While you are probably very familiar with online study by now, we want to share some practical tips to get you back into the online learning headspace after the Winter vacation.
- Take another look at your study area set up and make sure you’re not causing yourself any unnecessary strain. This webpage also includes tips for maximising your internet connection speed
- Take a read over our new Netiquette guidance for how you can make the most of your online interactions with staff and other students
- Need an overall refresh on online learning at Kent? Take the Online Learning at Kent: a Guide to Successful Study Online Moodle module
- Remind yourself of all the services that the Library and IT team offer by dipping into the Hello Library and IT Moodle module
- Received a new device for Christmas? Don’t forget you can download Microsoft 365 for free on up to 5 devices
- Use LibrarySearch Digital to access online library resources including e-books, e-journals and databases to help you in your studies. You can also make use of the subject specific library guides
- Try out live captioning on Microsoft Teams. Click the ‘…’ to bring up the menu where you can switch captions on. Full instructions for live captions
- Sharpen your online library skills by taking the Library Research Skills Moodle modul
- If you are transgender or non-binary you can contact the Central Student Admin Office to get amend your personal details, which also updates your preferred name on Microsoft Teams
- Check out our software finder which can be filtered by categories (e.g. time management, accessibility, data/statistics) and also by course for subject-specific software.
We hope these tips are helpful. The start of term is the perfect time to fix any ongoing technical issues you might have been ignoring. Contact the IT and Library Support Desk who will do their best to help you.