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Tribute to Gerald Rickayzen

By Prof. John H. Strange and Prof. Bob Newport

Professor Gerald Rickayzen died on 7th February 2023 at the age of 93 after a long and distinguished career as a theoretical physicist, teacher and academic administrator. An outline of his extensive contribution to Physics and the University of Kent is provided below; we offer first, however, brief personal reflections from two of his former colleagues.

John Strange, Professor of Physics and a former Head of the Physics Laboratory (- the original manifestation of Physics at the University) recalls the day on which he met Gerald:

“I first met Gerald during the summer of 1964 on a hike in Ithaca [New York State, USA] organised by the Physics Department of Cornell University where he was a visiting academic and I was a post-doctoral research fellow. Gerald had a two year old son, Ben, on his shoulders and was accompanied by his wife Gill and their three other children, Alan, Sonia and Asher. Throughout his life he was a devoted family man. Gerald and I met again in the post room of Cornell Physics Department a few days later and were amused to find that we had both applied to join the academic staff of the new University of Kent.

“Whilst at the University of Kent, he lived in Blean and was known among friends and colleagues for the social activities in his large garden that included admiring the Rickayzen flock of sheep that kept his extensive lawn in trim. His family were keen amateur musicians. Gill, with Gerald’s support, organised ‘Monday Music’ which provided lessons and other musical activities for all ages. Gerald played the cello and Gill the viola and they hosted musical evenings with others to form string quartets, playing chamber music together. Gerald was a member of the University symphony orchestra for many years.”

Another former colleague, Professor Bob Newport, writes fondly of Gerald:

“I knew Gerald as a man to look up to: a man of honesty and integrity, with a gentle spirit, a mind as sharp and perceptive as any I’ve encountered and with a strength of character and conviction surpassed by no-one. Having said that, my first exchange with Gerald was a distinctly unsettling one – he chaired the large interview panel arrayed before me on the happy day I was offered a junior lectureship in John Strange’s department; Gerald, in his role as Deputy Vice Chancellor, was standing in for the VC. That was in 1985. For more than a decade thereafter I learned from his example and revelled in the lively and wide-ranging coffee-time conversations we were a part of within the original Physics Laboratory (now the Marlowe Building). He was a genuinely inspiring academic leader and his voice was one of the few I relied upon during the tumultuous days of 1997 when the Physics Laboratory and its sister Chemical Laboratory were greatly reduced in size and merged into the School of Physical Sciences. (I had been appointed the School’s first head of department.) We lost touch after his move back to London, but that distance doesn’t lessen the sadness I felt at the news of his death.”



Additional material from John Strange:

Gerald Rickayzen joined UKC, the University of Kent at Canterbury, in the summer of 1965 as Reader in Theoretical Physics from Liverpool University bringing with him a research fellow, Dr W.A.B. (Alan) Evans who later joined the physics staff as lecturer. (Sadly, Alan also died recently.)

Gerald was responsible for teaching the core course on waves to the first and subsequent intakes of science students. Teaching was important to him and he contributed to various courses throughout his career, at all stages from the introductory to advanced postgraduate theoretical physics. He was an extremely clear and sympathetic teacher. From his arrival in Canterbury he was involved with education at all levels and in the mid 1960’s he was a leading light in the local branch of CASE, the Campaign for the Advancement of State Education.

He already had a distinguished research career when he arrived at Kent, having worked on the theory of superconductivity with Bardeen (the B of BCS theory that explained this phenomenon of superconductivity) and was the author of an advanced textbook on the theory of superconductivity. He also published a postgraduate-level textbook on Green’s Functions and Condensed Matter in 1980. His research interests at Kent were focussed on many-body problems, superconductivity, superfluidity and the theory of colloids. In later years he collaborated with David Hayes and colleagues Jack Powles and Alan Evans on computer simulation, molecular dynamics and the theory of liquids. He worked with a number of research students and post-doctoral research assistants throughout his career.

It was shortly after his arrival at Kent that he was promoted to a personal chair in theoretical physics, which he held until retirement, and was awarded a Research Professor position 1994 -96 on retirement. Thereafter he was Emeritus Professor of Theoretical Physics and continued to be active in research, in collaboration with Jack Powles. In 1974 he had followed Jack Powles as Director of the Physics Laboratory but relinquished that in 1976 to become Dean of the Faculty of Science until 1980 when he was appointed Pro Vice-Chancellor. From 1984 to 1990 Gerald was the Deputy Vice-Chancellor. His contribution to the work of the University of Kent, to science and more generally to Canterbury was immense and we can gratefully celebrate a long and successful life of one of the University’s first members.


Students walking on campus with cathedral behind

International college planned to launch in September

We are pleased to announce that we are working on launching an International college at our Canterbury campus in September this year.  

The college will be a joint venture between the University and a private provider. This will offer foundation and pre-Masters programmes for international students, with the aim of significantly increasing recruitment. The market has changed considerably in recent years and many other universities are already successfully operating in this way.  

There are still a number of permissions that need to be agreed both internally and externally before the college can be launched. However, we are working hard to deliver a first cohort for September 2023.  

There is a great deal of work underway to support this and the important next step is agreeing the programmes that will be taught at the college to ensure they meet our academic and quality standards, whilst making sure students will successfully progress to our mainstream programmes. We will be discussing these measures with colleagues across the University and we look forward to continuing these discussions.  

In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact Simone Davies, Director of MORA.  

Industrial action

Industrial Action: postponed strike dates

The University and College Union (UCU) has held strikes days throughout this term, with more planned for March 2023. These will take place at all universities across the UK and are over national issues around pay, pensions and working conditions.

All remaining strike days in February have been postponed, meaning UCU’s current outstanding strike days are below. Action Short of a Strike will continue throughout as it has been throughout this period of industrial action.


  • Thurs 16 – Fri 17
  • Mon 20 – Weds 22 inclusive

We’re really pleased to see this step by UCU, which has been done to support the progress of the national negotiations happening throughout. Negotiations regarding the strikes take place nationally, which means we have limited influence over decisions taken on the issues under dispute – however this postponement is a positive sign and we urge all parties involved in the negotiations to use it to reach common ground.

For more information, take a look at the industrial action webpages. 

EasterZone children’s activity camp

Our children’s holiday camps for 5-12 year olds  are coming back for 2023! Filled with daily multi-sports and activities, DBS-checked camp staff, and qualified coaching, your child will love our EasterZone holiday camp! EasterZone runs from Tuesday 11 to Friday 14 April 2023.

“Both my children loved it all. They loved the staff, said they were fun and kind to them, and they enjoyed every activity they did (including the drawing!). Really varied and great fun. Thank you.”

Children’s Holiday Camp survey feedback, 2022

Qualified coaching

Our daily timetables include various sports and activities for your child to get involved in. With traditional sports such as football, hockey, and rugby alongside new sports like endball and goalball, there’s loads to keep children entertained, regardless of their age.

We’ve also introduced some fun activities like Drums Alive and Street Dance, and we’ll close out the camp on Friday 14 April with a School Sports Day for the whole camp! You can see the full PDF camp timetable on our website.

EasterZone 2023 prices

Spaces can be booked either for individual days or the full four days. Spaces are limited so book your space early.

University of Kent staff

We’re offering University of Kent staff a 15% discount on the below rates. Please contact to receive the discount code.

Members of the public

  • One day £35 per child
  • One week (four days) £120 per child

Late pick-up (15.00 to 17.00)

Our late pick-up option includes fun and engaging activities tailored to the location, such as table tennis, table football, new-age kurling, bowls, speed stacks, twister, board games, and creative drawing.

  • £12 per child per day

Booking and payment

This year we’ve made the process for booking much simpler, through our new Holiday Camp booking system; LTA ClubSpark. You will need to create an account with the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) first before you can book EasterZone.

Once you’ve created your account and you’re ready to book, visit the EasterZone booking page.

You will need to complete the process for each child you wish to book on to EasterZone (you only need to create the LTA account once though). Within your booking confirmation email, there will be a link to an additional details form. This contains very important information, so please make sure you complete this for each child you book on EasterZone. We will get in contact if we require additional information.

If you have any questions about our children’s holiday camps, please email or call 01227 816391. Alternatively, please contact us if you would like to be added to our mailing list for future camps.

bOing! Family Festival: Your chance to reach thousands of families in our local community

bOing! Family Festival is the University’s biggest community engagement event with over 10,000 people visiting the campus over the August bank holiday weekend each year. The festival is produced by the University’s Institute of Cultural & Creative Industries and welcomes both national and international artists making excellent work for children and families. Dates for this year are 26 & 27 August 2023. See more about bOing on the website.

Showcase your work

The festival is an opportunity to showcase the University’s research, innovation and engagement to a public audience. Previously the festival programme has featured forensic crime scene workshops and liquid nitrogen demonstrations by the Division of Natural Sciences, an interactive and participatory art & design exhibition by the Future Human signature research theme, virtual reality showcases by Engineering & Digital Arts and various physical workshops run by Kent Sport.

We would love to expand this offer and would welcome thoughts, ideas and pitches from academics, divisions, schools, departments, signature research themes and professional services about what you might want to bring to bOing 2023.

bOing is a family festival and attended by all ages, but we particularly look for activities which appeal to or can be suitable for children under 12.

If you have an idea you would like to pitch to be part of bOing! 2023, please email by 31 March, detailing:

  • A description of your event/activity
  • Who would run the activity
  • Age suitability and capacity
  • What kind of space and any resources/equipment you would require

‘When out one day;’ an exploration of portraiture in new exhibition in Colyer-Fergusson

The latest art exhibition in the gallery space in the Colyer-Fergusson Building features an exploration of the art of the portrait by Canterbury-based artist, Adam De Ville.

A series of ten striking paintings reflects Adam’s interest in exploring the human condition, brought vividly to the canvas in an array of arresting paintings that pushes through the space between viewer and subject, looking to capture the essence of the moment.

The display is free to view during the building’s opening hours; there is wheelchair access, and the exhibition is on until May. Read more about the exhibition on the Music blog.

Interested in inspiring others to enjoy Tennis?

We are excited to be hosting an LTA Level 1 Tennis Assistant coaching qualification course at the Kent Indoor Tennis and Events Arena on Sunday 26 March and Sunday 4 June.

The LTA Level 1 course is ideal for tennis parents, keen players, and anyone considering a career change into sports coaching or looking to get started in tennis coaching.

There are five levels of tennis coaching in this country with the LTA and Level 1 is just the beginning, focusing mainly on assisting a qualified coach to work with children. Level 2 allows you to lead group lessons unsupervised, perhaps going into local schools. Levels 3 to 5 allow you to deliver all types of group and individual lessons with more attention to detail the higher up you go.

This is an ideal opportunity to work alongside our Tennis Development Manager and LTA Level 5 coach, Nick Skelton, as we grow our tennis programme at the University of Kent. It’s an exciting time to get involved!

The two-day course, based on the Canterbury campus, runs from 9am to 5pm both days and costs just £275. You can find more details and book onto the course on the Virtus Leisure Management website. Or to discuss the course further contact Nick at

Egyptians: Come see a play last performed in 463 BC

Well sort of. The original play by Aeschylus has been lost bar one remining word. But it has been brought back to life by Foreign Office, the acclaimed team behind The Suppliant Women (Gulbenkian 2021), with help from experts and academics from across the globe, including some at Kent.

Egyptians will be performed between Wednesday 22 and Saturday 25 Feb at 19.30, with matinees at 14.00 on Thursday and Saturday. Tickets are £15 with a £5 student rate. Tickets can be bought from the Gulbenkian website.

As in ancient Greece, the performance uses professional actors and a community chorus – in this case of young men, including local residents and students from Kent.

It is a powerful story, with themes of migration, belonging and consent that remain vital today. The Greeks combined words, music and movement to dramatic effect, reflecting the conflict and tension of the story itself.

Set in a city destroyed by war, the victorious Egyptians demand to marry the fifty daughters of Danaos. But, strange omens, a grieving widow and a mysterious priestess — these are bleak portents for a mass wedding. As the men and women square up to their wedding night, who will finally prevail?

A panel discussion will follow the performance on Saturday 25 Feb, 14.00, chaired by Prof. David Wiles (Emeritus Professor of Drama at Exeter University) and including Egyptians director Ramin Gray alongside experts in Greek drama from the University of Kent (Dr. Rosie Wyles and Dr. Angeliki Varakis) and from the University of Oxford (Prof. Oliver Taplin, also production dramaturg).

And you can eat like a Greek! To celebrate Egyptians Gulbenkian Cafe is offering delicious Greek specials alongside our Showtime Menu every evening from 22 – 25 Feb.

University Teaching Prizes 2023

Each year, the University awards a number of prizes to individual staff or teams for outstanding work in teaching and/or learning support. For 2023, colleagues are encouraged to submitted applications which address three criteria:

  • Excellence in Teaching or Supporting Learning
  • Dissemination and Influence
  • Above and Beyond Expectations of Normal Operation.

Prizes will be at the University level, and will include both Academic and Learning Support categories. Individuals or teams can apply from all divisions and professional services teams.

The panel will be chaired by Professor Richard Reece (DVC Education & Student Experience) and will meet in April 2023. Prizes will be awarded at the end of the Learning and Teaching Conference in June 2023.

The call for applications for the 2023 prizes is now open. The closing date for applications is Thursday 6 April 2023. Please fill out the application form.

What is Sanctuary? Upcoming seminars

This year the University of Kent is applying for University of Sanctuary status. As part of the City of Sanctuary movement, the Universities of Sanctuary network aims to ‘make Higher Education institutions places of safety, solidarity and empowerment for people seeking sanctuary’.

To help ensure that the University’s application process is properly reflective and self-critical, the Migration and Movement SRT is continuing its series of seminars that address the question ‘What is Sanctuary?’

Speakers from a range of disciplines, career stages and backgrounds consider what sanctuary means and entails. Contributions are a mix of academic talks and reflections on lived experience.

All sessions are online. Everybody is invited to join the conversation.

What Is Sanctuary 3, 16.00-17.00, Wednesday 8 March 

Rachel Larkin, Lecturer in Social Work (SSPSSR) 

Sanctuary: A place or a feeling? This presentation will explore sanctuary as a relational affective space, drawing on data from research with migrant young women in the UK. Using psycho-social and affect theory, it will consider the role of emotion in both the attempt to create sanctuary and the experience of seeking it.

Matthew Whittle, Lecturer in Postcolonial Literature (School of English) 

In this talk I’ll be looking at Walton Ford’s painting ‘Sanctuary’ (1998) as a jumping off point to discuss the relationship between forced migration and colonialism. The context of the painting is the Congo region and the privileging of eco-tourism over human life. It invites a contrast between forms of sanctuary relating to the forced movement and precarity of animals and humans in (neo)colonial contexts.

Join Zoom meeting:
Topic: What Is Sanctuary 3
Time: Mar 8, 2023 04:00 PM London 
Meeting ID: 831 8572 4134
Passcode: 657680 

What Is Sanctuary 4, 16.00-17.00, Wednesday 29 March 

David Roberts, Reader in Biodiversity Conservation (School of Anthropology and Conservation) 

What is a refuge in conservation and ecology?During the process of extinction, the last individual of a species has to have occurred at a specific location at a specific time. This, however, does not mean the location contributed significantly to its persistence (i.e. that it was a refuge) as its persistence could merely be the result of chance, that this individual at this location was the last of its kind. Understanding why populations persist in the face of adversity is fundamental to conservation and ecology. There are numerous definitions of what constitutes a refuge, with most incorporating some form of spatial and temporal isolation from the cause of, or resistance to, disturbance. However, use of the term refuge is often imprecise, has been used interchangeably with other terms such as relic population and biogeographic nodes, and is often based on unsubstantiated statements. Here we look how the term refuge is applied in ecology and its application to some famous extinctions and environmental events.

Jonathan Rock Rokem, Senior Lecturer in Human Geography (School of Anthropology and Conservation) 

Mounting violent borders and rising inequalities bring new global challenges and opportunities facing the enablement of migrant arrival and settlement. This talk brings to light differences in migrant access to public urban resources across the socio-economic and ethnic profile of three major cities. Comparing Stockholm, Berlin and London, the research investigates spatial inequality and urban segregation, and shows how this can affect migrant mobility and accessibly to public urban resources. Taken together, this is argued to have an impact on newly arriving people’s participation in diverse urban societies.

Fateh Shaban, Academic Fellow in Human Geography (School of Anthropology and Conservation) 

The Syrian civil war, which began with a revolution in 2011, has led to a vacuum in higher education in north-western Syria. Some universities in the area have continued to provide tertiary education, whilst others have emerged since. However, higher education in northern Syria faces significant challenges due to the war and the conditions it has generated, most notably the lack of infrastructure, neglect by international support, the interference of armed forces, and other problems associated with war conditions. This paper will consider the urgent needs faced by the higher education sector in north-western Syria, the most pressing of which are financial support, unification of the sector, attaining accreditation, and building relationships at the international level.

Join Zoom Meeting:
Topic: What is Sanctuary 4
Time: Mar 29, 2023 04:00 PM London
Meeting ID: 858 9353 1278
Passcode: 953000  

What Is Sanctuary 5, 16.00-17.00, Wednesday 5 April 

Sian Lewis, Senior Lecturer in Law (Kent Law School)  

This talk will consider forms of sanctuary provided by religious groups in ancient times and the significance or otherwise of that to present day ideas of sanctuary. Building on this, the talk will address the cities of sanctuary movement in the USA, in particular the refusal to implement (repressive) federal immigration laws.

Hayley Gibson, Lecturer in Law (Kent Law School) 

Constituting Sanctuary: Theorising law and refusal. Aside from its connotations of mercy and kindness, the phenomenon of sanctuary often elicits a jurisprudential discourse concerning the conflict between two normative or legal regimes: one claims sanctuary from the reach of the law; and at the same time there is some force, uniquely capable of providing a space in which the law may be refused, which runs contrary to the monopoly on force that is definitive of sovereignty and, by extension, State law. This paper aims to think through the jurisprudential implications of this unique territory-within-State-territory, in which law is not suspended, but refused. It will draw on the work of Jacques Ranciere in conceptualising the territory of sanctuary as an aesthetic realm in which the ‘part of no part’ is made manifest; and in doing so, it shall consider what the significance of this unique space might be for the concepts of human rights and citizenship. 

Reda Mahajar, Doctoral Researcher in International Relations (Brussels School of International Relations) 

In this talk, I will illustrate my experience as a refugee pursuing my lifelong dream of a PhD research project against all the odds of war, danger and displacement in Syria and Lebanon. Born and raised as a refugee in Syria, I became a refugee again in Lebanon from 2013 to 2018. However, my life changed when I came to the Brussels School of International Studies, University of Kent, in Sept 2018.

Join zoom meeting:
Topic: What is Sanctuary 5
Time: Apr 5, 2023 04:00 PM London
Meeting ID: 893 1719 8474
Passcode: 680916