Author Archives: Tim Davies

Organising for Success: Director Operations appointments

Following the recent announcement on our new Directors of Division, we have also now made the following appointments to our divisional Director of Operations roles:

Division of Humanities

School of European Culture and Languages; School of History

Kerry Barber

Division of Natural Sciences

School of Biosciences; School of Physical Sciences; School of Sport and Exercise Sciences; Medway School of Pharmacy (affiliate); Kent and Medway Medical School (affiliate)

James Redmond

Kent Business School

Paul Verrion

John Crook and Rachel MacPhee have also been appointed as Directors of Operations, with an announcement on the division they will be deployed to follow.

We are currently in the process of recruiting all final Director of Division and Director of Operations roles. In the meantime, all those appointed will now be brought into discussions around the transition to the changes under Organising for Success, and the decisions we need to make, both in the short and longer term, to make the new arrangements a success.

Professor Karen Cox

DVC Academic Strategy, Planning and Performance

Message from the Vice-Chancellor

After an open competition I am delighted to announce that Professor Georgina Randsley de Moura has been appointed to the position of Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic Strategy, Planning and Performance. Georgina is currently in the interim position and will transition to the substantive post with immediate effect. I am sure you will join me in offering her many congratulations.


Organising for Success: Director of Division appointments

At Kent, we transform lives through opportunity, discovery and community. Organising for Success brings together work that will empower staff to do this, helping us meet out Kent 2025 strategy and ensure a future we can be proud of. This includes introducing seven new academic divisions with greater freedom to meet the needs of our students, simplifying or removing processes so that we have more time to do our jobs, and embracing new ways of working that mean we will be free to focus on the best of what we do.

We have now made the following appointments to our new Director of Division roles:

Division of Arts, Culture & Design

Kent School of Architecture and Planning; School of Arts; School of English; Centre for Music and Audio Technology

Professor Simon Kirchin (who will take up the post on a two-year basis to see through the transition and begin succession planning)

Division of Humanities

School of European Culture and Languages; School of History

Professor Shane Weller

Division of Natural Sciences

School of Biosciences; School of Physical Sciences; School of Sport and Exercise Sciences; Medway School of Pharmacy (affiliate); Kent and Medway Medical School (affiliate)

Professor Claire Peppiatt-Wildman

Kent Business School

Professor Marian Garcia

We are continuing the process of appointing Directors to the remaining divisions and will communicate outcomes as soon as possible. In the meantime, the new Directors of Division will begin in their roles from 1 December and join Executive Group from that date. Announcements relating to our Directors of Operations for the Divisions will be made shortly.

Organising for Success: recruitment update

We are currently going through a selection process to appoint our seven new divisional Directors of Operations. The Directors of Operations will join the leadership team of the University’s academic divisions; working with the relevant Director of Division and other members of the divisional leadership team. These are key appointments for the University – we therefore need make sure we do all we can to recruit and appoint the right candidates for the role.

For a number of reasons, we have been unable to make all seven appointments and will therefore be re-advertising for two of them. This will again be open to internal candidates only, so that we can make sure we have fully explored the potential for internal staff to take on the positions before we potentially widen our search externally.

The job advert is now open and available here, with a closing date of 23.59 Tuesday 19 November.

We encourage anyone interested in these roles to apply, and do please contact our Chief Operating Officer Denise Everitt for a confidential discussion if you want to discuss further.

Organising for Success – project update

At Kent, we transform lives through opportunity, discovery and community. Organising for Success brings together work that will empower staff to do this, helping us meet out Kent 2025 strategy and ensure a future we can be proud of. This includes introducing seven new academic divisions with greater freedom to meet the needs of our students, simplifying or removing processes so that we have more time to do our jobs, and embracing new ways of working that mean we will be free to focus on the best of what we do.

The Project Operational Group for Organising for Success is now meeting regularly, with five core strands of activity identified to deliver the project. Read more on the implementation of Organising for Success.

Directors of Division and divisional Directors of Operations

Interviews for the directors of our new academic divisions are currently in progress, with a second internal round to be held before Christmas for the three divisions where no candidates were shortlisted.

The first round of interviews for divisional Directors of Operations has also been concluded, with a second round to follow in December for any remaining vacancies.

All appointed candidates for both roles will join a workshop with Organising for Success Strand Leads to manage their transition into the role and agree short-term objectives.

Central professional service structures

Following recent changes to the makeup of our Executive Group, design work has continued on the revised management structure for our central professional services. Formal consultation with affected leadership and management staff (Tiers 3+4) will begin in the coming weeks and will finish in the New Year, with exact timings to be confirmed.

Read the latest updates on Organising for Success


Email security: known suppliers and external contacts

If you get an email from a University of Kent supplier, external agent or a named contact that you usually work with, always follow the steps below.

Some of our known suppliers and external contacts are currently being impersonated, and the fraudulent emails we’re seeing can be very convincing. Business contact lists are being hacked to make fake emails look legitimate,

  • If there’s an attached invoice or document that you weren’t expecting, don’t preview it or open it. Contact the supplier separately from the email to check legitimacy.
  • If offered a link to sign into your account, don’t click the link. Go to their website using a web browser to sign in.
  • If the email gives you their new banking details, phone a known contact to check legitimacy.
  • Check the sender email address: double-click on it to see it in full. Does it look right?

All staff need to always take this cautious approach.

More email security advice from the University

Sustainable Food Strategy – one year on!

1 October 2018 saw the launch of the University’s first ever sustainable food strategy, which provides a road map for increasing the sustainability of our food offering from field to fork and beyond. The strategy supports the University’s overall response to the climate crisis and meets ever increasing demand for more sustainable options across our campuses’ menus.

Now a year on into improving the sustainability of the food served across campus, the Sustainable Food Steering Group would like to share some of the key achievements that have been accomplished in the strategy’s first year. The combined efforts of all those involved were highlighted in the People and Planet University League table with the points received in the sustainable food section, alongside engagement and education, giving Kent a boost up league from 101 to 40th.

Rutherford Kitchen has changed it produce supplier meaning fruit and vegetables are now being sourced from local growers. This mean that the menu in Rutherford can be adapted by the chefs regularly to reflect the seasons and share the best of southern produce.

Kent Union have been working hard to support the Sustainable Food Strategy and were instrumental in pushing for reusable water bottles and coffee cups to be made more available and visible. All staff members can claim a water bottle at any Kent Hospitality outlet, and students that moved into accommodation on campus received a free water bottle and coffee cup. Bed and board students also received a reusable food container that can be traded in for a clean one each time they use it at bed and board outlets.

Kent Hospitality released new menus across their Canterbury and Medway outlets, increasing their vegan options available. Their efforts have been recognised by PETA, who have included the University of Kent on their list of 20 Most Vegan-Friendly Universities. In addition to this, many of the new vegan and vegetation items replaced red meat items that were previously on the menus as part of an effort to reduce carbon and water intensive food items from our offering.

All fish served in meals across our outlets is now Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified. This ensures that no fish we serve is on the ‘fish to avoid list’ for species of conservation concern, and that we have full traceability on where that fish came from.

K Bar have gone disposable coffee cup free, meaning all customers are encouraged to drink in or have their reusable cup at the ready.

The Gulbenkian are taking part in FutureProof and their project, ‘Project Zero,’ aims to eliminate as much waste as possible from their operations. So far they have:

  • removed all single use plastic bottles in the café, saving over 30000 plastic bottles since August 2018,
  • switched to re-usable plastic pint and half pint cups which significantly reduced their single use plastic cup buying,
  • partnered with ‘Too Good To Go’ and each month sell around 70 bags of food, which would normally be thrown away,
  • sent their milk bottle caps (around 300 caps a week) to a company that reuse the plastic

The waste team have begun a food waste trial with six outlets across the University with the waste being sent to an anaerobic digestion facility in Essex, where they produce bio fertilisers for farmers and other growers.

The sustainable food steering group will continue to share our progress against the strategy so please keep an eye on updates in each of the outlets and on campus online.

For more information please email

Organising for Success: Update on Director of Division recruitment

Organising for Success brings together various strands of work to help ensure we are equipped to deliver our Kent 2025 strategy. We aim to be a community that empowers students from a wide range of backgrounds to find and shape their place in the world, and where academics are free to explore and deepen our understanding of it. We want staff to enhance each other’s work and feel part of a common identity.

To  support this, we are working towards creating seven new academic divisions. These will help us to deliver a first-class student experience and empower staff, while in turn helping us free up staff time to focus on work that will enable us to make a step change in our teaching and research performance. The project is now in its implementation phase, with five core strands of activity required to deliver it.

Update on Directors of Division recruitment
We are currently in the process of recruiting the seven new Directors of Division who will lead our new academic divisions. These are key appointments for the University, with the successful candidates joining our Executive Group and helping to shape our future – we therefore need make sure we do all we can to recruit the right candidates for the role.

For a number of reasons, we have not been able to secure applicants to interview for all of the divisions and will therefore be re-advertising for three of them. This will again be open to internal candidates only, so that we can make sure we have fully explored the potential for internal staff to take on the positions before we potentially widen our search externally.

The divisions we are re-advertising are:

-Computing, EDA and SMSAS

-Anthropology and Conservation, Politics & International Relations, Economics and Pyschology

-Kent Law School, SSPSSR and Journalism

The job adverts for these are now live, with a closing date of  23.59 on Sunday 10 November. Find out more on how to apply via the HR website.

Project Governance
Organising for Success is governed by an Oversight Group, supported by a Project Operational Group and subsequent strand project teams. We have recently published a full project governance document with full details on structure and membership, along with Terms of Reference for the Oversight Group and Project Operational Group

Find out more on the Governance section of the Organising for Success website.

Appointment of interim Deputy Vice-Chancellors

The University is delighted to announce the appointment of Professor Christina Hughes as interim Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education and Student Experience) and Professor Georgina Randsley de Moura as interim Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Strategy, Planning and Performance).

Christina brings extensive leadership experience to the post having spent three years as Provost at Sheffield Hallam University and four years Pro-Vice Chancellor (Learning and Teaching) at the University of Warwick. She is a member of the TEF Subject Panel (Social Sciences) and is Visiting Professor at the University of Coventry’s Centre for Global Learning Equity and Attainment. Christina will be joining the University on 14 October 2019 and will build on the good work already underway thanks to Professor April McMahon who starts her new role at Manchester University in a few weeks’ time.

Georgina has made a significant contribution to the strategic direction of the University, especially in the growth and development of Psychology’s profile and positioning and nationally through leadership roles in the British Psychological Society. Georgina also has extensive cross-institutional experience across a range of projects in education, research, EDI, and organisational change. Georgina will start her new role on 1 October 2019 and interim arrangements will be made to cover her current commitments as Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Both will be members of the University’s Executive Group.

Directors of Division and divisional Directors of Operations: Update

We are currently recruiting for our new Directors of Division and divisional Directors of Operations roles. As part of this, we recently held briefing sessions for prospective candidates offering more detail on the recruitment process.

For those unable to attend the briefing session for the divisional Director of Operations, the presentation slides and FAQs from the session are now available on the recruitment page here:

In addition, the FAQs for the Director of Division roles have been updated to provide clarity around research or academic contributions within the role. More information on this and the role itself is available here: