Opening of the Student Media 50th Anniversary Interactive Project

The Student Media 50th Anniversary Interactive Project will open on the 16th May at 4pm in the Student Media Centre. It showcases 50 years of student media at Kent, From the first edition of InCant and the first transmission of Audio Rutherford to the launch of KTV and the CSRfm project. This will be a chance to relive the history of student media through our interactive installation which will feature old issues of InCant, KRED and InQuire, videos from the early film making societies and recordings from UKCR and CSRfm. The project has also uncovered the breadth of alumni involved in student media so as part of the wall we have included alumni stories and interviews relating to their time at student media and where they are now.

The wall will be a permanent fixture at the University so feel free to pop down and see us. Or if you are attending the alumni weekend in September we will also be open for you to see the installation.

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