Author Archives: Alice Allwright

Person holding a pen writing on a notebook in front of a laptop and a cup of coffee

Care first webinars w/c 18 January 2021

Our official Employee Assistance Programme provider, Care first offers a numbers of services and provide useful advice and support, including weekly webinars.

This week’s (Monday 18 January – Friday 22 January) webinars are as follows:

Monday 18 January 2021 – ‘How Care first can support you’
Time: 12.00-12.30 – to register please click on this Go to webinar link.

Tuesday 19 January 2021 – ‘Keeping yourself occupied during lockdown’
Time: 12.00-12.30 – to register please click on this Go to webinar link

Wednesday 20 January 2021 – Supporting loved ones who are Key Workers’
Time: 12.00-12.30 – to register please click on this Go to webinar link

Thursday 21 January 2021 – ‘Health Anxiety’
Time: 12.00-12.30 – to register please click on this Go to webinar link

Friday 22 January 2021 – ‘Tips for Home Schooling & Keeping Children Occupied at Home’
Time: 12.00-12.30 – to register please click on this Go to webinar link

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University accommodation rent reduction

From Professor Richard Reece, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education & Student Experience

As you will be aware, on Monday evening the Prime Minister announced another period of national lockdown due to increasing rates of Covid-19 infections across our country. Unlike the last lockdown period in November, universities have been instructed to suspend face-to-face teaching for most study programmes and students have been asked not to travel to their term-time addresses.

This leaves many of you unable to return to your University on-campus accommodation at this time.

I appreciate that this has been causing concern and has been worrying for many of you. Please be assured we are committed to doing all we can to support your studies and wellbeing during this difficult time.

Rent reduction scheme

We are introducing a rent reduction scheme for all students with contracts for accommodation on the Canterbury campus who are unable to return due to the current Government lockdown restrictions.

From next week, you will be able to complete a simple form to apply for the equivalent of a six-week reduction of your second term accommodation fee.

In order to allow time for the application process and for us to apply the reduction, we will also be delaying this term’s rent payment date until 1 March 2021.  A revised statement will be sent to you during the week beginning Monday 22 February 2021 to confirm the new amount.

Our Accommodation Team will be in touch next Monday (11 January) with more details of the scheme and a link to the application form. For urgent questions only, please email Please note, we are unable to accept applications by email – you will need to use the form available from Monday.

The amount of the reduction will take into account whether or not you have ‘Bed and Flex’ or ‘Bed and Bistro’ packages as part of your fee. Those students who have purchased the Flex catering package in addition to their accommodation fee will be contacted by the Catering team separately.

Medway – For students in accommodation at Pier Quays in Medway, we are currently in discussion with Unite, the private provider of that accommodation, regarding rent rebates and we will provide an update on this as soon as we can.

Private accommodation – We will also be pledging our support to the work being done by Kent Union to represent the interests of our students in private rental accommodation in the region.

Financial support

Please be aware we have emergency short term loans and other hardship funds available if you do find yourself in financial difficulty.  Please contact and a member of our Student Finance Team will help you.

Spring term restart

We recognise the importance of providing a blended approach to teaching and we aim to resume face-to-face sessions for all study programmes from 1 March 2021.

Please be aware that the provision of teaching will be solely online until 1 March 2021, except for the exempt study programmes which are medicine, social work and pharmacy. Students studying these programmes should speak with their School for further information on face-to-face teaching.

I would like to remind you that (with the exception of KMMS) Term 2 starts on 18 January 2021 and to please engage with all online teaching sessions as outlined on your timetable.

Students on campus

We appreciate that you may have already returned to campus, or may have been with us throughout the vacation period. Please be assured we will continue to support you.

For those of you already here, Government guidelines state you should remain at your term-time address and not move between here and your home address. If you haven’t done already, please book your two asymptomatic Covid-19 tests online.

Visiting campus to collect belongings

A number of you have asked for clarity as to whether you can come to campus to collect your belongings.

The Government is advising against returning to campus for this purpose, however “if you require medical supplies or equipment to support your online learning” you may return but only if this is absolutely necessary.

If you do return to collect items, please ensure you adhere to all social distancing regulations, wear a face-covering, bring and use your own hand sanitiser and remain on campus for as short a time as possible.

I understand this is an unsettling time for many of you and that there are still many more unanswered questions. Please be assured we are doing all we can to minimise the impact of this national lockdown on your studies and ensure you can access the support and advice you need. We are keeping this matter under constant review and will communicate any changes that will affect you as soon as we can.

If you have any concerns or queries, please check our student Coronavirus webpages or email and we will respond as soon as possible.

With my best wishes,


Professor Richard Reece | Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education and Student Experience

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University end-of-term update

From Vice-Chancellor and President Karen Cox and Professor Richard Reece, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education & Student Experience

On behalf of all University staff, we would like to wish you, your families and loved ones a happy Christmas and best wishes for the festive season.

This has been an incredibly challenging year for many. However, here at Kent, there have been some wonderful examples of the student community supporting each other and working together to achieve great successes during these difficult times.

As we approach the end of 2020, we feel it is important to recognise your hard work, tenacity and willingness to adapt. We know how much our staff have appreciated your support and the way you have coped so well with the challenges you have faced as a result of COVID.

Thanks to a huge effort from many staff from across the University, and amid some very negative press reports relating to students’ return to campuses nationally, we have had relatively low numbers of cases of COVID-19 amongst our students and staff. This is a massive credit to you for the steps you have taken to help keep our communities safe.

Looking ahead to 2021, we feel optimistic that we will return to a more normal way of life in the not-too-distant future. It will be wonderful to see you able to engage fully in all aspects of University life once more.

Staff from across the University are busy planning for your return in Spring. There will be a wealth of events, activities and opportunities for you to develop your skills and to connect with other students. Please check out our Safe, Study, Social site for all we have planned and how we are improving your experience at Kent.

In your academic school, staff have been listening to your feedback and developing in the areas you care about most. This includes improving their systems for online teaching and ensuring you can access the resources and guidance you need to support your learning.

We will be running a Web Chat on 6 January 2021, during which we will answer all your questions about Spring term; the booking form for this is now open so please do sign up. There are lots of different events taking place next year, so make sure you check out the University’s Events Calendar.

We look forward to welcoming you back to Kent and for the start of the new Spring term on 18 January 2021.

Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year.

Karen & Richard

Professor Karen Cox | Vice-Chancellor and President

Professor Richard Reece | Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education and Student Experience

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Asymptomatic testing and spring return update

From Professor Richard Reece, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education & Student Experience

I want to let you know about asymptomatic Covid-19 testing arrangements for the New Year. Asymptomatic testing is specifically designed for people who are not displaying symptoms of Covid-19. Please note that if you do have symptoms of Covid-19 you should follow our Isolate Test and Inform procedure for staff and book a PCR test via the NHS Coronavirus website.

Please note you should avoid close contact with others before you are tested and until you have received your second test result.

In accordance with Government guidelines, we are recommending to students that they are tested before they attend their first face-to-face teaching session. To facilitate this, students are being provided with a recommended arrival and testing window.

We know this will not be convenient for all and we will support them whatever their travel arrangements and intended arrival date back to University.

Postgraduate students may of course return to campus to use specialist facilities whenever required. However, if possible, they should be tested before accessing laboratories.

If you have any problems with the University’s Asymptomatic Testing booking system, please email

For other questions about Covid-19 related health, welfare and support issues please check our Coronavirus webpages or email

Best wishes


Professor Richard Reece | Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education and Student Experience

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Canterbury asymptomatic testing and spring return update

From Professor Richard Reece, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education & Student Experience

I am emailing to let you know that the booking system is now open for you to reserve appointments at our Asymptomatic Testing Site (ATS) on the Canterbury campus in the New Year.

Tests will be available between 5 January and 7 February 2021. Please note you should only book your testing appointments once you have reviewed your Spring timetable which is now available.

Please note – if your term address is nearer the Medway campus, you should consider arranging your tests at Medway instead.

What is asymptomatic testing?

Asymptomatic testing is specifically designed for people who are asymptomatic i.e. not displaying symptoms of Covid-19. The ATS provides Lateral Flow Tests which are different to the tests offered by NHS Local Testing Sites.

Please note that if you do have symptoms of Covid-19 you should follow our Isolate Test and Inform procedure and book a PCR test via the NHS Coronavirus website.

When should I be tested in the New Year?

The Government is advising that all students be tested before their face-to-face teaching begins in the New Year. Your timetable will indicate when your first face-to-face teaching session is. Please remember you should ideally be tested twice within 3-5 days before you attend. If you have not been tested in the first few weeks of term, please do so in the week beginning 1 February 2021 as the testing site will close at the end of that week.

If it is available, you are also advised to have a test local to your home address, prior to travelling.

Please note you should avoid close contact with others between your arrival and receiving your second test result.

Students arriving from overseas who wish to be tested at Canterbury and Medway are allowed to do so, but must first follow the relevant government guidance in full. Our testing programme is not a permitted alternative to completing the full 10-day period of self-isolation if arriving from a non-exempt country and cannot be used to reduce that period of self-isolation under the Government’s Test and Release Scheme.

When should I return to campus?

To help you comply with Government guidelines, we have set out the following suggested arrival and testing windows based on when your first face-to-face teaching is taking place.

First face-to-face teaching session  Recommended arrival window and testing 
w/c 18 January 9-15 January
w/c 25 January 16-22 January
w/c 1 February 23-29 January
Anytime after 8 February 30 January–7 February*


*Please note – two tests are recommended 3-5 days apart and the last testing day is the 7 February.

These dates are designed to help you follow the Government recommendations. We know this will not be convenient for all of you and some of you may have already made other travel plans. We will support you whatever your travel arrangements and intended arrival date back to University.

If you are a postgraduate student, you may return to campus to use specialist facilities whenever you need to. However, if possible, you should be tested before accessing laboratories.

When will my teaching start in the new year?

Teaching begins on 18 January 2021 for all study programmes apart from KMMS. You should engage with all teaching sessions from this date. Your face-to-face teaching will be reintroduced over the first few weeks of term as shown on your timetable.

If you have any problems with the Asymptomatic Testing booking system, please email

For other questions about Covid-19 related health, welfare and support issues please check our Coronavirus webpages or email

Best wishes


Professor Richard Reece | Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education and Student Experience

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Medway asymptomatic testing and spring return update

From Professor Richard Reece, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education & Student Experience

I want to let you know that you will be able to book appointments for asymptomatic testing in the New Year via the Medway Council website.

You should only book your testing appointments for 2021 once you have reviewed your Spring timetable which is now available. You can book your tests up to 7 days in advance, so you will need to book your appointments in the New Year.

Please be assured that, by arrangement with the local Health Protection Team, you may use the Medway Council booking site despite the content suggesting it is not open for students. Further information about the testing process and what you need to take with you on the day is available on our Medway asymptomatic testing webpages.

Please note – if your term address is nearer the Canterbury campus, you should consider arranging your tests at Canterbury instead.

What is asymptomatic testing?

Asymptomatic testing is specifically designed for people who are asymptomatic ie not displaying symptoms of Covid-19.

Please note that if you do have symptoms of Covid-19 you should follow our Isolate Test and Inform procedure and book a PCR test via the NHS Coronavirus website.

When should I be tested in the new year?

The Government is advising that all students be tested before their face-to-face teaching begins in the new year. Your timetable will indicate when your first face-to-face teaching session is. Please remember you should ideally be tested twice within 3-5 days before you attend.

If it is available, you are also advised to have a test local to your home address, prior to travelling.

Please note you should avoid close contact with others between your arrival and receiving your second test result.

Students arriving from overseas who wish to be tested at Canterbury and Medway are allowed to do so, but must first follow the relevant government guidance in full. Our testing programme is not a permitted alternative to completing the full 10-day period of self-isolation if arriving from a non-exempt country and cannot be used to reduce that period of self-isolation under the Government’s Test and Release Scheme.

When should I return to campus?

To help you comply with Government guidelines, we have set out the following suggested arrival and testing windows based on when your first face-to-face teaching is taking place.

First face-to-face teaching session  Recommended arrival window and testing 
w/c 18 January 9-15 January
w/c 25 January 16-22 January
w/c 1 February 23-29 January
Anytime after 8 February 30 January-7 February


These dates are designed to help you follow the Government recommendations. We know this will not be convenient for all of you and some of you may have already made other travel plans. We will support you whatever your travel arrangements and intended arrival date back to University.

If you are a postgraduate student, you may return to campus to use specialist facilities whenever you need to. However, if possible, you should be tested before accessing laboratories.

When will my teaching start in the new year?

Teaching begins on 18 January 2021 for all study programmes apart from KMMS. You should engage with all teaching sessions from this date. Your face-to-face teaching will be reintroduced over the first few weeks of term as shown on your timetable.

If you have any questions about Covid-19 related health, welfare and support issues please check our Coronavirus webpages or email

Best wishes


Professor Richard Reece | Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education and Student Experience


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Covid-19 update – 17 December 2020

From Professor Richard Reece, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education & Student Experience

Testing across this term

As we approach the end of the Autumn term, I’d like to share with you our achievements in testing our students and staff for Covid-19. Our asymptomatic testing facilities opened on 30 November and closed on 15 December 2020. During this period, an incredibly 4155 tests have been carried out from 5197 booked appointments. This equates to a 79% attendance rate. I am pleased to say that the number of positive cases through our testing facilities has been incredibly low, with only 16 positives identified.

We are currently busy planning our asymptomatic testing programme for the Spring term. This will open on 5 January 2021 on the Canterbury campus for students and staff. I am pleased to say that the booking system is now available should you wish to make appointments to be tested at Canterbury. For staff based at Medway, testing is available through Medway Council and you may book up to 7 days in advance.

Tier 3 restrictions

Following the Government’s announcement on 15 December 2020, Kent and Medway are still within the Tier 3 Covid level. This unfortunately means that restrictions are still in place as we move into Christmas. We can however look forward to some respite over the festive period and I do hope you take the opportunity for some much-needed relaxation time with your family and loved ones.

With my best wishes for the festive season,


Professor Richard Reece | Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education and Student Experience

Look after your wellbeing this Christmas

Article from Brenda Brunsdon, Occupational Health and Wellbeing Team Manager:

Change is a constant in life and sometimes, we need to mentally reframe, or redecide our approach to something to be able to accept the change it brings.

One of the major traits of resilient people is how they cope with change and they usually do it by reframing how they see the situation that has developed.

Take Christmas. Once solely a religious festival, in many ways it now represents a family-centric mid-winter fest, with lots of opportunity to party alongside any praise and thanks related to the coming of salvation.

Christmas though is not a season of joy for everyone. If you are one of those people dreading Christmas, for whatever the reason, remember that the University Employee Assistance Programme is staffed to take your call at any time, day or night. The telephone number is 0808 168 2143 and it doesn’t cost you anything to call.

Our relationship with Christmas changes over time. When we are children Christmas means mystery, anticipation and excitement. Teenage years bring the angst of not knowing whether to be a child or a grown up. We then mature into young adults without responsibilities, partying through Christmas; then young parents with children and the cycle begins again. All our family losses are marked at Christmas, the person not at the family get-togethers, the card that doesn’t arrive for 2 years running. They are balanced by the joys of new members of the family, especially children. Our relationship with Christmas shows we can cope with change and have the skill to psychologically reframe as we go through life.

The essence of Christmas is hope. The Christmas Story is that the Child is born, the wait is over; when He grows, He will usher in a time of love, kindness, and forgiveness for all. This year, we really need hope back in our lives. And the glimmers of hope are there on the horizon, with the roll out of the Covid 19 vaccine.

I wish everyone who reads this a peaceful, restful and happy Christmas Holiday period. I hope that those who have been touched by sadness and loss over the past 12 months can start to heal and move forward. 2021 is very near and, hopefully, it’s going to bring solutions to the problems of 2020.

‘What is Resilience? Defining Resilience’: by Emma Ogilvie on
‘Reframe Unhelpful Thoughts’: YouTube video by Every Mind Matters
‘The Importance of Hope; How to be more Hopeful’: by Paul Thomas on, article and video Information on the Employee Assistance Programme on OH website

People sitting around an illustration of a globe

Virtual Kent Global Showcase 2021

All staff are invited to attend our Virtual Kent Global Showcase 2021 Event which is taking place on Wednesday 20 January from 10.00 – 12.00.

Vivienne Stern of UUKi will be opening the event and we will receive key updates from other colleagues and students from across the University.

As usual, this will be an excellent example to share good practice across the divisions and departments, as we prepare for our next steps in internationalisation in 2021

You can sign up to the event now and a joining link will then be emailed to you nearer the time.

The Kent Global team look forward to seeing you there!

Two students chatting and sitting outside Templeman Library

Help promote the virtual Undergraduate Open Day

Kent’s Virtual Open Days are a fantastic way to showcase what the University can offer. Come join the Virtual Undergraduate Open Day on Wednesday 6 January from 16.00 – 19.00.

This will be our fourth undergraduate virtual open day and the first for 2021. We’ve added a Parents and Supporters Zone to our events, to give those supporting prospective students more information about Kent, student finance and how we’re keeping our students and staff safe.

Our last undergraduate virtual event in November had an attendance of over 2300+ with visitors from 80 countries.

We’ve also launched our ‘on-demand’ virtual open events for both undergraduates and postgraduates. These have proved popular as visitors are able to review all our open day content (minus the live sessions and chats) in their own time.

To help maximise recruitment for 2021, it would be a great help if staff could help promote the Undergraduate Virtual event across their platforms, either on their school websites and on social channels. To attend the event, you will need to register for your place – using the link below.

Please do forward on to friends or family members who may be interested in an Undergraduate course at Kent. Please see further information about the event on the Virtual Open Day webpage.