Author Archives: Allie Burnett

Santander Scholarships

10 chances to win £1,000! Deadline 20 Nov

Register with the Santander Scholarships programme by 20 November for chance to win £1,000!

10 Kent students will win £1,000 for simply registering online with the Santander Scholarship programme. Register now. 

Through the programme you can:

  • Apply for scholarships and grants
  • Gain work experience
  • Learn the skills graduate employers want       #SantanderUniUK

Industrial action update

Industrial action update – November 2022

You might have seen that there is talk of strikes at all UK universities at the end of November 2022.

Negotiations are continuing and we’re waiting on more information but keep an eye on your inbox next week for an update.

If there are strikes, we’ll do all we can to make sure we minimise the impact on your studies.


Review your uni for chance to win £2,000

We’re really excited to take part in this year’s Whatuni Student Choice Awards (WUSCA).

The WUSCAs are compiled from the reviews which students like you leave on Whatuni, and rank institutions according to the things that students really care about – student support, campus facilities, lecturers and teaching quality, and so on.

Whatuni is the UK’s largest source of independent, real, honest student reviews – reviews which have a number of benefits:

  • They give students like you a really important voice and platform to share your views.
  • They help prospective students make crucial decisions on what and where to study.
  • They allow us to find out what you really think, so we can make improvements to our offering.
  • They could win YOU a £2,000 voucher for taking part!

We’d really love you to participate in the review collection process and give the University of Kent a review! It will only take a few minutes of your time.

Write your review now >

Employability Festival from 10 -21 October at Canterbury and Medway, on campus and online

How to prepare for the South East Virtual Careers Fair 2022

The South East Virtual Careers Fair 2022 takes place on Wednesday 19 October, and here’s how you can prepare:

  1. Register early
    University of Kent students have early access to book appointments with exhibitors. Register now.
  2. Create a profile
    Exhibitors can search the attendee profiles for students that meet their recruitment criteria and reach out to invite you to chat.
  3. Do your research.
    View the company profiles and virtual booths and find out about their opportunities. Many staff representatives add their LinkedIn information. Take a look at who you will be meeting with; what field do they work in? Any projects that interest you?
  4. Exhibitors will be giving live “pitch” presentations on zoom throughout the day.
    Check out the list on the platform and decide on which ones you want to attend. Write down any questions you have during the session, then visit the virtual booth to find out more.
  5. What will an employer want to know about you?
    Have in mind a short overview about your background, studies and career goals. You’ll then have a clearer idea about what you want to say when meeting.
  6. If there is the option, always turn your video on
    It looks more professional and helps to build rapport when you can see who you are speaking with. If you do not have video capability or a poor connection, let the recruiter know.
  7. Be engaged in the conversation and actively listen.
    Smile and try to maintain good eye contact, looking into the camera when speaking.
  8. Follow up.
    If you had a good conversation, connect with the employer afterwards e.g., on LinkedIn.
  9. Apply!
    Make a note of deadlines and start your applications. Mention any valuable conversations in your application, highlighting what you learnt and why that’s encouraged you to apply!
Ask Nexus.

Nexus – your campus help point

We have opened Nexus in Templeman Library (Canterbury) so you can go to one place on campus for all your student questions.

Nexus is open to help Monday to Friday, from 9.00 – 17.00. From November, we will extend the opening times to 9:00-19:00.

There is also social and study space for you to use so make sure you come along and say hi!

Where is Nexus?

You will find Nexus in Templeman Library. Go in the main entrance, through the turnstiles, and take the first right. See the map for directions (pdf).

If you can’t make the trip to campus, you can also get support online and find support services on the Student Guide.

Here to help

Nexus can help with any query and will signpost you in the right direction. In Nexus you will find the following support services:
  • Accommodation
  • Careers and Employability
  • Central Student Admin
  • College and Community Life (in Nexus every day to help)
  • E-learning
  • Finance
  • IT and Library support
  • Kent Union
  • Student Support and Wellbeing

Let us know what you think

We have introduced Nexus in response to student feedback that you want to go to one place to get help and advice.

This is a trial service that we want to develop in response to your feedback. So if you have any feedback or aren’t satisfied with our response, let the staff in Nexus know or use the Your Uni Your Say webpages. Or you can email your feedback

student looking at phone on bus

Travel disruption in October

There are some disruptions to Southeastern train and Arriva bus services planned for October which may affect your travel to Canterbury and Medway campuses.

If you usually use those services to travel to campus, we recommend you find alternative modes of travel where possible on train/bus strike days and check our Campus Travel Updates webpage.

If you cannot find alternative travel and are expected on campus for teaching on a train/bus strike day, please follow your Division’s process for applying for an authorised absence or contact your Student Support Team.

To catch up on missed teaching, please check your Moodle module page for any resources made available or alternatively arrange to see your seminar/class leader during office/student consultation hours or speak to your academic adviser.

Teaching will continue as planned, and our campuses and services will remain open during the disruption. You will continue to be notified of any changes.



Industrial action

Due an industrial action goodwill payment? Check your emails

If you are due a goodwill payment from us relating to last year’s industrial action, please check your student account for an email from Western Union.

We have partnered with Western Union Business Solutions to deliver the electronic payments to you via the GlobalPay Payee Manager service provided by the Western Union.

GlobalPay Payee Manager is a secure web-based payment service where you will be able to add your contact and bank details for your payment.

What will happen next?  

  • The email is from with a link to complete a ‘Payment Form’ and would have been sent in the last 10 days.
  • The email will confirm a unique reference number which you should quote in case of any queries.
  • It is important that you check your spam folder if you cannot see the email in your inbox .
  • The link in the email is only valid for 10 calendar days from the date of receipt.  

Please see the User Guide to help you complete the Payment Form.

What happens when the Payment Form has been completed?  

  • You will receive onscreen confirmation that your payment request has been submitted.
  • You will also receive email confirmation.
  • Your refund payment will then be initiated and sent to the details provided.

Any incorrect information will cause a delay in payment and could result in your payment being returned with third party bank charges deducted. We recommend having your online banking account at hand to verify your account information.

Please note that to deliver this payment via GlobalPay Payee Manager, we will need to share the following details with the Western Union:

  • Your full name
  • Your student ID
  • Your university email address

If you have any questions about completing the form or the payment process, please contact us at:


How to view your exam results

When will my results be available?

2022 results release dates can be found on the Student Administration website. You will be contacted via your University of Kent email address when your results are available.

How do I view my results?

Please see our video and text guidance on how to view your results.

What do I do if I think there is an error with my results?

If you believe that there is an error with your results, please contact your Division within 5 working days of receipt of results.

Academic appeals

We strongly encourage you to contact your Division in the first instance to informally resolve any queries before entering the formal appeals process. Please contact your Division within 5 working days of receipt of results or a decision to ensure that the informal process can be completed within the 15 working day deadline to submit a formal appeal.

If your exam results aren’t what you were hoping for, see our blogpost and video for your options and support available.

Full information, including FAQs and contact details, can be found on the academic appeals webpage.


Ready to start building your digital skills?

Your Digital Pathway is a new, free digital skills course from Santander in
collaboration with the Institute of Coding, and the award winning
TechUP initiative based at Durham University.

With 50,000 places available, the course is designed to help if you want
to take the first step on the pathway to building your digital skills, and
can support you to:

  • Return to, or start education
  • Return to or start work, or to pivot your career
  • Set up a business online

We know that everyone has a different digital skills starting point.

The course is taught at an introductory level and includes up to 8 hours
of content which can be completed in your own time, and at your
own pace.

Everyone who completes the course will receive a certificate of
achievement and will also be entered into a prize draw for the chance
to win one of 88 Santander grants worth up to £2,500 (T&Cs apply),
available to use on the tailored Santander Aspire webstore to purchase
a range of items including laptops, tablets and Chromebooks.

Registration for Your Digital Pathway is now open and applications
close on 29 June 2022.

Find out more about the course and how to apply.