. We will continue to engage with our estranged students to better understand what additional support they may need from us, as a University, to enable them to achieve their goals. I would also like to thank Ben Dawkins, Chair of the Chair of the Mature & Part-Time Students Network, for the work he is doing in support of our estranged students.

We have now learned that Kent and Medway will be in Tier 3 and are considering what this means for the University. We will provide further information once the situation is clearer.

The last week has seen work continue at high speed to set up the asymptomatic testing site on the Canterbury campus. I am pleased to say that we are on track to open the doors on Monday 30 November. As you will be aware, these sites play a major role in the government’s plans to enable students to travel home for Christmas, as well as supporting their return in the New Year. A special scheme for the Medway campus has been agreed with the local public health team, which will see the use of the pre-existing Local Testing Site for asymptomatic testing.

We are still waiting for government guidance on what the detailed arrangements are for the start of next term. I continue to engage at a national level on this and other issues and we will update you as soon as we have confirmation of what is required from us and the rest of the sector.

Thank you once again for all your hard work at this challenging time.

My very best wishes to you and your families,


Professor Karen Cox | Vice-Chancellor and President

Christmas tree with red baubles and gold stars

Join in with the Rock Choir for an online Festival Finale!

Calling all University staff for an online Christmas Rock Choir Singalong Special!

You’re invited to take part in a special online Rock Choir on Weds 2 December at 13.00, when the group will have its final singing session of the term with a festive flavour.

Open to all staff at the University, the director and alumnus, Jonathan Grosberg, will lead a special session teaching from scratch (and without music) a festive and easy arrangement of ‘The First Noel’ and ‘Silent Night.’

You can find out more in this minute-long introduction on YouTube, and if you’d like to join in, email jonathangrosberg@rockchoir.com and Jonathan will send the link for the day.

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Covid-19 testing – student booking window open

From Professor Richard Reece, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education & Student Experience:

As promised, please find below an update on the booking process for asymptomatic testing, following my email on 24 November.


We have now opened a booking window for students only. Students based at Canterbury will receive an email confirming this.

We are initially taking bookings from just students to ensure any students that wish to take a test before the Student Travel Window (3-9 December 2020) can do so.

We are planning to open a booking window for staff early next week and will email you to let you know.

The Asymptomatic Testing Site (ATS) will run from Monday 30 November 2020 until Wednesday 9 December 2020.


Please note that any students studying at Medway should complete our Medway booking form so that we can arrange booking slots at the NHS Local Testing Site on the Medway campus.

We are planning to open a booking window for staff early next week and will email you to let you know.

What to do if you have symptoms

Please note that the ATS is only for those who are not displaying Covid-19 symptoms. If you do have symptoms, please follow our advice on what to do if you think you have Covid-19 and book a test via the NHS Coronavirus website.

Further information on asymptomatic testing, and what the test involves, is available on our Coronavirus webpages.

Best wishes


Professor Richard Reece | Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education and Student Experience

Medway campus from the sky

New Strategic Lead for Medway

Dr William Collier has been appointed to the role of Strategic Lead – MedwayWilliam, who is currently Deputy Dean (Education and Student Experience), will take up his new role in January 2021 for a 12-month period.

The University has been offering higher education in Medway for more than 20 years, and over time we have adapted our offer. However, there is more we should be doing to make the most of our presence in Medway, and the development of a new and comprehensive vision for the campus is a key strategic aim for the University.

As this year has shown, the new strategy for Medway needs to ensure we are better positioned to support the rebuilding of the region’s economy post-Covid, that we continue to support the bid of City of Culture through our Institute of Cultural and Creative Industries, and that we maintain and develop strong partnerships with local education providers, the Council and other external stakeholders

In his new role, William will be responsible for taking this work forward, consulting with both external and internal stakeholders. He brings a wide range of institutional experience to the role, with expertise in student recruitment, portfolio development, education and student experience. He is a Senior Fellow of Advance HE and an Associate of The Economics Network.


Kent Sport reopening 3 December

Kent Sport Centre will be reopening on 3 December, with safety and social distancing measures still in place. Make sure you familiarise yourself with the information contained in their Coronavirus webpage and FAQs before your return.

Their classes will continue to be virtual for the remainder of the year, and they will add new classes regularly to their video library, so please be sure to check it out.

Opening hours:

  • Sports Centre – Monday – Friday – 7.00-13.00 | Saturday & Sunday – 14.00-18.00
  • Outdoor facilities – Monday – Friday – 15.00-21.00 | Saturday & Sunday – 9.00-13.00

Face-to-face physiotherapy appointments and online consultations will be available at the Kent Sport Physiotherapy Clinic. 

They have their dedicated Stay Well @ Home webpage for those who are not able to visit them. Which is their  go-to resource for at-home workouts, class videos, wellbeing advice and more.

Disability History Month – workshop on Neurodiversity

Story by Natalia Crisanti, Student Engagement and Communications Officer | Student Support and Wellbeing, Student Services

Have you looked at any of the calendar of scheduled events for UKDHM? This year’s Disability History Month challenges us to consider ‘Access: How far have we to come? How far have we to go?’ If local television channel KMTV’s report is anything to go by, accessibility might still be an afterthought in Kent.

Take a look at more information of Disability History Month.

As a staff body there is certainly still a lot we can still learn to improve the experience of all of our students, whether they have physical disabilities we can see, chronic conditions we couldn’t guess at, or invisible conditions such as mental health concerns or autism, sometimes referred to as neurodiversity.

On 3rd December there will be a free workshop delivered via Teams on Neurodiversity to help everyone understand and accept neurodivergent ways of experiencing the world. Book your place on Eventbrite now, and be part of the community moving towards a more inclusive place to work and study. Let’s #MakeKentAccessible.

If you have any questions please contact me at n.crisanti@kent.ac.uk 

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Asymptomatic testing for students and staff

I hope you are well and looking forward to the winter vacation. Thank you for all your hard work supporting our students and helping to provide the best possible student experience during what has been a very challenging year so far.

As part of the Government’s testing programme to support the Student Travel Window, we are opening an Asymptomatic Test Site (ATS) on our Canterbury campus on 30 November 2020. We would like to invite all students and staff to be tested should they wish.

The ATS will offer Lateral Flow Tests which are different to the PCR tests provided by our Local Testing Site (LTS). Lateral Flow Tests are specifically designed for asymptomatic people – those who are not displaying any symptoms. Please note that if you do have symptoms of Covid-19, you should book a test via the NHS Coronavirus site.

If you aren’t displaying symptoms and would like to book an appointment at the ATS, you can do so on our dedicated Coronavirus website. Please note the booking form will be available from 09.00 26 November 2020.

The test is voluntary, and it is entirely your choice to be tested.

We are inviting all students to be tested prior to travelling to their permanent homes during the Student Travel Window (3-9 December 2020).

For our Medway campus, we have worked with the Public Health Team on a special scheme to provide asymptomatic testing at the LTS. We are already accepting applications from students for tests and hope to be able to offer the same for Medway staff at a later date.

All students will be sent an email today (24 November 2020) about the testing available and how they can book an appointment.

We are currently working on plans for continuing our on-campus testing in the New Year and will update you on this shortly.

Additional information about Covid-19 testing can be found on our Coronavirus website.

Best wishes


Professor Richard Reece | Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education and Student Experience

Disability History Month logo and image

Disability History Month

Have you perhaps felt frustrated during the pandemic when you can’t always get into your favourite shops and restaurants, you can’t travel as easily, it takes so much more planning to make what is ordinarily a simple trip because of considering queues or capacity? Many disabled people living in the UK have this experience daily, and UK Disability History Month (DHM) is an opportunity to challenge disablism and think about what steps we need to achieve equality.

Throughout the rest of November and December, the University of Kent is celebrating DHM with workshops, talks, films and resources. These have been curated for students and staff to challenge their own perceptions of disability and enhance their understanding and awareness. The theme for this year is ‘Access: How far have we to come? How far have we to go?’  Check out Kent Union’s webpage for the full calendar of scheduled events for UKDHM, or follow #DHMKent2020 on social media for updates on what’s coming next.

At Kent, we provide disability support to students who need it in the form of 1:1 support from disability advisers, mentors and tutors, as well as peer support groups and social activities. We have an active student-led accessibility network, and collaborating with students, staff and Kent Union, we want to continue to strive to make Kent an accessible environment to learn, live and socialise, both physically and digitally.

Disability History Month is one month of the year, but let’s remember that we need to take positive action all year round to ensure that Kent is an inclusive environment for all students, staff and visitors. DHM is an opportunity to take a bit of time to listen to one another’s experiences, to consider what each of us can do to better meet the needs of people with invisible and visible disabilities, and to take that energy forward to continually improve the University and community experience – for every single person studying and working at Kent. Please check out the DHM programme, be part of a positive change, and help us #MakeKentAccessible.