As part of the School of Politics and International Relations Public Speaker Programme, we are pleased to welcome Celia Mckeon, who has worked for almost twenty years with people who are trying to build peace in contexts of violent conflict. These experiences have persuaded her that we need to urgently rethink our approach to security in general, and not just in countries affected by violent conflict. How we choose to think about what security means, and what we choose to believe about how we create it, has a profound bearing on the kind of society we live in, the kind of relationships we have with others in the world, and the kind of future we will create for the generations to come.
Celia will be presenting Rethinking security in a violent world. The lecture will cover three areas: a brief analysis of current global security trends and the factors that drive insecurity; the dominant responses to global insecurity and how these are falling short; and some ideas about what a different approach to security might look like and how it might work in practice.
The talk will take place on Wednesday 1 March 2017 at 17.00 in Grimond Lecture Theatre 3, followed by a drinks reception in Grimond Foyer.
This is a free event and booking is not required. All are welcome to attend and we look forward to seeing you there. For further information, please contact