Students in Dolce Vita cafe

Support around Government PIP announcement

From the Student Support and Wellbeing Team at Kent

Following the government announcement made yesterday on the proposals being put together for PIP and benefits we understand that the media coverage and reporting has caused upset to those in our community who receive this or have a relative that is in receipt of it.

In Student Support and Wellbeing we believe in offering full support, understanding and compassion to those that live day to day with disabilities and this includes mental health conditions and those that support loved ones. Whilst debate around support is welcome it is really important that the views and experiences of those who live with a disability or long-term health condition are given prominence, ensuring respect is shown to all and that decisions are not taken based on either limited understanding or unhelpful stereotypes.

At this stage these are proposals and any changes that come in to place will not be until next year and we have more to learn to understand what is being proposed and how this will impact those in receipt.

Regardless of what is said I want to reassure our students that at Kent we listen to students who are struggling and, in some instances, need extra support. You are important, you matter, and you are a valued part of our community. If the recent media coverage has caused distress do remember you can reach out to your SSW Adviser or speak to the Advice Centre at Kent Union. If you are dealing difficult or intrusive thoughts following these announcements you can also speak to a counsellor at Spectrum Life or call 111 and press option 2. Please do not struggle, there are people here and in other organisations that can help support you.

We will look at what support we offer around this going forward but for now we want to send this message to you in solidarity and to acknowledge what will be a difficult time ahead