Professor Peer Zumbansen, founding director of the Dickson Poon Transnational Law Institute at King’s College London, will deliver the annual lecture for the Centre for Critical International Law (CeCIL) on Friday 13 March.
Entitled ‘International Law’s Local Blindside: Reflecting on the Public and Private in Global Governance’, Professor Zumbansen’s lecture will explore the nature of international legal sovereignty.
The lecture, to be preceded by a drinks reception at 5pm in Keynes Teaching Foyer, will begin at 6pm in Keynes Lecture Theatre 3. All staff and students are welcome.
On the same day, Professor Zumbansen will also attend a CeCIL workshop entitled ‘The Victims of International Law‘ beginning at 1.30pm in Keynes S17, during which members of CeCIL will present their work in progress.
CeCIL is an innovative research centre, based at Kent Law School, which aims to foster critical approaches to the field of international law, and other areas of law that touch upon global legal problems.