This month’s Kent Stars are the Medway Music Society who won Society of the Year at the latest Medway Activities Awards. They won for transforming the society, and running successful events that would often get up to 70 students attending.
The nomination said: “I think it is impossible to ignore the achievements that the society has made over the past academic year… I wholeheartedly think the Medway campus would simply not be the same without the Music Society.”
Hear more from the Medway Music Society and its President Skye:
“We are the Medway Music Society, we hold regular events with amazing live music as well as interactive events such as quizzes and karaoke. Firstly, to introduce myself and my team:
- President: Skye Ryan, third-year student on the Music Performance and Production course. I am a keen guitarist, bassist and vocalist.
- Vice President: Chloe Jagger is a second-year student on the Social Sciences course and she is an amazing vocalist.
- Social Media Manager: Izzy Logie is a third-year student on the Music Performance and Production Course and she is a great vocalist and drummer.
- Treasurer: Ash Luk is a third-year student on the Music Performance and Production Course and is a stunning bassist and vocalist.
Front-left: Chloe Jagger; front-right: Izzy Logie; back-left: Skye Ryan; : Ash Luk
Society of the Year
“Winning Society of the year came as a complete shock as we thought due to the other amazing societies, who have also done so many amazing things for Medway students, the running would be very tough. Yet to hear that we won we are so grateful.

“This year we have really pushed the society to get back on its feet and rise to its former glory as we saw how amazing it could be and the experience it provided for students. Though this did not come easy, there was a lot of work to be done throughout the summer in the build-up to our freshers event to make sure we started off with a bang.
“This event made a great first impression and we couldn’t have done it without the help of the music lecturers Dr Rich Perks and Dr Richard Lightman. They helpfully guided us through the process making sure we thought through every detail so that this event would set us on track for an amazing year and it truly fulfilled its purpose.
“And so, winning society of the year was not just down to us but down to all those who supported us along the way. Including our returning crowd of students who stuck with us through the hard times as they knew we would come out on top.”
What advice would you give to other students?
“As for advice we would give other students running societies…
“First of all, it is not a small job, if you want success you have to be dedicated and stick to the plan even when it doesn’t seem worth it.
“Secondly, fix the small problems as they cause so much frustration and yet are fixed so easily. For example, we kept having problems with the key code of our cupboard door and this small fix has led to smoother running events.
“Thirdly, rely on your team. If you can’t do something yourself, ask for help, there is no point in making it difficult for one person when with the help of your team it can get done more easily and efficiently.
“Lastly, have fun. If you’re not enjoying it then why should you do it. This was the one rule we took on when starting out as we felt that for this society to work it shouldn’t be painful to run. Yes there will be bumps along the way but overall if it is taking a toll on your wellbeing and you can’t fix a better way then just don’t do it..”
What are your plans for the next year?
“Next year we plan to continue to grow the society, we have an amazing team taking over that have plans to elevate the Music Society to new levels. Such as getting gigs in different locations, perhaps introducing a music society after hours, a dedicated club night and much more (secret plans to be revealed next year so stay tuned).
“We, the current committee, can’t wait to see how the Music Society will continue to develop next year.”
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Learn more about the Kent Stars campaign.