Author Archives: Allie Burnett

Heading out for halloween? have fun and stay safe

Heading out for Halloween? Have fun and stay safe…

If you are heading out for Halloween, remember that having fun doesn’t mean crossing boundaries or compromising safety. This guide offers helpful tips to ensure everyone’s enjoyment, respect, and safety during Halloween celebrations. 

Safety services at Kent 

If you are heading out, here’s a reminder of the safety services on offer at both our Canterbury and Medway campuses. From the trusty SafeZone app, a Walking Taxi Service, to round-the-clock Campus Security, CCTV, and patrols, we’ve got you covered. Check out Kent’s safety services to learn more. 

Consent. Get it. FULL STOP. 

It’s crucial to always check for consent in all sexual situations. Consent is non-negotiable, regardless of the circumstances. Remember, Consent. Get it. FULL STOP. 

Respect boundaries 

While Halloween is a time for spooks and scares, not everyone enjoys being frightened. It’s crucial to respect people’s comfort zones and ensure that the fun doesn’t turn into distress for someone else. 

What to do in case of inappropriate behaviour 

If you witness something inappropriate or unsettling, there are several actions you can take. The University’s confidential online reporting tool, REPORT + SUPPORT, allows you to report and get advice about various issues. These include sexual misconduct, physical and verbal abuse, spiking, harassment or bullying, discrimination, or hate incidents. You can report anonymously or get support from an adviser. 

Seeking help at the bar 

If you ever find yourself in an uncomfortable or threatening situation, you can discreetly ask for help at the bar. Simply ask for ‘Angela’ at bars in Canterbury (including all bars on campus), and the bar staff will understand that you need assistance. They can call you a taxi or help you out discreetly, ensuring your safety without drawing unnecessary attention. 

Building a safer community 

Everyone can contribute to creating a safer community, especially during festive occasions like Halloween. By respecting others’ boundaries, taking control, and seeking support when necessary, we can ensure a safe and enjoyable celebration for all. Remember, ‘Consent. Get it. FULL STOP.’ 

Staff at helpdesk

Managing academic deadlines

Tim from our Student Learning Advisory Service (SLAS) shares top tips for managing academic deadlines…

Academic assignments do not always arrive one at a time with their deadlines conveniently spaced out. So here are a few tips that will help you manage multiple deadlines.

Break assignments down: Consider the stages of work that you’ll need to undertake to complete each assignment. These may include tasks such as planning, researching, drafting, editing, and checking. If you identify and understand the individual steps that are required to complete your assignment it will appear less daunting. This, in turn, will prevent you from procrastinating and enable you to start work on it. Starting assignments as early as possible will help you meet your deadlines.

Use a term planner: Seeing your academic deadlines clearly marked on a planner or calendar (alongside all your other fixed commitments such as lectures and seminars) will allow you to plan accordingly to meet them. So, working back from the deadline, allocate time for each stage of work on your planner. If you are working on multiple assignments, you can colour-code each one to give you a clear overview of which assignments you need to be working on during any given day or week. Your term planner will help you stay on track to meet your deadline, but if you find yourself falling behind schedule you can review and amend it.

Work efficiently: Meeting deadlines is not just about allocating time for each stage of an assignment. It also means using that time as efficiently as possible, by breaking each day into chunks of time and allocating a specific task to each of them. Each task should be goal focussed – whether that goal is meeting an assignment deadline or revising for an exam. It should also be achievable. For example, for a two-hour study period set yourself the task of reading and taking notes on a useful chapter of a book (which you can do), rather than the entire book (which you probably can’t). This technique will help you build momentum and feel that hour after hour, day after day, you are taking a series of small but successful steps towards meeting your deadline. Allow time for breaks and vary your activities during the day – perhaps mixing some reading and notetaking tasks with some planning and writing tasks – to help you stay fresh, engaged and productive.

Finally, don’t suffer in silence: Deadlines rarely move, so start assignments as soon as you can, and address problems when they arise. If you don’t understand a question, seek clarification from your lecturer. If you feel you don’t know how to start planning or writing your essay, or feel stuck half-way through writing one, seek advice on essay writing from the Student Learning Advisory Service.

Good luck with your assignment!

students sitting on bench

Dealing with homesickness

Many students at some point during their time at university have struggled with homesickness, whether they be in their first year or in their final year. This is a normal feeling as being in an unfamiliar environment with a different routine can be an adjustment for many and is nothing to be ashamed about.

From my own personal experience and understanding from others, I have compiled a little ‘Homesickness Toolkit’ to help manage and overcome homesickness at university…

  1. Throw yourself into university life. Try to get to know and socialise with your flatmates as well as your course mates. And join societies! Kent has many sports and non-sports societies that cater to all students. Have a look on the Kent Union webpage for more information regarding this. Having a strong support network around you is important, and just having a chat with a friend can make a world of difference!
  2. Why not decorate your room with photos, posters or anything that makes you feel more at home? Having things around you that are familiar and comforting will make you feel more at ease in your new space. For example, I have a photo of my family that I always display in my room. This reminds me of the happy memories that I have shared with them, making me feel more relaxed and comfortable in my new room.
  3. Keeping in touch with family and friends from home. Planning a phone or video chat catch-up with someone you miss can be a good way to feel closer to them. Maybe plan a specific day or time during the week to call to make sure everyone keeps that time free.
  4. It sounds obvious but explore our beautiful campus! Whether you are in Canterbury or Medway, the University of Kent has so many facilities on offer for you to make use of. Familiarity with your surrounding area would help to combat the feeling of homesickness, as you will begin to love the new area you are calling home during term-time! Check out the online map for venues you might not have come across so far.
  5. Why not plan a home visit? There is nothing wrong with going back home every once in a while. University is a change, and it’s sometimes nice to go back to a familiar environment. Or you could even plan for family and friends to come and visit you at uni. You could show them around town, around campus and your favourite hangouts!

It is okay to ask for help. The feeling of homesickness may pass, or you may continue to feel overwhelmed and might therefore benefit from support provided by Student Support and Wellbeing. If this is the case, then have a look at the resources available on the Student Support and Wellbeing webpage and get in contact if you need additional support.

Written by Lucie, postgraduate student

making friends at uni can be intimidating but umii can help

Download our friendship app – Umii

Whether you are a new student or looking to expand your circle, Umii connects you to students at university with the same interests, similar course types and societies as you.

University is a major time in your life, and one you shouldn’t do alone. We teamed up with Umii to make it easier for you to find and meet other Kent students outside of your course and accommodation. Only verified Kent students can access the app, so you can be sure who you’re connecting with is a real student.

Set up your profile in minutes:

📲 Download the app
🎓 Select the University of Kent
⚽️ Add your course, interests and societies
😁 Build your profile
👍 Verify your university email or university enrolment
💬 Get new matches every day and build meaningful friendships!

Abi Williams

£30k funding and trips to Italy are all part of being a Santander Unis Scholar! See what you can apply for

Kent student Abi is one of 100 Santander Universities’ Scholars from a selection of UK universities.

After applying for the scholarship at the end of 2022, Abi was awarded £30,000 to help throughout the three-year course at the University of Kent. As well as the funding, Abi also gets additional training and a dedicated mentor from Santander.

This scholarship is part of a series of opportunities, funding and grants Kent students can apply for as part of the University’s education partnership with Santander.

Another opportunity Kent students can apply for now is Santander’s Brighter Future Grants. All you need to do is sign up with Santander Universities before 20 November and you could win £1,000! It doesn’t take long to register and there are 10 lots of £1,000 to be given away to Kent students. Register now so you don’t miss out!

Here’s what Abi had to say about being a Santander Universities’ Scholar…

How did you feel when you found out you won the scholarship?

“Stunned, amazed, excited…

“It did not feel real for a long time after I had found out I was a Santander Universities’ Scholar. It’s the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me and I am so grateful to be a part of the programme.

“The moment it really hit me how lucky I am was during the launch event at Wembley Stadium. It was announced that the 100 scholars will be able to visit Italy’s Ferrari factory in Maranello next year, I am excited beyond words for that. Thank you Santander!”

How has the scholarship helped you?

“It means I can focus on my studies and personal struggles without the added stress and pressure of financial constraints. I have been able to obtain everything I could possibly need for my studies and more. Alongside that, I receive invaluable careers mentoring and amazing opportunities for personal development that money could never buy.

“When I applied, I never thought in a million years I would be selected for something like this, but I have been. In fact, I had forgotten that I had applied until I was contacted to confirm my student status a couple of weeks before hearing that I had been selected. If you are reading this and you are dithering over applying for a scholarship or have not looked for one because you do not think it could ever be you – I know from experience it genuinely could be!”

Student looking to camera

Become a Student Rep

If you’d like to be part of a 300+ strong team of volunteers, all working towards representing student voices and improving the student experience at Kent, then sign-up to be a Student Rep! 

Student Reps are the link between the students, Kent Union and the University. They work in teams at a subject, department, school or divisional level to represent and support their peers, as well as making changes to improve the academic and student experience. They form a whole team of skilled, dedicated and passionate Reps who students can turn to with concerns, questions or ideas. 

Any student can become a Rep, and it’s a fantastic opportunity to meet new people, gain new skills and is a great addition to your CV!

Apply today and get started on a fantastic Student Rep journey! 

Black student voices summit

Black Student Voices Summit on 7 Nov

One year on from the launch of the Kent Union project – Black Student Voices, Kent Union are hosting a summit to present the findings of the researchers and also celebrate the black community on our campus.

Students and staff are invited to join us for a full day of community building, learning and fun. The packed agenda includes guest speakers, talks from Living Black at Kent and The Race Equality Charter as well as a food tasting lunch and the opportunity to take part in some of our ever popular ‘Give it a Go’ events.

The Summit will take place on 7 November in the Venue (Canterbury campus) from 9:00. Check out the full agenda and reserve your free space on the Kent Union website.

A year of art for £10

Student Art Pass – a year of art + opportunities for £10

A Student Art Pass lets you dive into culture on a budget with free entry to hundreds of museums and galleries across the UK, and 50% off major exhibitions.

Plus, you’ll gain access to paid arts opportunities and grow your network by joining the #WeAreArtful @StudentArtPass community. All for just £10 a year.

Available for a limited time. Get your £10 pass today!

Make your words count. Review your uni and win £200

Have your say and you could win £200! WhatUni reviews

We’re really excited to take part in this year’s WhatUni Student Choice Awards (WUSCA).

The WUSCAS are compiled from the reviews which students like you leave on WhatUni, and rank institutions according to the things that students really care about – student support, campus facilities, lecturers and teaching quality, and so on.

WhatUni is the UK’s largest source of independent, real, honest student reviews – reviews which have a number of benefits:

  1. They give students like you a really important voice and platform to share your views
  2. They help prospective students make crucial decisions on what and where to study
  3. They allow us to find out what you really think, so we can make improvements to our offering.
  4. They could win you a £200 voucher as part of the weekly draw for taking part.

We’d really love you to participate in the review collection and give University of Kent a review! It will only take a few minutes of your time.

Review Kent now