Author Archives: Allie Burnett

laptop showing new student website

My Kent, the new website for students, is now live!

The new My Kent website is designed for current students making it easier for you to find the information you need while studying at Kent. 

Let us know what you think by emailing or using the feedback button on the new site. 

Benefits include: 

🔎 A search bar that only searches services and information for current Kent students  

📚 All your Kent services and systems in one place  

🚀Improved design informed by students and user experience experts  

🌍 Website navigation designed for current students only  

These changes are following student feedback that you find it hard to find the information you need on the current Kent website.  

This is the start of a journey of continuous improvements to the website experience for Kent students. So tell us what you like, and don’t like, so we can continue to improve the student website for you.  

What do I need to do? 

Nothing – you will be automatically redirected to the new website. This change won’t affect Moodle, KentVision, your email or timetable.  

For consistency, the name of thestudent apphas also changed to My Kent Student App.  

Medway Activities Awards

Kent Stars: Superstar Society

This month’s Kent Stars are the Medway Music Society who won Society of the Year at the latest Medway Activities Awards. They won for transforming the society, and running successful events that would often get up to 70 students attending.  

The nomination said: “I think it is impossible to ignore the achievements that the society has made over the past academic year… I wholeheartedly think the Medway campus would simply not be the same without the Music Society.” 

Hear more from the Medway Music Society and its President Skye: 

“We are the Medway Music Society, we hold regular events with amazing live music as well as interactive events such as quizzes and karaoke. Firstly, to introduce myself and my team: 

  • President: Skye Ryan, third-year student on the Music Performance and Production course. I am a keen guitarist, bassist and vocalist. 
  • Vice President: Chloe Jagger is a second-year student on the Social Sciences course and she is an amazing vocalist. 
  • Social Media Manager:  Izzy Logie is a third-year student on the Music Performance and Production Course and she is a great vocalist and drummer. 
  • Treasurer: Ash Luk is a third-year student on the Music Performance and Production Course and is a stunning bassist and vocalist. 

Medway Music Society 2023-24Front-left: Chloe Jagger; front-right: Izzy Logie; back-left: Skye Ryan; back-right: Ash Luk 

Society of the Year
“Winning Society of the year came as a complete shock as we thought due to the other amazing societies, who have also done so many amazing things for Medway students, the running would be very tough. Yet to hear that we won we are so grateful. 


“This year we have really pushed the society to get back on its feet and rise to its former glory as we saw how amazing it could be and the experience it provided for students. Though this did not come easy, there was a lot of work to be done throughout the summer in the build-up to our freshers event to make sure we started off with a bang. 

“This event made a great first impression and we couldn’t have done it without the help of the music lecturers Dr Rich Perks and Dr Richard Lightman. They helpfully guided us through the process making sure we thought through every detail so that this event would set us on track for an amazing year and it truly fulfilled its purpose. 

“And so, winning society of the year was not just down to us but down to all those who supported us along the way. Including our returning crowd of students who stuck with us through the hard times as they knew we would come out on top.” 

What advice would you give to other students?

“As for advice we would give other students running societies… 

“First of all, it is not a small job, if you want success you have to be dedicated and stick to the plan even when it doesn’t seem worth it. 

“Secondly, fix the small problems as they cause so much frustration and yet are fixed so easily. For example, we kept having problems with the key code of our cupboard door and this small fix has led to smoother running events. 

“Thirdly, rely on your team. If you can’t do something yourself, ask for help, there is no point in making it difficult for one person when with the help of your team it can get done more easily and efficiently. 

“Lastly, have fun. If you’re not enjoying it then why should you do it. This was the one rule we took on when starting out as we felt that for this society to work it shouldn’t be painful to run. Yes there will be bumps along the way but overall if it is taking a toll on your wellbeing and you can’t fix a better way then just don’t do it..” 

What are your plans for the next year?

“Next year we plan to continue to grow the society, we have an amazing team taking over that have plans to elevate the Music Society to new levels. Such as getting gigs in different locations, perhaps introducing a music society after hours, a dedicated club night and much more (secret plans to be revealed next year so stay tuned). 

“We, the current committee, can’t wait to see how the Music Society will continue to develop next year.” 

Do you know an inspirational student or student group? Let us know. 

Learn more about the Kent Stars campaign. 

Student on large deck chair

Paid job: Student Content Creator

Are you an enthusiastic and outgoing Kent student with a flair for creating engaging social media content? Do you have an eye for the latest trends on Tik Tok and Instagram?  Are you confident on camera?

If so, we’re looking for Student Content Creators just like you to help bring the student experience at Kent to life online.

As a Student Content Creator, you’ll work across our digital channels to produce a wide range of content from Instagram reels and trending Tik Toks to vlogs and blogs and everything in between.

This is a great opportunity for a student interested in a career in social media as well as Marketing, Advertising, Communications and PR.

The job:

You will help shape and promote online and social media community experiences for the University. It will involve representing the institution on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and the University website.

The Social Content Creator will:

  • Be active across the University community, researching and producing high quality content for the University website and social media.
  • Create interesting, timely and engaging social media content on a regular basis.
  • Be a visible presence at events and on campus – promoting events, posting live, taking pictures and video, interacting with students and presenting on camera when required.
  • Support the University with student and general online communications, providing feedback and recommendations for improvement.
  • Present on camera and interview students to help promote university services, support and values.
  • Help create content for blogs, the website and email.
  • Work across a wide range of content themes. Areas include: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI); sustainability; support; wellbeing; faith and belonging; employability; sport; music and Medway campus life.

Skills and attributes:

  • Enthusiastic and passionate about the University and social media.
  • Excellent communication skills and be able to work independently as well as within a team.
  • Expertise in all main social media platforms (Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc).
  • Good understanding of social media fundamentals, effect on customer experience and brand perception.
  • Good presentation skills and happy talking to camera.
  • Outgoing and prepared to professionally interact with others on behalf of the University.
  • Reliable, motivated and creative.
  • Some proven experience in photography, videography and/or blogging. Including editing (Capcut, VN and on platform).
  • Well organised and able to multitask.

Hours: 4-8 hours a week during term time.

Salary: £12.82 per hour

Contract: Start on 1 September 2024 and finish on 13 June 2025, with a one-month probationary period.

Apply now: To apply, please send a short ‘Day in the life’ video (60 secs max), reel or TikTok. Sharing what your typical day at Kent looks like, to give us an idea of what you study, your interests and any extracurricular activities. If you have a particular interest or network in one or more content themes listed above, please include that in your video. The more creative the better!

Find out more and apply through Jobshop.

two students smiling and looking at phone

New student website launching this summer

Over the summer break 2024, you may notice some changes to the student website as we get ready to launch our new student website for 2024-25.

The new student website will be designed for current students making it easier for you to find the information you need while studying at Kent.

Benefits include:

🔎 A search bar that only searches services and information for current Kent students

📚 All your Kent services and systems in one place

🚀Improved design informed by students and user experience experts

🗺Website navigation designed for current students only

These changes are following student feedback that you find it hard to find the information you need on the current Kent website.

This is the start of a journey of continuous improvements to the website experience for Kent students. So once it launches tell us what you like, and don’t like, so we can continue to improve the student website for you.

What do I need to do?

Nothing. When the new student website launches we will let you know and you will be automatically redirected. This change won’t affect Moodle, KentVision, your email, timetable or the Uni Kent Student App.

If you have any questions in the meantime, please email

student holding flag at Pride March

Events roundup: 3-9 June 

Find out what’s on this week including Pride Canterbury and PG Careers Week, a series of events and workshops specifically aimed at postgraduate students to support you in your next steps.   

Monday 3 June: International postgrad careers session 

Are you an international postgraduate student? Join this online session about how to navigate the job market as an international postgraduate 

Tuesday 4 June: Joseph Conrad Centenary events 

You’re invited to join the guest lecture on the legacy and political consciousness of Joseph Conrad, one of the most celebrated and influential writers of twentieth century literature. Conrad sailed across the world during the height of colonialism before settling in Kent to write novels, novellas and short stories based on his experiences. 

British Nigerian activist, poet, and actor, Femi Nylander, brings attention to the forgotten victims of colonial atrocity in African Apocalypse, based on Conrad’s seminal work, ‘Heart of Darkness’. Watch the film at the Gulbenkian, followed by a Q&A with the film’s award-winning director Rob Lemkin. 

Wednesday 5 June: Emerging AI in the Weapons Space panel talk, Chill Zone and Campus Pride Funfair 

Join Kent Union for a panel talk discussing the emerging use of AI in the weapons space, a discussion which will explore the ethics, research possibilities and impact of this development.  

Head to DG – 01/02 in Templeman Library on Wednesday afternoon for Chill Zone. Enjoy time playing Nintendo Switch MarioKart, board games and do some arts and crafts. Plus, there are refreshments and cookies.  

Join the LGBTQ+ Network for a fun and accessible Pride event on the plaza with their Campus Pride Funfair. The small, fun-fair style event will include arts and crafts, childhood carnival games, prizes and more. Free wristbands for the Canterbury Pride Parade can also be collected at this event.  

Thursday 6 June: Medway Community Breakfast, Pride Parade wristband collection and Yoga and Writing Retreat (PGR) 

At Medway on Thursday, you can join for a free community breakfast at The Hub! As a Right to Food University, these breakfast sessions symbolise our ongoing dedication to tackling food insecurity.  

Do you want to join the Pride Parade this weekend? To join you must be wearing an official wristband. We have a limited number that we will be distributing, along with flags to wave in the Parade, in the Plaza outside the shop. You can collect your Pride Parade wristband from the plaza from 12:00-14:00, first come first served.  

If you’re a PGR student, you’re invited to join the Yoga and Writing Retreat on campus. This workshop consists of guided yoga sessions mixed with opportunities for you to get on with your writing. 

Friday 7 June: PG Careers Week events and RE:Imagine End of Year Show 

As part of PG careers week, there are sessions around CVs and Cover letters and also specifically academic CVs. You can also join a session around your next steps after your Master’s.  

Friday evening marks the opening night of Re:Imagine: End of Year Show for the School of Architecture, Design and Planning. This is a showcase of work by our Architecture, Graphic Design and Spatial Interior Design students. 

Saturday 8 June: Pride Canterbury and KentCOG Summer Social 

Saturday is Pride Canterbury, a spectacular celebration of LGBTQ+ identity. March with fellow students and staff in the Pride Parade and join the celebrations in Dane John Gardens.  

The Kent Community Oasis Garden and ResLife have joined together to host a KentCOG Summer Social Student event in the garden to celebrate the term coming to a close. There will be food, refreshments, games, crafts and more.  


  • Are you interested in the Kent Refugee Action Network? Find out how you can support their project by contributing to transcriptions for the oral histories being recorded. 
  • Complete the Kent Sport Student Activity Survey to let us know how we can shape our services to allow you to be more active, whether you currently use Kent Sport facilities or not. Chance to win a £250 Amazon voucher. 
Voting letters

General Election 2024

With a parliamentary election taking place on 4 July 2024, please take note of the following:

  • We know many of you will have left your term-time address until the start of the next academic year, and so you are reminded to make sure that you register to vote each time you change address.
  • While you may register at your home address and also your term-time address, you can only vote ONCE. It is a criminal offence to vote more than once in this election.
  • The deadline to register to vote is 23:59 on 18 June and you can register online Register to Vote. You can check whether you are registered at your local council electoral registration office.
  • If you remain registered to vote at your term-time address you can still choose to use your one vote there instead of at your home address.
  • Don’t forget that as well as registering, you will need valid voter ID on the day. The NUS has produced some helpful guidance for students covering both topics. NUS guidance – voter registration and voter ID FAQs.
Research awards artwork

Applications for the Santander Universities Research Awards 2024 are now open

About the Santander Universities Research Awards

As part of Santander Universities’ commitment to supporting higher education, they’ve launched this initiative exclusively for postgraduate students and academic staff providing them with the funds they need to support or develop their research.

Santander Universities are giving away 50 awards of £1,000. The funding can be used on resources, equipment, travel, workshop or conference attendance and any other research-based expenses.

Who’s eligible to apply?
This opportunity is open to any postgraduate student (masters, postgrad taught or research, PhD) and academic staff conducting research at any UK-based university. You can be conducting research in any field, but you must be conducting the research in the 2023/2024 or the 2024/2025 academic year.

How to apply
To apply, visit the Santander Open Academy platform, where you’ll need to register for an account (if you don’t already have one). After registering, you’ll get a confirmation email. Once you verify your account you can then apply for the Santander Universities Research Awards initiative.

The application process is quick and easy. You’ll need to:

  • provide a valid university student or staff ID number,
  • confirm which university you attend or work at, and
  • complete a brief personal profile which includes your education/employment details and your area of research.

Applications close on 11 July 2024.

Learn more about the Santander Universities Research Awards and apply now here.

win one of 25 ipads

Dive into summer with a new iPad tablet

Summer is just around the corner, but that doesn’t mean that learning has to take a backseat. In fact, with the right tools you can make this summer your most productive yet and fully prepare for the new academic year.

That’s why we’re thrilled to announce Santander’s iPad Prize Draw. They’re giving away 25 tablets to enhance your study experience.

How do I enter?
To enter, visit the Santander Open Academy platform where you’ll need to register for an account (if you haven’t already got one). After registering, you’ll get a confirmation email. Click on the link in the email to verify your account and then you can log on and apply for the prize draw. Once entries close on 27 June, Santander will pick 25 students at random.

Who can enter?
All university students can enter including undergraduates, postgraduates, part-time and full-time students.

You also don’t need to bank with Santander to get involved. So be sure to share with your friends, coursemates and anyone else who could benefit from this opportunity.

Key dates:
Entries to the prize draw close at 11pm on the 27 June 2024. So don’t hesitate and get your entries in pronto!

Giving you the tools you need to build a brighter future
This is just the latest in a series of initiatives that Santander are running throughout the year to help students.

On the Santander Open Academy platform, you can browse free on-demand learning content to help with your studies. You can also apply for free learning programmes ran in partnership with world-leading educational institutes.

Santander is committed to connecting anyone, anywhere with whatever they need to make their better happen.

By offering cutting-edge tools and unique learning opportunities, they’re paving the way for a future generation full of thinkers, creators, and leaders.

Enter the prize draw now and let’s make your academic journey extraordinary together!

Enter now

students walking

Changes to academic year from September 2025

If you will still be studying at Kent for the academic year 2025-26 (so the year after next), we are making some exciting changes to our term dates to improve flexibility and help you juggle your studies alongside other responsibilities.  

The start and end of term dates will be broadly the same but the makeup of the term dates will be different. For undergraduates, instead of having two twelve week terms followed by a six week term, from 2025 we will have three ten week terms. So the number of teaching weeks will be the same, the difference is that they will be balanced throughout the academic year. 

What’s changing from September 2025? 

We’re introducing a three-term system for undergraduate study and a four-term system for postgraduate study, with simpler module choices and assessment spread throughout the year. 

Taught Programme Term Dates 2025-2026

Welcome Week  29 September 2025 – 3 October 2025 
Autumn Term  6 October 2025 – 12 December 2025 
Spring Term  12 January 2026 – 20 March 2026 
Summer Term  13 April 2026 – 19 June 2026 
Late Summer Term (Postgraduates only)  6 July 2026 – 11 September 2026 

 Benefits of these changes 

This curricular revision, rolling out from September 2025, is the University’s response to years of student feedback. It offers:

  • Timetables communicated well before the start of term, so you can balance your studies with work and other commitments  
  • Teaching spread over three teaching terms, typically with only two modules per term, so you can explore topics in depth 
  • Assessments within each term, not bunched at the end of the year  
  • Learning about real world connections and career-relevant knowledge and skills   
  • Meaningful assessments which help you to demonstrate and develop skills and knowledge that you will need in your future career  
  • Frequent, ongoing feedback to help you learn   
  • Stronger connections with other students on your course 

Want to know more? 

We will provide more updates about the changes to the academic year next year, so don’t worry if you don’t feel like you fully understand the changes yet. 

See our Education Modernisation webpages and FAQs. If those pages don’t answer your questions you can get in touch by emailing 

Take the NSS today

Time is running out to have your say

Time is running out for final year undergraduates to complete the National Student Survey (NSS) and have your say on what you liked or didn’t like about studying at Kent.

Fill in the NSS now

The NSS: what you need to know
Kent Union President Zaid shares why you should fill in the NSS and why we want your feedback. Watch the video now.

🎓 NSS is mainly open to final year undergraduates.

📣The University and Kent Union value your feedback and the NSS is one of the most powerful ways to have your say.

🔒The survey is completely anonymous and confidential. It is run by Ipsos, an independent research agency.

📧Ipsos will continue to email, text and call you until you complete it. 

🕕The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete. However, please take the time to consider your answers and reflect on your whole experience at Kent.