An innovative mobile art space, ROOM, will soon be sited outside the Pilkington building on the Medway campus as a main campus presence for fine art and music, with plans for a series of residencies, projects and events through the year, thanks to Tim Meacham, Lecturer in Fine Art & Partner College Liaison Officer at the School of Music & Fine Art.
ROOM is a studio and gallery inside a shipping container which transforms a familiar utilitarian object into a comfortable, mobile environment, moving regularly to new locations across the South East to create a flexible space for making and showing art.
Commissioned in 2010 by Art at the Centre Swale, architect/artist Simon Barker designed a series of window boxes in the container’s skin, each with a distinctive character, filling it with natural light and setting up visual connections between the space of the interior and the surroundings.
Says Tim, “ROOM will be a student bookable space helping to extend activities beyond the studio. It responds to and reflects the growing interest in engaged practice. ROOM will be managed by a cross school student group (fine art, EED and Music) overseen and supported by academics.”
For more information on ROOM go to