Sunday 10 October 2021 is World Mental Health Day.
If we all do one thing, we can change everything – World Mental Health Day | Mind, the mental health charity – help for mental health problems.
Mental health is often determined by where we live or who we are.
This Mental health day, do one thing:
- Add your voice – start a conversation about Mental Health
- Learn about Mental Health and its inequality
- Ask for and access information and support if you need it.
At Kent, we have a number of resources for all staff to access:
- Employee Assistance Programme
- Psychotherapy available through OH
- Health and Wellbeing Yammer channel
- Health and Wellbeing Strategy Statement and Psychological Wellbeing Standard
- Mental Health ‘One Stop Shop’
- Online Moodle training packages for staff on wellbeing and mental health
- Manager Mental Health @ Work training sessions through T&OD
- Inclusion Passport and Manager Guidance
- Reasonable Adjustments e-learning via Staff Moodle.
Over the next year, we are also planning to provide further support – look out for:
- the introduction of Mental Health Allies
- a number of training sessions via Mind – three sessions of each across the academic year (one per term) in different formats – virtual, on campus and at the Mind facilities in Folkestone. Topics will include:
– Understanding Stress and Anxiety 90 Minutes
– Understanding depression– 90 minutes
– Mental Health Awareness – 90 minutes
– Introduction to workplace Mental health and wellbeing – 120 minutes.