National Teaching Fellowship Scheme

Every year the University is able to nominate up to three members of staff for the National Teaching Fellowship Scheme (NTFS). This individual award recognises outstanding teaching, learning support and pedagogic leadership, and currently attracts a prize of £10,000. Six members of Kent staff have already been recognised as National Teaching Fellows.

The next round of NTFS nominations is likely to open soon, and usually closes in early January. Details of the nomination and selection process can be found at Note that the details here refer to last year’s awards, but that the process is likely to be much the same in 2015-16.

Given the likely timescale for applications, we would like to complete nominations before the end of this term. We are therefore inviting expressions of interest from staff who feel they meet all of the criteria for the award. Successful nominees will need to provide evidence to support their claims (for example, student comments, internal and external testimonials, presentations and other dissemination activities, leadership of teaching initiatives).

The final decision on Kent’s nominations will be made by a panel led by Professor John Baldock, currently PVC for Teaching, Learning and Students. If you wish to be considered for nomination, please a) look in detail at the requirements of the award on the NTFS website, and b) submit a brief summary of how you meet each of the three NTFS criteria, and what evidence you would be able to provide to support a claim. Summaries should be no more than two sides of A4, and should be sent to Dr Janice Malcolm ( by 5pm on Friday 23 October 2015.

Potential applicants may also find it useful to attend this event:
Tuesday 20 October 2015
UELT seminar room, 12.30-1.30pm
Report from a recent NTFS workshop for potential nominees, led by Fran Beaton

You are welcome to bring your lunch with you, and drinks will be provided. Please email if you would like to attend.