Research and Excellence workshops

The Research Excellence Team at Kent are hosting a series of workshops designed to help academic researchers and post graduate researchers with stakeholder engagement and raising their public profile through social media.

The aim of this workshop series is to encourage researchers (at whatever stage of their research career they are) to start thinking about building their public profile to benefit their research impact and create and nurture their stakeholder relationships.

Often, research impact is not widely promoted due to researchers not understanding how to create their public profile, how to identify their stakeholders and consequently build relationships with these stakeholders. These workshops cover all these aspects and as they are also at the start of the next REF cycle, it is a great time to start this process for the REF 2028 submission.

From the feedback from the first workshop that was held last week (‘Initiating and retaining stakeholder relationships’), many researchers have just be awarded grants following bid applications and do not know how to engage through research to maximise the impact of their research.

The next two workshops to take place are:

Enhancing stakeholder relationships: using social media to create your profile – 5 November 12.00 -14.00

To find out more about this workshop and how to book your place please visit this Research Policy and Support webpage.

Fast, easy and free audio-visual content creation for academics – 11 and 22 November 15.00 – 17.00

To find out more about this workshop and how to book your place please visit this Research Policy and Support webpage.