Author Archives: Miriam Sandiford

Successful launch of Business Start-Up Journey 2024

Two alumni entrepreneurs shared the highs and lows of founding their own businesses at the launch of the Business Start-Up Journey 2024 in Canterbury. 

Speaking to a lecture theatre packed with students, Alex Ford, founder of fintech company Claro Wealth, and Nadia Simpson, founder of From Amora, a social media-based fragrance and beauty brand talked candidly about their entrepreneurial journeys. 

Collage of event photos including Nadia speaking and a packed lecture theatre


Nadia Simpson, KBS alumna, shared valuable insights on running a successful e-commerce business with an impressive social media presence. 

She said:  

“I started my hair and wellness brand at the University of Kent in 2018, during my first year. It began as an idea to create natural hair care products that didn’t contain the toxins often found in commercial products. 

Since then, I’ve started other businesses, but currently, I’m focusing on From Amora, which specialises in creating cruelty-free and alcohol-free perfume oils. My future plan is to merge my two businesses. 

The advice I give to everyone is to never give up! Consistency is your best friend. You may not see results at first, and you may fail initially, but it’s up to you to get up and stay consistent!” 

Alumni speakers Alex Ford and Nadia Simpson

Alumni speakers Alex Ford and Nadia Simpson.

Alex, who studied computing and business at University of Kent, said:

“It was incredibly hard to get the business off the ground. We were challenging the traditional financial advice industry. As a start-up should, we were on a mission to disrupt the market. It meant long days, weeks, and months, with many pivots and changes, all in the hope that it would pay off in the end. 

The best part of running your own business is working with amazing people on a project you’re passionate about. These people share the mission and are driven to achieve it, something you don’t always experience in a job. 

My advice to aspiring entrepreneurs: just go for it! I didn’t start my entrepreneurial journey straight out of uni, and I wish I had.” 

After the keynote speeches, the audience quizzed the alumni founders touching on everything from the risks of starting up a business, to funding and finance. Afterwards there was the chance to network. 

Collage of photos from event including Alex speaking, students in audience and students helping themselves to food.

The event marked the start of the University’s flagship entrepreneurship support programme, the 15-week Business Start-Up Journey, which is run by the ASPIRE team. 

Offering a step-by-step guide to starting a business, it inspires students with the knowledge and skills required to become successful entrepreneurs through interactive workshops and classes, delivered by ASPIRE’s entrepreneurs-in-residence and external experts.  

The programme concludes with a pitching competition, where participants can win £1,000 in funding. 

To join the Business Start-Up Journey or find out more about ASPIRE and how we support entrepreneurs and start-up, email 



International Student Advisory Board group

Apply to be on our International Student Advisory Board by 29 Oct

Are you passionate, organised and motivated to represent international students at Kent and make a difference to their student experience?  

The International Student Advisory Board launched in January 2023 and is in collaboration with Kent Student’s Union to ensure that the needs and voices of our international students are heard.  

The purpose of this Board will be: 

  • To inform the inclusivity and accessibility of university-wide services and policies at both the University and Kent Union, for the benefit of all international students at the University of Kent 
  • To provide feedback mechanisms to allow international students to actively contribute towards campaigns, awareness raising and submit suggestions for policy change 
  • To support internationally focused activities and events such as, Welcome and Arrivals, Cultural Celebration Week and International Education Week.  

We are looking for up to 30 individuals to join and work alongside our existing Board members.  Whether you have been at Kent for a while or have just joined us this September, this is a wonderful opportunity for you to represent and make a difference to your student experience while at Kent. 

To apply: 
– You must be a current international student at the University of Kent
– You must have enthusiasm and commitment to improving the international student experience
– You must show engagement and commitment to attend meeting dates. 

Board members will receive remuneration via credit on their Kent One Card (Canterbury-based members) or Deep End vouchers (Medway-based members) of £20 for active participation per meeting.  Up to 2 meetings take place each term.

For more information and to apply please see our FAQs and webpage.  Deadline for applications is 29 October, with interviews expected to take place on 6 and 7 November.  

Selection of items from the 1960s in the Faustin Charles Archive collection including advert for a lecture by CLR James andWest Indian Student Union newsletters

Reclaiming Narratives: Finding Black History in the Archives

Join the team in Special Collections and Archives for a workshop exploring Black history in the University’s archive and book collections.

Sign up to our workshop on Wednesday 6 November 2024 – 13:00-16:00.

Location: Templeman Library, Room A108 (A Block – first floor)

In this workshop you will learn more about the University’s special collections, and have the opportunity to view some of the archive collections that highlight aspects of Black history. Workshop participants will learn archive research techniques, and be able to participate in our ongoing work to reveal and showcase the stories and experiences of people of colour that feature in our archive collections.

Through the workshop, participants will consider the challenges of trying to uncover hidden stories in the archives, touching on issues such as changes in terminology and the use of outdated language, and the lack of detailed cataloguing providing barriers to successful research.

Faustin Charles reading poetry in 1970s

Faustin Charles reading poetry in 1970s (Reference: UKA/ALU/CHARLESF/7/9)

Participants will be invited to spend time exploring archive catalogues to locate items of interest in the study of Black history, surfacing evidence of the activities and experiences of people of colour held within the archives. Your discoveries will be added to our list of sources supporting the study of Black history in the archive collections.

There will also be some free pizza at the end of the workshop as a thank you for your hard work!

To book a place on the workshop please contact Special Collections and Archives:

Group on trip abroad at high point with sea and city view

Kent stands for global ambition with another successful Turing bid 

We are pleased to announce that the University has once again been successful in its bid for funding from the UK government’s Turing Scheme. This will enable us to support around 300 Kent students this year on study, research, work and volunteering projects around the world. With a strong focus on widening participation, additional funding will be available for less advantaged students, helping them grow their ambition on a global scale. 

Group of students in front of waterfall.

Jerome and friends at a waterfall in Fiji. Jerome volunteered with Think Pacific

This will be Kent’s fourth year of participating in the Turing Scheme and almost 500 Kent students have already benefited from funding which has developed their skills and enhanced their employability through activities such as wildlife forensics training in South Africa, Mandarin learning in China, marketing internships in Madrid, conservation projects in Bali and Fiji and many more.  

Students on year abroad

Nalini spent the Summer with Fund Amazonia in Peru.

Here is a quote from one student who returned from Peru studying primates in the Amazon, “I saw so many species, visited indigenous communities, worked with amazing people and I feel so lucky to of been able to do it all, I truly don’t believe I’d be able to ever replicate a trip like it.” 

Kent offers year-long Go Abroad placements and one-month Summer Abroad  opportunities around the world, which allow students to build international networks, develop skills and attributes that will enhance their employability, and gain life changing experiences. 

Group with football and mountains in background.

Jerome and friends after playing sports in Fiji.

More details on our Go Abroad pages and at our series of Go Abroad events at EmpFest.



Student stroking therapy dog

Events roundup: 7-13 October

This week sees the start of EmpFest, two weeks of employability events run by our Careers and Employability Service. There’s a huge number of events including presentations, workshops, guest speakers and opportunities to meet industry experts. Browse all EmpFest events and sign up for any that interest you.

Reminder: KentVision will be unavailable from 7:30 until 10:30 on Tuesday 8 October 2024 due to essential maintenance. Please make a note of your timetable, including timings and locations, ahead of this KentVision outage.

Monday 7 October: Emotional support group, Black History Month Trivia Night and essay writing skills

On Monday you are welcome to join the War, Conflict and World Disasters Emotional Support Group in Keynes Red Room. This is a weekly drop in where specialist staff are on hand to help anyone affected by ongoing conflict around the world.

On Monday evening you can join the Black History Month Trivia Night at Woody’s, hosted by the Womxn in STEM Society in partnership with the Black Intellectuals Society. It will be an evening of friendly competition where you can forge new connections and celebrate the power of diversity in education.

If you’re a new student or a returner to education, join this in-person session by the Skills for Academic Success team for an introduction to Essay Writing Skills in Canterbury and Medway. This workshop will give you the skills you need to plan, research, write and check an academic essay.

Tuesday 8 October: World Mental Health Day activities including therapy dogs

On Tuesday you can join some World Mental Health Day (nationally celebrated on Thursday but we are starting early on Tuesday!) At Canterbury you can join Student Support and Wellbeing and Kent Students’ Union in Nexus, Templeman Library, for wellbeing chats and activities such as mindfulness colouring and boardgames. Plus, you can meet Coco the therapy dog and also pick up a free house plant!

At Medway campus you can join Student Support and Wellbeing and the Universities at Medway Chaplain for wellbeing activities and chats in the Oasis Lounge. They will also be joined by special guest Pets as Therapy dog Tommy!

Wednesday 9 October: EmpFest events and using AI in your studies

As part of the daily EmpFest events, on Wednesday you can join sessions on Marketing Careers in the Charity and Not-For-Profit Sector with BeeBee Communications, Introduction to Consultancy by James Brown and Building Confidence in the Selection Process by PwC. Plus, get a free LinkedIn headshot taken by photographer Matt Cook.

The introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) into academia has provided new ways of developing your writing, analytical and research skills. Join this webinar on Using Artificial Intelligence in your Studies to explore some of the fears, misconceptions and opportunities offered by this contemporary development in software applications.

Thursday 10 October: Medway Global Hangout, climbing trip and sign language for beginners

On Wednesday afternoon you can meet new people in a relaxed atmosphere at the Medway Global Hangout in the Oasis Lounge, Medway Building. Enjoy games and crafts as well as refreshments. At the same time, you can also find out about the Global Officers Leadership Development (GOLD) programme to become a Global Officer (open to all students).

If you live in on-campus accommodation, you can join the ResLife Ambassadors for a trip to Canterbury’s bouldering centre for £5. The climbing gym has a variety of different angled walls offering unique challenges.

You can also join a free Sign Language Class for Beginners in Grimond Building, where instructor Luis will be teaching you the basics of sign language.

Friday 11 October: Back History Month creative session and EmpFest events

If you live on-campus, you can join  your ambassadors Aashvi and Nehi to celebrate Black History Month with some BHM flag making and glass painting.

As part of EmpFest, there’s plenty of employability events you can join including Unlocking Opportunities and Strategies for Success at the Careers Fair, Boosting your Memory and Productivity and Understanding Stress and Self-care when Planning for the Future.

Saturday 12 October: Accredited Carbon Literacy Training and trips to Canterbury Cathedral and Howletts Wild Animal Park

Develop your knowledge of climate change and addressing the worldwide climate crisis by taking Accredited Carbon Literacy Training here at Kent. The training is open and free to all students and on successful completion of the course you will receive official carbon literate certification from the Carbon Literacy Project.

On Saturday there’s an opportunity to join the ResLife ambassadors for a couple of different trips. You can either join a free Trip to Visit Canterbury Cathedral (you just need to pay for your bus ticket). Or if you live on campus, for £7.50 you can join a Coach Trip to Howletts Wild Animal Park to see elephants, tigers, monkeys and much more.

See all student events.

Careers fair stands with lots of students talking to employers

Get involved with EmpFest, 7-18 October

What is EmpFest?

EmpFest is a two-week Employability Festival run by your Careers and Employability Service. There will be a programme full of presentations, workshops, guest speakers and opportunities to meet with industry experts.

Who is EmpFest for?

EmpFest is open to all Kent students at all stages of their degree. Whether you are in year 1, 2, 3 or you are postgrad student, there is something for everyone. Explore career sectors that interest you, meet employers, say hello to your Careers and Employability team and discover opportunities to enhance your career prospects.

While the majority of events will take place on the main campus at Canterbury, there will also be some events in person at the Medway campus (which will be clearly indicated on the programme) and, of course, online events. You can catch the Campus Shuttle to travel between Medway and Canterbury campus for free.

What events should I join?

There’s a huge range of events you can join including Employer in the Foyer, skills development workshops, panel events, networking events and the Autumn Careers Fair.

You can gain at least 10 Employability Points by attending all events organised by the Careers and Employability Service. Find out what EP points are and how you can use them to gain employability opportunities!

Browse all EmpFest events.

What is the Autumn Careers Fair?

Our Autumn Careers Fair also takes place within EmpFest and is an amazing opportunity to meet with a wide range of employers and organisations. Taking place on Thursday 17 October 10:00-15:00 in Colyer-Fergusson, the Careers Fair is a chance to scout out work experience, placement and internship opportunities, as well as a graduate career opportunities.

Find out more about EmpFest 2024.


Destination Success Bootcamp. Canterbury campus 8-10 November

Free Destination Success Bootcamp, 8-10 Nov

The Careers and Employability Service are running the Destination Success Bootcamp. This is an exciting, 3-day intensive training programme with the purpose of helping you map out your journey to success and build confidence in your abilities. This programme is suitable to those across all years, including recent graduates.

This programme will be delivered face to face on the Canterbury Campus (Friday 8 November 12L00-16:00, Saturday 9 November 10:00-16:00 and Sunday 10 November 10:00- 16:00).

The programme will focus on:

  • Understanding you – This module aids self-reflection so you can better understand how you work, this will include completing a personality profile, exploring your personal values, your strengths and development areas, imposter syndrome and the power of positivity, finishing with looking at what you want to get out of life.
  • Navigating you – This module with focus on how to nurture and build good relationships, focusing on team dynamics, exploring learning styles and rules of teamwork, having challenging conversations and how to communicate in the workplace.
  • Universal Life Hacks – This final module will give you a toolbox of ideas to hit the ground running, including decision making, planning, prioritising and delegating, mapping your skills and looking at whether you would employ yourself.

Find out more and book your place.

If you have any queries, please email

Black History Month 2024 with graphic of key Black figures

Black History Month: find out what’s on

Black History Month national theme – Reclaiming Narratives 

October can only mean one thing. Black History Month is once again being celebrated at Kent across all our sites. This year, the national theme is Reclaiming Narratives and this has never felt more pertinent. This theme is not just about revisiting history; it’s about taking ownership of the stories that define Black culture, Black contributions, and Black identity. It’s a call to action for Black communities across the UK and here at Kent to step into the role of storytellers, historians, and custodians of Black heritage. For far too long, Black histories have been narrated by others, leading to distorted portrayals that fail to capture the full breadth and depth of Black experiences. 

Black History Month is an opportunity for us as an organisation to celebrate and recognise the myriad of ways in which Black people have contributed to the arts, science, culture, history and technology of Britain and the wider world. It allows us to shine a spotlight on those achievements, and also provides a platform for staff and students to discuss and reflect on their own experiences. It is organised by a team of people that include the BAME Staff and Student Networks and representatives.  

What’s on at Kent

Events to look out for include the Vision and Voices student showcase featuring a panel discussion on the topic of Reclaiming Narratives, the Nigerian Independence Day party in the Venue, an Afrobeats Brunch, the Woody’s BHM Quiz, an exhibition in Keynes featuring the work of Abolore Sobayo on the life and works of Professor Wole Soyinka and inspired by his significant literary works, quotes, book cover designs and his beliefs in Yoruba mythology, guest speaker Andrew Morris, film screenings and more, including a wealth of online resources.  

You can find out about everything that is on offer on the Black History Month webpages 

Get involved with our Caribbean Creation series 

At Kent, we are committed to ensuring that all our students and staff, including our Black students and staff, have the best experience possible whilst they are with us. It is important for us not to limit this celebration to just one month a year. That is why we have #Black365; a series of events and activities that take place throughout the year that continue the legacy of Black History Month. This BHM we are launching our Caribbean Creations series, and are asking staff and students to get in contact with us to showcase their Caribbean heritage inspirations and heroes. These can be individuals from the worlds of politics, food, literature, academia, sport, music, art, science or even your friends and family who have inspired you. Please send us a short piece (written or filmed) and a picture describing who they are and why they are a hero to you by the end of the month. All entries will be showcased as part of the #Black365 campaign after Christmas. Entries and queries should be sent to Becky Lamyman on 

Race Equality Charter Bronze achievement

This year we are delighted to announce that we have achieved Race Equality Charter Bronze status. This achievement acknowledges the work and labour that our staff and students have undertaken over recent years to make Kent a place that strives to be anti-racist, advances equality of opportunity, is committed to a decolonised curriculum and advocates for students and staff from racially minoritised backgrounds. The award is just the start of the journey; now the real work towards the realisation of our 5-year Race Equality Charter action plan begins. You can find out more about this work on our Challenging Racism webpages 

Report + Support

Black History Month can be a time of celebration, but also highlights injustices, past and present. The increased awareness of racism during Black History Month can be challenging. Use our online reporting tool ‘Report and Support’ to be part of a culture shift and get the support you need.   


We really hope you explore and enjoy all the different events and activities that have been organised by staff and students for staff and students. We are always seeking to improve though, so if you have any ideas for the future, or feedback, please do get in contact with us on 

Happy Black History Month 24! 


Student smiling

Events roundup: 30 September – 6 October

This week sees the start of Black History Month with events including a coffee morning, inspirational speaker talk, art exhibition and film nights. See all Black History Month events.

Plus, there’s lots more happening this week including sessions to improve your skills, meet others and challenge yourself to try something new.

Monday 30 September: IT skills and board game night

Do you need to brush up on your basic IT skills? Join this Skills for Academic Success Team’s webinar about using the Windows Operating System including formatting Word documents and saving files in different formats.

Live in on-campus accommodation? On Monday evening you can join ResLife Ambassadors Himadri and Elyse for board games, puzzles and card games in DG-01 in Templeman Library.

Tuesday 1 October: finding a part-time job and PGR time management

Thinking about finding a part-time job? This in-person session in Keynes will cover different options for part-time work, what might be best for you and steps you need to take to apply for roles.

The Graduate and Researcher College are running a time management and habits in-person session for postgraduate researchers including topics such as prioritisation and procrastination.

Wednesday 2 October: Social justice talk, ResLife Cup, Business Start Up Journey Launch and GOLD programme info session

As part of Black History Month, Andrew Morris, activist and founder of the New Wave Trust joins us for the first in our series of talks on the topic of social justice. Andrew will share his unique and personal perspective on Imprisonment for Public Protection (IPPs) and discuss the wider issues that surround the current justice system in the UK.

The first event of the ResLife Cup is here with an inflatable assault course, hungry hippos, gladiators and much more. Score points for your accommodation (or just for fun if you live off campus) and enjoy trying out some exciting new activities with friends.

Interested in starting your own business? Join the Business Start-Up Journey Launch event on Wednesday afternoon to find out more about the University’s flagship entrepreneurship programme and hear from two Kent alumni as they share their inspiring stories of starting their own businesses. The Business Start-Up Journey is run by ASPIRE, the University dedicated space to support student entrepreneurs.

Open to all students, the Global Officer Leadership Development (GOLD) programme is a year-long course designed to develop your leadership skills, global citizenship and cultural intelligence. Come along to the GOLD programme information session in Ingram to find out more. ​There is an additional info session at Medway next week.

Thursday 3 October: participating in seminars, social sports (Medway) and launch of Pop ‘n’ Soul Choir

The Skills for Academic Success team are running a webinar all about participating in seminars. Learn key tips on how to make the most from your seminars, what to expect and how you can perform at your best within the seminar format.

At Medway, you can give Social Badminton or Social Cricket a go for free at Waterfront UTC which is just down the road from Pier Quays accommodation.

Postponed from last week, the Pop ‘n’ Soul Choir is launching on Thursday evening. Open to all without audition and there’s no need to read music. Just come along!

Friday 4 October: Farm visit with afternoon tea and volunteer at the Kent Community Oasis Garden

If you live in on-campus accommodation, you can join a farm visit and afternoon tea for just £5. Meet and brush friendly horses and enjoy a tasty afternoon tea in a local village.

Each Wednesday and Friday, you’re welcome to go along to the Kent Community Oasis Garden (KentCOG) located near Park Wood. KentCOG is a collection of students, staff and community members working to create a sustainability hub centred around growing food.

See all student events.

Black Student Market event

Black Student Market sign up form

Following the success of the previous student-led markets, Kent Students’ Union is looking to organise another Black Student Market this Black History Month (BHM)!

In celebration of BHM, we eagerly anticipate the participation of a diverse array of student businesses, all led by Black students, who will showcase their products at the University of Kent. Hundreds of staff and students are invited to join us at the Plaza on our Canterbury campus to support and purchase from these Black-led ventures.

For further details, the event will take place between 12:00 and 15:00 on Tuesday, 29 October. Businesses are encouraged to set up between 11:00 and 12:00, and dismantle their stalls at 15:00.

If you’re a Black student entrepreneur and interested in securing a stall to showcase and sell your products, we’d be delighted to hear from you. Stall spaces are limited and filling up fast, so please ensure your spot by registering your interest on the online form.

Closing date for registration of interest: 1 October 2024