Prestigious funding award from the European Commission recognises the University’s contribution to child protection.

Supported by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships budget, the University, within a consortium co-ordinated by the University of Stirling, will carry out a project designed to improve the protection and wellbeing of children in Europe through the development of a common child protection curriculum. The funding award promises an improved knowledge base amongst social workers, enabling enhanced service delivery to vulnerable children, within and across different nation states.

Project partners include University of Bucharest, Romania, University of Tirana, Albania and Chisinau Ion Creanga State Pedagogical University in Moldova. Dr. Jane Reeves from the University’s Centre for Child Protection who is leading Kent’s activity within the project said: ‘this is a fantastic opportunity to work collaboratively across Europe on such an important issue. We were invited to the bid because of the innovative teaching and learning approaches we have pioneered here at the Centre and look forward to contributing our ideas and research to the project.’

For further information about Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships funding, please visit Please also see information on the Global Research Opportunities Workshop taking place at the Canterbury campus on 30th November 2015, which will include an overview of opportunities under Erasmus+.