Active Bystander Training – places are available on 25 November 10.00 -12.00 bookable on Staff Connect. At the University, we are fully committed to support our colleagues when confronting challenging behaviour.
Active Bystander training is a blend of eLearning and a virtual session. This will help ensure that staff can play their part in preventing any inappropriate behaviour.
Georgina Randsley de Moura, Deputy Vice-Chancellor – Academic Strategy, Planning and Performance, comments: ‘As part of our commitment to our staff and student community, I am pleased to support the Active Bystander initiative. We value our community, and therefore it is our responsibility to create and nurture an environment, which is safe, supportive, and free from all forms of bullying and harassment. This initiative is an important step forward.’
Active Bystander training is now available for all staff. It comprises an eLearning module, available to self enrol on Staff Training Moodle, followed by a virtual training session on Teams. The upcoming date for the Active Bystander virtual session is 25 November 10.00-12.00, which is bookable on Staff Connect.
The eLearning and session aims to:
- Understand the definition of bystander
- Define the problem and why we need Active Bystanders
- Understand why some bystanders act and some do not
- Look at the skills of a bystander
- Understand what to say and when to say it
- Understand the impact of active bystanders