Category Archives: Student opportunities

Global Virtual Summer School Opportunities

Take part in a virtual summer school at one of our partner universities. A great opportunity to learn with top academics and enjoy diverse cultural activities without flight and accommodation costs.

Do you have plans for Summer 2022?

We’re pleased to offer various virtual summer schools being delivered by our partner universities in Hong Kong and Japan. Many are offering full scholarships or discounts to participate. Now is a great time to learn something new, try a course that you may not be able to study here at Kent or help to enhance your studies ready for next term. Courses range from Intensive Japanese Language learning, Hong Kong Cinema to Business Communications and International Relations & Peace Studies.

See current Virtual Summer School opportunities

Taberek Al-Yasiri, 3rd year, Law with a Language student shares her experience of participating in Hong Kong Baptist University’s online summer programme last year:

“The 2021 HKBU summer program was one of the most memorable experiences I’ve ever had. HKBU put together a great program that allowed us to immerse ourselves in Hong Kong’s history, culture, and community. Local students showed us around Hong Kong and explained the heritage and significance of different parts of the city. In one of the tours, we learned about the history of Kowloon Walled City. We were then guided around Kowloon, starting from Kowloon City Market and the surrounding areas, known as Little Thailand. We went around the bakeries and stalls to explore a few local dishes, desserts, and snacks. We also learned about the Thai New Year’s Songkran Festival. The locals enjoyed telling us about the activities and events that take place during the festival. We also had virtual tours of the Traditional Floating Village, Wan Chai, and Hong Kong Old Town Central. We concluded our journey with a farewell party at the end of the program. 

The teaching was also of a very high standard, and our teacher encouraged us to take a critical approach – much like at Kent Law School. Our teacher made this experience special by giving us a comprehensive insight into Hong Kong’s economy. He also helped us gain access to popular culture by translating songs and articles that were not available in English. The classes were very interactive as nearly all seminars included group work. I would highly recommend HKBU to anyone who is considering a summer school next year.  I would’ve never been able to travel and live in Hong Kong at this stage of my life, so I’m glad that I could experience Hong Kong remotely.”

For more information about our virtual summer schools, please contact

If you are looking to travel and spend your summer abroad, do take a look at our list of partner summer schools and you may also be eligible for financial support through the Go Abroad Bitesize Fund.  For more information, contact

Students on laptops in booth

Deadline approaching: Apply to be on our NEW International Student Advisory Board

Are you passionate, organised and motivated to represent international students at Kent and make a difference to their student experience?  #YourUniYourSay

We are delighted to launch our new International Student Advisory Board which is in collaboration with Kent Union to ensure that the needs and voices of our international students are heard.

The purpose of this Board will be: 

  • To inform the inclusivity and accessibility of university-wide services and policies at both the University and Kent Union, for the benefit of all international students at the University of Kent 
  • To provide feedback mechanisms to allow international students to actively contribute towards campaigns, awareness raising and submit suggestions for policy change 
  • To support internationally focused activities and events such as, Welcome week, Annual Worldfest and International Education Week.  

We are looking for up to 30 individuals to join this newly established Board which will provide a wonderful opportunity for you to represent and make a difference to your student experience while at Kent. 

To apply:
– You must be a current international student at the University of Kent
– You must have enthusiasm and commitment to improving the international student experience
– You must be available to attend all the meeting dates advertised

For more info and to apply please see our webpageDeadline for applications is 18 January .